Monday, June 1, 2015

"Without Christ I Am Nothing"

"The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed Into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being" 

When God chose dust as His artistic medium to create Adam (Gen. 2:7). He didn't have to worry about running out of material. According to Hannah Holmes, author of the Secret Life of Dust. "Between 1 and 3 billion tons of desert dust fly up into the sky annually. One billion tons would fill 14 million boxcars in a train that would wrap six tmes around the Earth's equator."
No one has to buy dust, for we all have more than we want. I ignore it as long as I can in my house. My reasoning is this: If I don't disturb it, it's not as noticeable. But eventually it accumulates to the point that I can no longer pretend it's not there. So I haul out my cleaning supplies and start removing it from wherever it has found a resting place.
 As I remove the dust, I see myself reflected in the smooth surface. Then I see another thing: I see That God took something worthless, dust, and made it into something priceless you and me and every other person (Gen.2-7).
 The fact that God used dust to create humans makes me think twice about labeling someone or something worthless. Perhaps the very thing that I want to get rid of a person or problem that annoys me is the artistic medium God has given to display His glory.

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