Tuesday, September 13, 2016


"Hope deferred maketh the sick, but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life."
                                                                                Proverb 13:12

"Smith, watch me when I'm Preaching. I get so near to heaven when I'm preaching that some day I'll be off." He thought back on these words that that his dear Polly had once spoken. "Well," he mused, "she certainly must have preached tonight."
It was New Year's Day, 1913. The local doctor and a policeman had met him just as he was stepping out the front door, on his way to Glasgow to minister at some meetings However, the look on the two men's faces as they met him told him that something was wrong.
"Polly's". dead, smith. She fell dead at the mission door." Just a few hour before, he had bid her well as she was leaving to go preach there. How he loved his Polly. She was everything in the world to him. In the natural he was devastated, but deep down inside, he knew that she was where she wanted to be. He began to speak in tongues and praise the Lord, laughing in the Spirit.
Soon the house was filled with people. Her body had been brought to the house. They took her up to her room and laid her lifeless form on the bed.
"She's dead, and we can do no more." the man of God just smiled. He knew differently. Asking everyone to please leave the room, he closed the door when tge last one had left. He turned around and walked over to her bed. He knew that she with her beloved Lord as she had so longed to be, but standing before her now, he couldn't bear the separation.
"In the name of Jesus, death give her up." Polly's eyes opened and looked straight into his. "Polly, I need you." "Smith, the Lord wants me." An incredible struggle was going on inside him now. Oh, how much he wanted her with him. How could he go on without her? He had thought that they would have so many more years together.? That still, small voice came the voice he knew so well, the only one he loved more than hers. "She's mine. Her work is done." With tears streaming down his face, he yielded to the Lord. "My darling, if the Lord want you, I will not hold you." She smiled as he kissed her cheek tenderly. Then he simply said, "Good-bye for the present." Her eyes closed, and she was gone, "Yes Lord." He had obeyed. He turned and walked out of the roomm. It was the hardest thing he had ever done.

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