Wednesday, November 26, 2014


My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord.
Psalm 145:21

Read :
Psalm 145:10-21

 We all need a friend someone we can turn to,
And even cling to if necessary. Sometimes friends Family members, sometimes they're co-worker, or School mates, or neighbors.When you have a Friend you know you are loved, and the days seem Brighter. But not everyone has a friends. Many people go Through life with sinking feeling that no one really Cares in a specially way for them. It is a lonely Haunted feeling. 
To anyone like that and actually to all of us let Me suggest the ultimate friend. He is the Lord God, The one who, far more than any human acquaintance, Can meet our deepest companionship needs.
   When we consider all that God does for us, it's Obvious that He is our greatest friend. In psalm 145, we read that God upholds all who fall and raises up All who are bowed down (v.14). He gives food in Due season and satisfies the desire of every living thing 
(Vv.15-16). God is so righteous in all his ways and Gracious in all his works (v.17). The Father is near to all who call on him in truth (v.18). He fulfills the Desire, heart the cry and saves those who fear him (V.19). And He preserves all who love him ( v.20).God is the ultimate friend. Depend on him We have a friend who'll never leave, Who's closer than a brother; He's there to meet our deepest needs,
To comfort like no other.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014


   Search for wisdom as for hidden treasures;
   then you will understandthe fear of the Lord.
                                                  Proverb 2:4-5

Read Proverb 2:1-9
Mel Fisher was a treasure hunter who 
search for gold and found it. In 1985,
after 16 years of looking he finally 
discovered the Spanish Wreck 
Nuestra Señora de Atocha in 55 feet 
of water near key West, Florida. 
His divers salvaged million of dollars' 
worth of treasure from that sunken 
ship but it didn't come easy. They 
toiled long and hard With detectors, 
diving to investigate every metallic "hit." 
Fisher's Dreams and work eventually 
paid off when he came upon his big find.

The Bible describes another kind of treasure 
as being more Precious than gold, silver,
or rubies  ( proverb 3:14-15). It is Wisdom, 
which is more than knowledge. It's the ability to 
Apply that knowledge to everyday life. Solomon, 
who asked God for a wise and understanding heart,
told us in Proverb 2 To seek for wisdom with the 
same persistence and intensity As we would 
search for hidden treasures (v.4). We must cry 
Out for discernment and understanding (v.3), 
incline our ear To wisdom (v.2), and recieve God's 
words and treasure then in Our heart ( v.1).

Do we value wisdom?
Do we seek it as diligently 
as if it were Gold.? If so, 
we will be rewarded 
with life's greatest treasure
The knowledge of God 

What will it profit a man 
when life here is o' er 
though great wordly 
Wisdom i gain,
 if seeking knowledge 
i utterly fail the wisdom
Of God to obtain.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Good and the Bad Laughter

               To everything there is a season, a time 
         for every purpose under heaven: a time to weep, 
         and a time to laugh. Ecclesiastes 3:1,4

      Read: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

              Doctors and psychologyists tell us that laughter 
      is good for us. This is undoubtedly true, because the 
      Bible says that "a merry heart does good, like medicine
      ( Proverb17:22).
      But the Scripture make a distinction between good 
      and bad laughter. The author of Ecclesiastes declared 
      that the laughter of people who have no place for God 
      in their lives has no more value than the noise of crack-
      Ling thorns in a fire ( Ecclesiastes 7:6). God disapproves 
      of any humor That  belittle people or makes light of imm-
      orall Sin is never a laughting matter.

      Joe E. Brown was  a top notch movie and broadway 
      comedian of the World War II era . When entertaining 
      American troops in the south pacific, he was asked  
      by a soldier to tell some dirty jokes. He responded, " son, 
      a comedian like me lives for applause and laughter but if 
      telling a dirty story is the price I must pay for your laughter, 
      then I'm not interested. I've never done un act that I couldn't 
      perform before my mother , and I never will. The soldier 
      rocked the jungle with their cheers.

      Lord, give us a merry heart. And help us be discerning so that 
      We  will laught for the for the right reason and about the right 
                           LAughter is like music 
                            that lingers in the heart:
                           And when its melody is heard
                           The ill of life depart

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