Saturday, October 26, 2019

Noble Plans

There's a difference between saying, "I would like to visit England sometime" and saying, "I'm planning to visit England next week," One statement ecpresses a desire, the other indicates definite preparation.
So often we enter a new year with hope, win, win, win solution desires and resolutions tgat can be the seeds of positive change, But the key to what actually happens in our lives is in making definite plans. That involves thought, purpose, and effort build build.
Isaiah wrote about a future time when "a king will reign in righteousness" (Isaiah32:1). This prophetic passage tells us about the coming rule of Christ, but it also gives us a principle that we who bow before Jesus as a King can apply today
Isaiah contrasted the schemer who "devises wicked plans" with tge generous or nobke person who  xevises generous things" (vv. 7-8).As Christ's follower, we are to be generous people.
What plans have we made for increased generosity during this coming new year? We the  pilipino people loves.. Are hoping  to give more time and attention to otheror have we madd some specific commitment? If we want to help a person or cause financially, have we written the first check? Let look back those year..
This is a great time to make noble plans that God honor God with our vision and generosity. God plans include you

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