Sunday, December 15, 2013

Face Book is the Playground of Potential investor"

The quest for self discovery is spark as you browsing the Aisles of Target like  Kmart Walmart or other major Retailers that our mind is registering all the items what we see and what we want to achieve the Ads.The entrepreneurs the marketeer walks through this aisles inventing his plan to feed his brain given signal what he has heard and see in the Precinct of the Heart, Spur Gearing our though to re-discover the secret of success is at Hands. But without the Key we can't ignite "The Art of self this year be wanna be all might take a lesson from a conversation overheard between a Robin (Entrepreneur) and Sparrow(marketer);  Said the Robin to the sparrow; "I should really like to know why these anxious human being rush about and worry so" said the sparrow "friend, I think it must be 
the Best Return of your money pour your purse into your Head" The Key's to keep Company only with people who uplift you, whose presence call forth your Best. Just like cooking we eat healthy food, Ads choices campaign for consumer DSP SSPs DMPs and exchanges help inspire news, IAD Data Driven  ADS site Today, the interactive advertising Bureau (IAB) announce the launch of organization's new Data- Driven advertising site.
Data Driven
Welcome to Data Driven Advertising- The simplified Resources on how data is used to serve ads to peoples web browsers; where that data come from and how it moves through the ecosystem IES data about data- helping reach their goal, and consumers get the most from the online experiences. In Addition to this site,the Data council work other i initiatives. The Point is that as more of us Live more of lives through our broad band connection, marketers have to search for the way to access and Leverage the vast social data in the internet, some fleeting and some more abiding that we create online. There are 13 pointers Ad standard & Creative Guideline contract and privacy.( Robin said i hope we address our Hero to his Goal, the sparrow said, One Foolproof method of escape from self-Centeredness can be found in the principle of non attachment to the fruit of action. Robin say how about Promoted Discovery friend (sparrow) read this, As you  navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration, other people and other people ideas are often better than your own. find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them and it will will change your life" Amy Poehler. are you with the people that inspire you, monday motivation."Go to the people and the Places that set spark in your soul. for the Reader people that use to Disqus are part of the important Largest Community of communities no matter what their interest are and as interest change Disqus gives people opportunities to find new communities, content and people we see  strong engagement  in both organic and promote content. The write emphasize how they the investor played my face Book is (FB) CIA  now forecast $53.39^
the Facebook however closed at its highest since oct 25? a day after it was  selected to join  the S&P 500 index. here are data to prove that FaceBook is a Playground of Potential investor. Investor Relation; FaceBook mission  is to give people the Power to share and make the World Open and connected. People use FaceBook to stay. Investor
ACCER Partner; who own FaceBook? The define who's who guide to in late 2004 Thiel became FaceBook First Significant outside investor when he pt in $500,000 initially structure as a Loan, The financing Later converted to a who ownsfacebook.
Investor Event- facebook some of the information or Material made available on this website may contain forward  Looking ststement including words such as "believe" Investor
FaceBook Investor; I'm buying more Aug 1, 2013 after Face book  shares briefly Topped their initial Public offering price,  one investor bulked up his investment predicting that stock is on its way.
Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year 2014

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