Friday, December 16, 2022


Scripture: "He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth."
Hymn: "Yes and Amen"
ROARING WINDS, the spray of sleet and snow, dangerous and slippery ice, Remember those storms when you were a child?  I sure do. I'd shiver under my quilt, listening to the creaking branches outside my bedroom window, Would the house survive?  Would I?
Moaning winds made me feel lonesome. I hoped sleep would let me escape the night, but every time I'd  nod off, rattling windows would shake me awake. I watched the twisted shadows of branches jerk madly across the bedroom wall. Would morning ever come? 
Yes, but with it, a different picture. I awoke to soft rays of sun warning my bed covers. The howling had ceased and only an occasional gust would swirl powdery snow off the still. Quiet called me out of bed and to the window where I gasped at the dazzling white landscape. It was...beautiful
There are days when  my soul feels windblown, raw and exposed--times when I'm  tossed in a blustery tempest with everything breaking loose. But the God who brings beauty out of blizzards promises to bring peace after the storm. And when the beauty drawns, I hardly remember the fright of that stormy trial.
If you sense storm warning, hold on to a couple of "winter watch" verse from Scripture. Recall how near and present the Lord really is. Cling to His promises of peace. Remember the joy comes in the morning. Let Him cover you your fear with His love, like a blanket of snow, soft and gentle.
PRAYER: You the Lord who calmed the storms and brought peace to  fearful hearts. Praise You for being the light of morning of sunrise. Thank You for being the brightness after rain.

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