Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 SCRIPRURE: Acts 1:6-11

VERSE FOR TODAY: But he shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you (Acts 1:8). 

HYMN FOR TODAY: "There Is Power in the Blood"

When asked to describe faith, an elderly friend replied, "Whatever they asked you to do, do the best you can. That's what I learned in the Navy." In his unique way, he went on to give three rules: "Trust God. Use your brains. Then do the best you can. He'll help you."After Jesus' death and resurrection, and before He returned to the Father, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to abide with His people. And when He was come, he would give His children the power to serve Him and do His will.Jesus went on to say that His people are to be His witnesses to the world. In other words, we are to tell the world through our attitudes, words, and actions, what Jesus Christ, our Savior,  wants them to hear. It isn't always easy to bear witness for Christ in our every day world. Although my constant aim is to be like Lord, I'll confess I'ved failed. While shopping, for example, I haven't always been my best. And at times, when asked to do something, I've failed to trust the power of the Holy Spirit to help me accomplished it. But to my chagrin, I've found that trying to do anything bymy own strength invites failure.

PRAYER THOUGHT: Dear Gather, forgive me for my failure to trust You. When I am asked to do anything for You, enable me to claim Your power, use what You've given me to use, and do my best. Then I can have the faith that You will enable me to accomplish any task You assign me. I pray this prayer inthe name of Jesus. Amen.

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