"You have Two Choice In Life " a high tech entrepreneur Named Rico tells me " You can work for someone else, or you can start your own business. I would Prefer to start a small Company and build it up big rather than work for someone else in a Large Corporation." To earn the Capital he would need to start his own business. Rico got the job as an independent Consultant for a Large Base company. Helping the Company create a Package software That Must Ready to absorb The Streamline of Environmental Digital World for the year 2014. Rico Must be Flexible in his Strategy Knowing that the Possibility That was enhance to him it is a gift From Above that you will Discover not only as a Marketer.But an Elite Entrepreneurs who has a mind-set of Generating Lot of Small Business, People have this that During your business hour you are thinking a front Side of Your Business. about Supporting The Customers and Getting a New Customer. a Lot of Times you don't even get around to the administrative side Paying the Bills and thinking about Payroll until after five O'clock the less time it takes the Better.One of Example Good Small Type of Business is this.
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This to the user Ready to Achieve You Goal in innovation. The Idea of Creating an online Service that would allow people to have instant money to pay their Bill whatever they wanted to struck a Lot of people as a Good idea. and you will Discover this it is about Trust, And You will See The Difference Unique in Your Business.
New Innovation has Started they See Visuality Than Reading. But in Reality Using The The Theory of Counting,
Visuality is Actually Reading.
The Digital Business, Visuality is more Applicable, Permutation Reading and Doing Your Strategy.
New innovation has Presented to You This Mobile apps that will work for you, Your update in Your Business.
You have Forgotten what it like to wait on this thing again? I say No
Your Search Engine will not wait for you
Because Google offer you as a Personal approach in the Digital Marketing.
You are the factor of the Digital Marketing
That Why you say, We want Stuff When we want it, and we want it now! See how Ridiculous is it
This has not affect yours Marketing Technique on Google plus you have the Edge in other social Platform. speaking of Time it's in your hand. it's a Matter of Routine how you do it.
Because every work have a space of time it is your Personal Branding when it Comes Running your Own business.
it is not them that will do from you even they are in a group they are running their own affair too. This is the advantage of the User taking Care about people.
that is a Good strategy. then
" Response was That's terrific, One of the reason why I wanted to start this business were not being paid This is the Reason getting the people to realized that the small business marketplace is not Market place to be ignore, Then we've achieved one our objective.
1. Hangout
Gives you a good impression to your brand your content it counts.
People see you, your Personality reflect how you engage, Interact and it build communication, Closer Connect the Atmosphere of Links well Established.
2. Turn your Article Content into Cash
You Write Excellent Article you have
Great Traffic to your Articles. But you aren't making any money. This is the Problem for many writer they expect a fair share of income available online, and who can blame them? No one told them the secret of Making money online,
But you should know how to Monetized your Article so you can get motivated to write even more article and earns even more money
Convert Your Original Content into Cash can be done in several ways.
This are the Five central ways that can Greatly boost your earning online by thinking outside the box with you.
3. Reading Your Article Aloud -
Sound File.
Search Engine knows loves original Content. Your Article could score well in that area. But what about those who
can't Read? what about other people, many of them don't like to spend their time reading? they want your content they are looking for the key words, or they might get lost of hundred of words written but had no impact for what they are searching for.
If they aren't Accustomed in reading,
We can use instrumental task like sound file, i like podcast but they ask ios 7 it updated or go Viral.
The more we make a sound the more we create a traffic this can attract the reader just like faith comes from hearing will trigger our brain, reading aloud make sense. WordPress, sound file is there upload add comment to your blog the interest of the reader using quick additional table in your Dashboard can get directly to the search engine. Although they can't understand the content of the media file that's what your article for. you can Supplement your content by adding your own sound file.
4. Doing a Video Explaining your Article
The Video Cast is similarity doing a video where you read your Article aloud with good look template.
The headline an all be in place together
in a minute using the window movie maker jump cam video me or creator up make your own movie and upload this to your, youtube d embed this Video on your Blog. So you can also embed video along with your article content.
Showing them and encourage and offer people to read loud to themselves. Getting what they want there sense like taste, see and hear and feel is a big Gain for a customer impression that make customer lead. these are the effective ways for monetizing your content.
5. Start Monetizing Your Site With Ads.
There is Nothing Wrong with Making Money for your Effort. This is one Type of mindset that has previously discuss in the beginning that hindered some of us many, in making money online.
You shouldn't Let Yourself be affected by that type of Thinking, But you should presented a Relevant Ads in the Form if Affiliate Links Banners or Google AdSense. You might as well earn Some money when people are stay longer in your page.
Start making Money Online through artticle by thinking outside the Box. Be the First to help other by giving Direction
to lead them through your page to the other page of content? Now start turning your Original Content into CASH!!
It's not about Gimmick or Latest Buzzwords Advertising goes deeper than just Slick Trick to get your Click
1. Fueling Social Fanudom at MTV, VH1, and Comedy Central
Millennis and Gen-xer are Passionate about TV Show movie and Song that they Love they aren't afraid to tell you how they really feel through their tweet share, Like is the best to excite your audience enough that they take their opinion to the Web
2. PSFK Lab's Future of Retail Showcase Creating Sustainable instant Model.
Piers Fawkes Editor in chief of PSFR.com
and the team behind PSFS much buzzed about 2014"Future Retail report on Riveting exploration of the ideas and innovation shaping Tomorrow Retail Landscape hell join by a thriling Line up of guest speaker for my leading Brand and cutting Edge innovation incubator including Tim
3, Grow your audience with Google Hosted By Google
More Eyeballs on your content are never a bad thing- they equalize for login and registration more Apps download and more user energy innovation at google and the Companies that there brave utilized their innovation. and if you want from Google. Mark your Brand Social across the web.
4. The State if Real Time VS predective Matketer 2014
Spontaneously and diligent Planning they both have their. benefit so what should your marketking team use to get the ultimate Response from your target proponent of both real your time markeing and.
6 Ways For Marketer To
Understand Millenials
This Social Media week
Authur; Nicky Yates
Category; Culture & LifeStyle Mobile Apps
This is Visually. seems in summit.
1. 5 ways millenials Habit are Changing
How Content is made and Share.
The First Step is Admit You Need Deeper Understanding. So we recommend Starting out SM14 with Complex Media and their Friend to learn how the millenials Generation habits are Causing a speedy shift in how Content is Created and distributed, From the discover of new talent and Vine star to be ever Present listicle, You'll need Deeper understanding
of this Generation to get your Marketing on Track
2. How to Build a Brand that People won't Buy, They Join The millenials Generation
is the most cause oriented Generation since world war II. So how do you got them to buy into Your Brand with movement? That's Exactly what Zady Charity; water, and whole Food have Manage to Master and take away from their Case Studies ways your Brand can come more Connected to our Passionate Generation.
3. Fueling Social Fandom at MTV, VH1 and Comedy Central.
Once you understand Millenial better its time to took those who serve them best
Comedy Central has the Market Corner Currently and MTV wad once king of Youth. But for both this Demographic is key. The two have quite a bit they can share and Learn from each. So we're putting them together with VH1 to high Light how you can keep you Fan base engage. drawing from their own examples in everything from online to apps.
4. The Social Lives of Network Teens, a Conversation with the Author danah boyd and andrew Rasiej now, it time to get advance, without contest. Few understand
5. Reading is no Longer Fundamental. The Shift to Visual Vocabulary.
Our Streams are Flooded with gifs, Instagram, emoji and bitstrips we're moving to a very Visual marketing Period
and its driven by millenials" Visual" new Language that need to be mastered. As we Look to the Future, we have to ask; is this a new rra for cross Culture communication, or is it changing the way we think and not for the better? JWT leads a group if expert to really Look at this impact Particularly in Commerce.
6. The Future is Now; Health Innovation
track Sponsored by Merck and while we're talking above Movement, No Generation was more Supportive of Health Innovation than millenials. They are now turning away from Politics tk find other ways they can creates innovation in the Health care industry. that something Merck knows a thing two above. Value Creation in the Health care Arena is Now in extricably Connected to Digital and Social Technology.
This Coming Feb. 19 is a social Media week for us. I Like to Present How Warby Parker there Hangout i enjoy watch. i other to watch this.

by looking to there eye Glasses you can create your Strategy in making your content. there are 5 ways to it to Convert your content into Cash.
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