Tuesday, March 31, 2020


We can wander in circles, making the study of prophecy an end in itself. We may spend hours fervently trying to match newspaper clippings with verses from the Bible. What good is all our figuring, however, if it never moves us one step forward in our walk with the Lord?
With all of the divisiveness in society these days, it seems like the last thing we need is a gospel txt that seemingly encourage more division.
On the face of it Jesus calls for or predict that very thing yet, as we dive into this txt, there are certainly other interpretation available situated inside the entire there is ample evidence to suggest that Jesus is setting the stage for the eventual outcome of his ministry and what means for those who follow him.
This particular section can be looked at as having three different parts. 
The first is a quick summary of His ministry and its eventual end; A fire of cleansing judgment that spread the good new and the the baptism of His death in order to conquer death. Following this is a discussion of the effects the gospel might have on anyone who follow Him, and finally, a warning from Jesus about our willingness to hear and see only what we want to.
Nourishing fire of good news
1. In the first part Luke 12: 49-50, we hear this language of fire and think judgment, and that may be what Christ want us to think... For now but, in reality, the fire of judgment is perhaps about our own (in) ability to save ourselves. The cleansing fire reveals that we need God. Fire was meant to destroy the reigning religion and religiousity that people used was a way of "quaranteeing" their salvation, yet, which ironically actually distancing people from could do the same be said for our own religion today? The Lord Jesus fire will burn down our human need for security and by extension those institutions that provide human security instead of security in God. The fire is followed by the talk of baptism, which has promise inherent within it. Baptism is not meant to be simply an easy, joyous occasion. On the one hand, baptism is promise for us, on the other hand, for Jesus, baptism leads to death on the cross so that we might have life. This death turns our baptism into joy and celebration for many, baptism is the entry into life of the church. Part of life as God's chosen is vocation God's calling to us. This means that Christ baptism, and His ministry and death on the cross, prefigures our own baptism and provides a bridge to the next section about division. Our calling, varied and numerous, do not end the day we are baptized. What ends in baptism is the conquences, for our failure to live out those vocation. So,  while joy is a fundamental emotion for baptism, it is joy because of the grace that we have been given. Not because we will never ecperience the pain again.
We live in a broken, divided world
2. In the second part, verses 51-53 Jesus lets those gatheted know the following him will not be easy. Particularly because the gospel will not always bring peace. Families were being torn apart when the gospel spread because it changed everything. Given our contexts, this may not always happen, but there certainly could be some disagreement or strife in families as the nature of the call is worked out and understood. Whether its better to attend church, go to seminary, engage in social justice issues. etc. 
The gospel's effect can creat division. There is no doubt that many churches have experienced division at sometimes in their histories the problem may not lie in the division itself. But in Now situation, how we respond to the division that today present happening in our lives. 
One possibility may be to see that God is at work in all realities, and that division is not the problem, perhaps it is in our own naive expectation that we have more truth than others. Instead, could God be at work on both sides of an issue? (Exodus 20: 5-6), but i like (verse 17). There gave been calls within the christian church to become on church so that all might believe. Jesus talk about division may point to a broken reality for Christianity no matter how hard we work toward unity. Perhaps this is Jesus point: that human' togetherness is not what the gospel is about. Rather, the gospel is preached into the life of an individual person will do its work, and we ask left to trust that it is God at work, and  resist our attempts to control the outcome. 
You're the hypocrite, not me! 
Our need for control may be the point of the final part of this selection, (verse 54-56), where Jesus addresses our inability to realized what's really happening. Why do we remain blind to all that is happening around us concerning Christ and God? The accusation of hypocrites is an interesting subject. One here, since Jesus is talking about those who can read signs but can't figure out the present time, "Now" this isn't exactly hypocrisy, but sound more like bad vision. The hypocrite label might lake sense if the hypoctites believe that Jesus bring grace, yet who continues to work under the law to achieve their own rightrousness. Or, we might be hypocrite when we believe that we have a monopoly of truth, about oursrlves and our world. The hypocrite think they have everythng figured out, but keeps using human actions to quarantee God's presence and remain in control. 
This accusation of hypocrisy is an important one to consider seriously as we live out life in the church. Do we allow ourselves to hear God's call again and again, or do we rest comfortably in our perfect church attendance or other human work? Another why to put this is why do we insist or pretending to ignore the injustices (racial and otherwise) around us? Most likely the answer is that we don't want to see what's really happening or our role in the injustices of the world. There is clearly an opportunity to talk about the "Elephant in the room" for many contexts simply naming issue might be gospel for many, and maybe that kairotic event that changes everything. It may lead to division, but, we gave to trust that God is at work in all situations, and remember that God has claimed is in our baptism, not because we're been perfect believers. 
Whenever Scripture takes us to the future, it does so to give us a better view of the present and how we ought to live in light of what we know. Notice, for instance, Peter's fiery portrait of the judgment of the world. 
The present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.. The day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up.(2Pet.3:7,10)
Yet he refuses to rest his pen until he draws the implications for our lives today: since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness.. 
Be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless. (vv. 11,14; see also 1Thess.4:13-5:11). Viewing the future through God's prophetic telescope is supposed to change the way we look at the present. It is designed to rearrange our, the present times, our priorities and shape our values today. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020


As it is necessary for man to eat in order to sustain life and have strength and vigor, so is it essential for him to meditate upon the Word of God that he might have spiritual strength and be prosperous.
"But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" It is further expected believer that he be stable and steady, not pushed around with every new wind of calamity. Read (Isaiah 26:20). (Exodus 20: 5-6).There is only one sure way to protect man against error and sin. Again that comes through the Word of God as we daily meditate upon it. "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou had learn them; and that from child thou known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
Instruction saying, "YOU'D BETTER GET OUT OF THIS MESS OR YOU ARE GONNA END UP IN BIG TROUBLE!" If we are having trouble with the same sin time and time again, its very possible that we are not being overtaken but following after. After all, to be overtaken implies that we were caught off guard. We were just going our business and got ambushed. But there are times the devil tries to set us up for a spiritual ambush. What is it now it happening! There must be cause. Just what is the world interested in anyway? We have not been taught enough about character in the body of Christ today. And it is certainly easy to understand why because, in some cases, we observe character trying to teach others how to have character. People in the world aren't interested in how many scriptures you can qoute or how much of the Bible you know, they are interested in how much you care and how much of the character of Christ is evident in your life. People are looking for somebody that is living what they are saying. We need character of God. Yes, we have the nature of Christian our heart as born-again believer. Many people have already found this biblical principle to be true, other are finding it to be true, but we all will ultimately experience this truth. Yes, God will give us all opportunity to clean our own wash. Unfortunately, many have gotten too arrogant, too boastful, too prideful, and/or too high on pedestal. Interesting enough, the word character is not found anywhere in the Word of God. Not one place in scripture, Old or New Testament, you see the word character written. However, the concept of character is found throughout the Word of God. Let me finished this, You may have the Word, but you need an awakening spirit. The Word is not alive until it is moved upon by the Spirit of God. Like today, i called it calamity the reason here is "greedy" that there mind is darkened and are dying of spiritual lack in the midst of the abundant riches of God. In the present time, more of the preaching of the Word of God provides more revelation of the Word than in any previous era. The wonderful truths and promises of God are being declared in churches around the world by men of God with sincere hearts. However, great teaching becomes just "knowledge [that] puffs up" (1Corinthians 8:1). In the minds of those whose spirit have fallen into slumber. An awakening spirit is one that is free of the doping effects of the flesh and the carnal mind. 
Who you are and what is you are now in Christ is nothing short of phenomenal! But the carnal mind (the sinful, fleshly mind that you lived with prior to conversion) cannot even begin to see this, let alone appreciate it
 Neither can you grasp it if you are still controlled by your emotions and feelings. The reason is that, when your emotions rule, your spirit slumbers. When you feel happy, you think you believe; but when you thought you had seems to disappear. You are riding an amotional roller coaster up, then down; belief, then doubt; trust, then worry, and so on. 
The solution is to live by your born-again Spirit, an awakened spirit ruled by Holy Spirit, and not by your mind and emotions. But how do you do this? 
As spiritual hunger grows, causing us to earnestly seek God in the Word and in prayer, our spirits break the shackles of the flesh and of the soul (the mind and emotions). We begin to live with an awakened spirit that lays hold of all the "exceedingly great and precious promises" (2 Peter 1:4) of God. Thus, in turn, brings us into the realization of the power and authority that we actually have in Him.} All the truth and keys of this truth lived with this awakened spirit. YHWH is looking for those who will do the same. Yahawah, let us ever live with an awakened spirit. Take us out of our slumber, so that we might be all that You desire totally filled all that You have for us. 

Friday, March 27, 2020

"Language to Teach You A Lesson"

Scripture is more than just a dry record of historical facts. It comes to us in poetic forms that convey strong emotions, in pithy, essays say-to-remember nuggets of truth, and in other forms that sometimes suprise us. In the variety of the forms in the Word of God we see something of the infinite thought of God Himself. The work of studying, interpreting, and applying the Bible is essential for the Christians. Our brief study, however knowing Scripture is a good place to start to learn this times, make yourself a student of the Word of God and an obedient observer of its teaching. Read (Isaiah 28: 9-13). They complain about me. They say Who does that man think he's teaching? Who needs his message? Its only good for babies that have just stopped nursing! He is trying to teach us letter by letter, line by line, lesson by lesson." If you won't listen to me, then God will use foreigners speaking some strange-sounding language to teach you a lesson.
Most, if not all, of the cultures of the earth a belief in some kind of evil being this belief is often personified as a Super natural godlike being who takes great pleasure in cruelty and perversion as the god of the underworld, Hades or hell the Egyptian had seth, the greeks pluto, the Roman Deus, the western world, of course, calls this personal embodiment of evil Satan the devil. With him come countless either wicked beings known as demons. 
Where did Satan come from? Some cultures, philosophies believe that good and evil have always existed in a dualistic balance like yin and yang or ligth and darkness. Others believe that God created the Devil to test mankind and preside over the eternal punishment of the wicked. What is the truth? Using the "here a little, there a little" principle (Isaiah 29: 9; 1-13). We can uncover Satan's origin and destiny in the pages of tbe Bible. 
1. In what state was the earth created? 
(Gen.1:1-2),Job38:4-7 Psalm 104:30, 1 Cor. 14:33
God originally created the earth with such perfection and beauty that the Angel shouted with  joy! Our creator foes all things in an organized manner and completes all his works in exquisite splendor. But the earth had somehow become formless and chaotic so that the God of heaven had to refashion it before man could be created, because of war in heaven. 
2. Who was Lucifer? 
Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:12-17
"Lucifer" means LightBringer" or "Day Star" Ezekiel call him "the anointed cherub who covers" which means he was one of the chief angel whose wings covered God throne in heaven. He is specifically shown to be a created being possibly the most beautiful, wise and perfect of God creation. But this mighty angel grew proud and vain in his beauty. He began to become s envious of God's authority over the universe, and over maybe millions of year he schemed to induce others angel to support him in an attempt to overthrow God. When he finally led one-third of the angels (Revelation 12:4). To war against God in heaven, God cast him and his angelic troops back to the earyh (Luke 10:18).
3. How did Lucifer become satan? 
(Ezekiel 28:15-17) God created Lucifer a perfect spirit being, but he also gave him free moral agency, that is the ability to choose to follow good or evil. Lucifer chose to become satan tge Devil, the adversary, by allowing Sin to mold his character, his rebellion against God sealed and hardened his evil nature,band now he opposes all that is good, right and godly (Matthew 13:38-39), (1peter 5:8), (revelation 9:11,12:9-10)
4. Are satan and his demons bound to this earth? (2Peter2:4 Jude 6) When God  cast them back down to earth, He placed restrictions on their powers and limited them to " their proper domain" or "first state," that is the earth here, they wait their judgment for their rebellion. "Hell" in 2 Peter 2:4 is tartaroo, a place of restraint for the wicked. Though satan himself may appear before God's throne in heaven, he and his demons can do only what God allows (Job 1:6-12, 2:1-7).
5. Is satan "the god of the age [world KJV]"?
(2 corinthians 4:4) By binding of men to the true gospel of God, satan has set himself up as a counterfeit of the creator of God, ad the prince of the power of air. The co-hort of satan, the. Devil made this, he broadcast his evil rebellious attitude to all humanity, and except for a few whom God has called out of his deception, the whole world lives under his sway. Ephesians 2:1-3, 1John 5:19, Revelation 12 :9
6. Has satan been disqualifief as ruler of this earth? 
(John 12:27-33,14:30,16:11) collosians 11:, 2:15 (Hebrew:2:9,14-14)
When Jesus christ lived a perfect life and died for the sin of men, he qualified to dethrone satan, the god of this world has been defeated. ' however, he remain active among us until the king of king returns. And set up His government on earth. 
7. Will satan attempt to ruin God's plan before return? Revelation 12:7-9,12:17-21,19:17, 20:1-3
The devil go on the offensive against God with the same results he is came back down to earth
 In his anger over his defeat, he will saverely persecute God's people and gather the armies of man to fight against christ whe comes he and his human agents will be soundly defeated and satan will be bound in the bottonless pit for a thousand years 
8. What is satan ultimate fate in revelation 20:7-10
After the thousand years of imprisonment. Satan. Will be released for a short while. During his parole, he will again unite some of the nation and take them to war against God's people. But this rebellion will be destroy them. Because he is spirit and die. The devil will then be sentence to eternal torment in the lake of fire finally, God and man will be rid the chief enemy and peace will flourist for all eternity. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


We are here told who would appear as adversaries to Christ, as this world is the kingdom of Satan, unconverted men of every rank, part, and character are stirred up by him to oppose cause of God. But the rulers of the earth generally have been most active. The truth and Precept of Christianity are against ambitious projects and worldly lusts. We are told what they aim at in this opposition. They would break asunder the bands of conscience, and the cords of God's commandments, they will not recieve but cost them away is far as they can. These enemies can show no good cause for opposing so just and holy government, which, it received all, would bring a heaven upon earth. They can hope for no success in so opposing so powerful a kingdom. The Lord Jesus has all power both in heaven and earth, and is head over all things to the church, notwithstanding the restless endeavor of his enemies Christ's throne is set up in his church that is, in the heart of all believers. (Psalm 2: 1-6).
It so easy to leave Jesus safely back in the first century and bring only His principle into our lives today. To counteract this tendency, lets thoughtfully recontract Luke story for the present and your present times. Similarly, there was a place in the memoried of the disciples where Jesus made a permanent impression. A place where He put His hands and feet and words in the wet cement of their lives and made an imprint so deep and profound, it would forever mold their lives.
The incident began on the damp sands of the Lake of Gennesaret, Where Simon, James, and John were cleaning theirs nets after a long night of unproductive fishing. For weeks the Galilean countryside had been humming with news of a budding new prophet on Israel's horizon: Jesus of Nazareth.
And He came down to Capernaum, a city og Galilee. And He was teaching them on the Sabbath and they were amazed at His teaching for He spoke with authority. (Luke 4:31-32).
Not only did Jesus' message have authority it had power as well. The subsequent exorcism of a demon had arrested everyone's attention in a compelling display of that power (vv. 33-35).
Annd amazement came upon them all, and tvey began discussing with one another saying, "What is this message? For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits, and they come out." And the report about Him was getting out into every locality in the surrounding district. (vv. 36-37). 
As e result, the next morning was abuzz with a hive of people gathered around Jesus. Now it came about that while the multitude were pressing around Him and listening to the word of God. He was standing by the lake of Gennesaret; and He saw two boat lying at the edge of the lake; but the fisherman had gotten out of them, and were washing their nets. And He got into one of the boats, which was Simon's, and asked him to put out a little way from the land. And He sat down and began teaching the multitudes from the boat. (Gal. 5:1-3).
Doubtless, the fisherman had heard Jesus speak before, and they, too, had been awed, not only of His presence. Now, as they hunched over their nets, picking them clean of the accumulated debris, Jesus' words penetrated their making pernament imprints.
When Jesus asked Simon to position his boat a little way from shore, Simon and his fishing partener consented. In doing so, they became a caprive audience literally. At the conclusion of His sermon, Jesus planned an object lesson that would be so vivid that the fisherman would never forget its Significance.
And when He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, "Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch." (v. 4).
Simon Peter must have thought Jesus was venturing into wters over His head. After all, fishing was Peter's business, his life and Jesus was well a preacher. And Simon answered and said, Master, we worked hard  all night caught nothing, but at your bidding I will let down the nets." (v.5).
Peter knew the best fishing spots and the most favorable condition for making a catch, but out of respect for the one he knew as "Master," he did as he was asked. Little did he realize the extent of the Master's Domain!
And when they had this, they enclosed a great quantity of fish; and their nets began to break; and they signaled to their partners in the other boat, for them to come and help them. And they came, and filled both of the boats, so that they began to sink. (vv. 6-7).
Peter suddenly realized that he stood in the presence of deity. This Jesus was not simply a preacher with the power to heal; He was Lord of sea and the fish, of every realm, of the entire universe! The words that followed this recognition are reminiscent of the expression of Abraham, Job, and Isaiah when they, too. Stood before the awesome presence of God. see (Genesis 18:27; Job 42:5-6; Isaiah 6:5).
But when Simon peter saw that, he fell down at Jesus' feet. Saying,  "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!" for amazement had seized him and all his companions because of the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also James and John, son of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. (Luke 5:8-10a). As tve boats filled with fish, the fisherman's heartds filled with awe, Speechless, they were now primed for what was to prove a life-changing announcement. A Jesus said to Simon, "Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men." (v. 10b). The greek word [zogreo] means to "catch alive," it appear only one other time in the New Testament, in 2 Timothy 2:26, describing a person "held caprive" by the Devil "to do his will. That snaring of humanity will continue until God's people cast their net and bring those people into the boat of salvation. Jesus wasn't giving rough, seasoned fishermen a lesson in fishing; His objective was to change their profession by changing their lives. And change their lives He did.
And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and follow Him. (v. 11). Everything? The biggest catch these fishermen had ever make? Their boats? Their nets? Their livelyhood? Their home? Their families? Everything. Without an over-the-shoulder glance. Without even a second thought (compare Luke 9:62).
The lesson we can apply revolve around 3 point of verbs: choose and uses, moves and proves, conceal and reveals. The verb choose that all of us want.
1. Jesus not to minister to others all alone. Jesus deliberately involves others in His work. He could have rowed the boat and cast the net Himself, but instead He included thevdisciples. He didn't want a boatload of spectators; He wanted workers accustomed to rolling up their sleeves, feeling the tug on the nets, and sweating side by side. When He recruited them, He didn't say, "Follow Me watch Me catch men." He announced, "You will be catching men." How about you? Excellence in the Christian life requires casting our nets into the sea of humanity. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

It Involves His Kingdom

In the dark side room the truth lies there, it is only open when somebody need something. Then the light switch on, the darkness flea. Psalm 103:19 crytallizes the essence of the kingdom of God.
"The Lord placed His throne in heaven: He is King over all"
From Eden's brief innocence to today's permeating corruption, God's Kingdom has remained intact. Amazingly, God still offers us His Kingdom even though we rebel against it. He is still eager to pour out righteousness and peace and joy.. Still eager to give power. The question is, are we willing to accept His power, to submit to His sovereign rule, to live our lives for the furtherance of His Kingdom rather than hinder it through settling for mediocrity's status qou?
If living on the heights of God's eternal, unspoilable kingdom appeals to you more than ossifying in the drab flatlands of mediocrity, the Let's journey together through Scripture to gain a fuller understanding of what God's Kingdom is and how we can be a part it.
Understanding What the Kingdom Is,
The kingdom we're talking about isn't a literal empire but a spiritual reign with unique characteristics and a history all its own. This mean the kingdom we're referring to here us not the physical messianic kingdom but "the kingdom of God in the spiritual sense in which it already exist in the soul of believer."
Commentary on the first Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians frederic Louis Godet.
Kingdom Characteristics, 
First, it isn't physical, but it is spiritual. The apostle Paul tells us that "the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness  and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Roman 14:17). So it's not something we can physically touch or taste. But it is full of the Spirit's fruit to feast on see (Psalm 34:8). Good news Bible. '' Find out for yourself how good the Lord is. Happy are those who find safety with him.
Second, it isn't audible, but it is powerful. "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words, but in power," Paul told the Corinthians (1Corinthians 4:20).
Like lightning that display its bright, white strength without sound, the kingdom of God offers not words, but power. And, 
Third, it isnt visible, but it is unshakable. 
(Hebrew 12:28). Assure us: " Therefore, since we receive a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence awe." This kingdom full of good things joy, peace, righteousness, power has God's own everlasting stability to anchor it. In a world of constant change and upheaval, how thankful we can be for something that will remain the same" yesterday and today, yes forever" (Hebrew 13:8).
The kingdom, then is the invisible realm where God exercises His full authority over every part of ud over our hearts, our minds, our wills. 
Kingdom History: To nutshell the movement of Gods kingdom through time, we can use this basic outline. 
1. God creates all things and establishes His authority over all (Genesis 1and 2).From the plant kingdom to the animal kingdom to humanity, God's rule  is intended to encompass all the kingdom of earth. 
2. Humankind rebels against God's aurhority (Genesis 3). With the enemy's encouragement, our Edenic ancestors yelled defiantly, "I will rule my own life! I will establishbmy own kingdom." 
3. God moves through history to re-establish His authority (Gen. 4-Rev.22). From the beginning of time, we mortals have fought God for His immortal throne. Still raising arms against His rule, we're in the heat of this battle today (compare Matthew 6:24,33).

Sunday, March 22, 2020


So i tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer lives as the Gentile do, infutility of their thinking they are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their heart. Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, wish a continual lust for more. Our key verses (Ephesians 4:17-19).
Now, Paul says, "I don't want you going back and walking like you used to walk as a pagan, as a Gentile." he is talking to Gentile. Let's read the text together in Ephesiand 4:17-19;
"This i say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentile also walk, in the Futility of their mind, being in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart, and they, having become callous, haven given themselves over to sensuality, for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness. In verse 17 when he says, "I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that is a powerful statement. Paul want to emphasize here  that this is some serious stuff that he is to tell us. So he says, "I say it to you with the Lord or in the Lord." in other words, "pay close attention to what i am about to tell you," he wants them to see that Christianity is radically different from the way the world lives. These people had come out of the world the temptation is always to go back to where we have come from. Paul says," Oh no" he has given us a picture of what the Christian life is all about, being strengthened in his inner man by the Spirit of God. Now he is saying, "Don't go back live differently. It is a radically different lifestyle that you have now as a believer." even though we have been delivered from the power of sin, we still have a problem we have to deal with. Look in (1Peter 2:11). There is something we all have to deal with, and the Bible call it the flesh. Of course, as long as we have human bodies, we must deal with it. It's always tends to pull as back to the place we came out of. Read in (verse11). 
"Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lust, which wage war against soul." in those two words you find out where there are "fleshly" they have to do with my body, and they are called "lusts". Those lusts want to pull me back to the world that i have come out of. 
Remember, spirituality is a pursuit, not an arrival. The moment I stop pursuing Him, guess what i am pursuing? I am letting the flesh dictate my life. There are fleshly lusts we have to deal with. So Paul is saying, "Don't go back and live like you need you used to live. Be careful. There is a tendency like a magnet which is pulling you backs to live after the flesh." 
Look over in (James 1:13). Remember sin is missing the mark and when you miss the mark, that means you have not obey God. When you obey Him in power of the spirit, you always hit the mark. Righteousness is the result. When you don't obey Him and listen to the to your flesh look out in (James1:13).he said "Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am being tempted  by God," for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone." the word  "temptation"  there is the peirazo. Let me give you my definition of that. I think all decisions, all trials that we go tbrough are neutral, but in every one of them God had something He wants to teach us, reveal to us. That is what He is doing, He us testing me. He doesn't tempt me for evil. The old tempted comes along out of 
(Matthew 4). And tempted us unto evil. Satan get involved of course, the world is his playground and the world is his pulpit. Therefore, when i am in a very difficult time and i have to majr a decision between my flesh and spirit it is very obvious that i am in a time of Peirazo. I am in a trial. The devil is putting me one way, and God is pulling me the other way. It says in verse 14 of James 1 "But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust."  The apostle Paul is warning them: "Look out, Look out, you come out of the world." Ephesus was the most wicked place you find on thr face of this earth these young Christians had to live in the midst of all of that wickedness  he is saying, 'listen, dont you dare go back to it. You have come out if it. Now be strengthened in the inner man by the power of God. 
What is Sin? Sin is missing mark. Sin is when you obey the flesh. Sin will take you further than you ever wanted to stray cost you more than you ever dreamed you would pay, and keep you longer than you ever you though you would stay. Don't ever forget that Paul is encouraging them to a life of holiness
 He is saying, "you had better watch out. You had better not to go back and live ad the Gentile lived." He is going to show them first of all how not to walk. Then he is going to show them to walk. Paul is speaking to the Gentile. Look in Ephesians 1:1 "for this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus  for the sake you Gentile. This is a very significant term because it says in the old Testament that Israel is not numbered among the nation. Israel had the nature of Adam in them, but they werr not numbered among the Gentile nations. The Gentile nation are very important to understand. As far as i can tell they were formed in genesis 11. They tried to build the tower of babel over there in babylon. God remembered babylon. Remember that in revelation? When He did, He had to scatter them and changes their language. That is when the nation began to form with different language and people scattered over the face of the earth. 
In Ephesians 2:12 look at what he says about Gentile. "Remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenant of promise, having no hope and without God in thr world." He is saying the Gentile world has no clue about God, Jesus or anything to do with the gospel. Paul mission was to get the gospel to these people these Gentile who were living in such detestable ways, look in (verse 3:8).Paul says, "to me  the very least of all saints, this grace was given to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ." the Ephesians believer he was writing were part of the ones who had been shown the light, had understood and believed in (verse 2:13). He says, "But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off (Gentile) have been brought near by the blood of Christ. So he is speaking about Gentile, remembering israel is not numbered among the nations. Yes, all men have the nature of Adam in them and they born separated from God. Think with me for a second, these represented generation after generation of people with no clue of the gospel, no clue about God, and no clue about Jesus Christ. Think how depraved tbey had become by the tome Paul is given the commission to take gospel to the Gentile world. Lets see how Paul describes the way the Gentile nation, pagan people lived at that time. They still live that way today. It is in (verse 17). "This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the Futility of their mind." the word "Walk" there refers to the way they lives the world "Futility" is the word that means emptiness, vanity, the term "mind" id the word that refers to the mind and ability to understand, the intellect. They cannot understand spiritual truth. The way the pagan world think is totally foriegn to God and to the world. The world out there not have any ability to understand God. Sometimes we get overwhelmed with all the immorality in our world. Friend, when sinners stop sinning that is when you need to get overwhelmed. They don't know the difference. They do not know God. They dont have the ability to intellectually concieve of God. They don't understand. Look back in (Roman 8:20). Paul uses that word  Futility" to describe tbe disappointing misery of the world of nature as a result of the curse. When Adam sinned it didn't just affect Adam, it affect to the whole. Roman 8:20 says "for the creation wad subjected to futility [emptiness  vanity], not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it." in other words, when Adam sinned. It didnt just bring a curse upon himself it brought a curse upon all of nature. That is why they groan, waiting for the revelation of the sons of God, as the passage goes a to talk about. 
In (2 Peter2:17-18). Peter uses that word "futility to mean emptiness, no ability to understand. He is describing false teachers, He say in (verse 17). " These are springs without water and mist, driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved. For speaking out arrogant words of vanity they entice by fleshly desires by sensuality, those who barely edcape from the ones who lives in error." the word" vanity" there is the same word. So we see it applied different ways  we see it applied to nature in their disappointing result of man's sin and we also see it applied to false Teacher. It is an emptiness, an inability to understand God. 
Let's go back to our text the reason their mind are empty of any understanding of spiritual truth because their minds are darkened. I think that is a very, very interesting thing that he is telling us here. 
Ephesians 4:18 says, "being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart."  "Darkened" is in the perfect passive tense. When you have the perfect tense, something in the past that is bearing a present result. So they hzve been darkened. It id not so much that they did it themselves. Yes, something they did caused it, but they have been darkened, they can't understand. It tefers to the fact that their ability to understand has been darkened, and they are in a state of darkness. The word "understanding" is dianoia, which is a wird that means intellect again. It is almost the same ability to understand. Think about this when you think of the world. When you go to school next week, when you go to work next week, you are walking out into this. The Gentile nation, the world, has no ability on their own to understand has been darkened. As a result, they live totally unacceptable lives. So when we go out into darkness, among people with darkened mind, we are not to allow our flesh to pull us back to the way we used to live. They are living a detestable lifestyle they are a generation after generation of people who don't have a capacity to even understand God. These is one thing i want you to get in your mind.
 "being Darkened"  has the idea that God darkened them, but remember this they would not, so therefore, they could not. It isnot a matter of God being a mean God, and just darkened them, no, He knows the hearts of of all men and nations who have turned against him. He knows that it began with Adam and filteted down through tbe nations and because of tbat, they have been unwilling to bow to him. Therefore, God has derived their minds. In reality, it is their own unwillingness that has brought tve darkness upon them. Read again Ephesians 4:18 continue and say, "being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God [alienated from God], because of the ignorance that is in them, becausr of the hardness of heart." That is what i wanted you to see. The ignorance is there for a reason. It is because of the hzrdness of their heart that the ignorance is there. A person who won't believe can't believe, and he is therefore, rendered unable to understand the truth of God. They live in a state of being alienated because they have hardened their heart. Look in (John 3:19-20). Jesus said this whe came. "Andthis is the judgment, that the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be expose." Look in (Roman1:5). And you will find almost the exact same thing. Paul say in Ephesians. Paul is writing to Gentiles." through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith all the Gentile, for His name sake. "  now look at (Roman 1:15-18). "Thus for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome. For I am not ashamed in other words, you keep putting layer upon layer of other things over it until finally you don't even recognize it that is what the world has been doing for generations. 
Read (Roman 1:19). Goes on "because that which is known about, God is evident within them, for God made it evident to them. It is not as if they don't have a clue. They don't want it. Because tvey don't want it. They are alienated and their heart are hardened. Read (Roman 1:20).
All of this as a result of men not wanting God in their lives. Paul is saying, "listen guys, they are still out there over the generation it has gotten worse and worse and worse. When you go out there, don't you go back and live like they lives, Oh! No, you live on a higher plain. God made himself evident to them. When i was trying to track all of this back, i was thinking, was there a time when all the nation just rejected God? It goes to go back to Adam! Because of (Ephesians 4:18). It goes back to Adam. Remember Adam was created by God His own image and like. He's God ambassador here on earth to take dominion, read (Psalm 2:1-2) but Eve was deceived by the Devil the serpent seed was with cain. Watch Ophirian Tv. the serpent seed was in boat, the story of Noah. The "flood." from Adam to Abraham (Genesis 5:1-32; 10.1-32; 11.10-26). Adam was the father of Seth, the Bible didn't tell Adam was the father of cain. Ham the Father of canaan. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Heavenly Kingdom Here on Earth

What a striking story! Twice in the short story, Paul and his team were supernaturally led by the Spirit. Then Paul had his vision of the man from Macedonnia. All this kept Paul in harmony with God's plan to keep going through Asia and on Europe. We can sum all this up with one of my favorite Bibles verses, Proverb 16:9 it says "The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps" As we commit ourselves to the Lord, we know that He will lead us day by day. God's strategy will prevail. 
(Acts 17:24). "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. 
How does Paul introduce "God" to the pagan greek? 
As the "Lord of Heaven and earth" the true God of the universe is the "Lord" -i.e, the master and the creator of everything who made the world and everything on earth in heaven. Note. Lord appeared it should be Elohim in those days they are called Lord, it was only brand name Lord. Who "dwell in temples made with hands (acts17:24). Their man made idol.
(Acts 17:27)." nor is he worship with men's hand, as though he needed anything since He gives to all life, breathe, and all things. 
What do their idol need? 
Manual maintenance? Webster? 
Mean the technical document that describes the asset how it operate, contain instruction, the preventives action program, suggestion for corrective action, list of spare part, corrrective of faults danger warning and the assets catalogue among other, modification. 
What does the Lord of heaven and earth need? 
Nothing, and it is the creator who maintain His creation; He gives to all life, breath, and all things for in Him we live and move and have our being (acts17:25-28).
(Acts 17:26-27) "And he has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their "preappointed times" and the boundaries of their dwelling. So that they should seek the Lord, it should be (Elohim), in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. 
When their time "preappointed" by God comes; He has from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their "preappointed times" and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that the might grope for Him and find Him."
(acts 17:26-27).
Has this been true in the world history? 
When Paul, silas and timothy were in mysia and tried to head east to Bithynia the Lord stopped them and pointed them west instead (see phygia, Bithynia, mysia), ever since then the main thrust of evangelization and harvest around the world has been westward, from Israel to turkey to central Europe, to Western Europe, to the British isles, to the Americas, to the continent of Asia where China's 120+,million and growing number of christians now comprise the world's largest National church it is as if a giant "Bus" has been going around the world on a westward route picking up people at their "preappointed times" (acts 17:26). The Lord has begun to harvest in india, the Muslim nations of the middle east, and in israel. Once those nations have been harvested. The bus will have a complete loop around the earth. 
What about the people who died before the "bus" reached their region? 
They never had a ticket to get on the Bus God declares that, 
1.He assigned the bus ticket
2.before the creation
3.according to His will, 
"just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be Holy and without blame before Him in love, having before predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself according to the good pleasure of His will" 
(Ephesians 1:4-5).
Then is God unjust? 
God is just... Have not I, the Lord? And there is no other God besides me." just God and a Savior, there is none beside me. (Isaiah 45:21).
But how is it just assign bus ticket to some and not others? 
First, when God's infallible declaration collided with fallible human reasoning, the latter must trust and submit to the former, for "Lord" is someone you, submit to unconditionally. 
Second, "wheat" differ in origin from "tares" and one cannot become the other; another parallel he put forth to them, saying; "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tared among the wheat and went his way. But while when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop then the tares also appeared. So the servant of the owner came and said to him, sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares? He said to them, an enemy has done this. The servant said to him, do you want us them to go and gather them up? But he said, no, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest i will say to the reapers, "first gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn"' (Matthew 13:24-30). As wheat and tares fundamentally differ, there is a fundamental difference in the spiritual realm between those to be saved and the rest a difference whose nature we won't learn until we get to heaven. 
Then should we share the gospel only with those to be saved? 
If someone asked you 24 hours before Jesus died on the cross, "between a criminal in pilate prison to be crucified tomorrow and judas iscaroit whom do you think will go to heaven and whom do you think will go to hell," you would will and won't be saved us the choice, knowledge and business of God our business is to obey  Him and sow the seed- "the word of the kingdom (Matthew 13:18). On all soil trusting the some of it will fall on the good ground' (Matthew 13:23). As God has" preappointed times (acts 27:26). (Acts 17:38). "For in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said," for wr are also His offspring." to which " poets" (acts 17:38). Is Paul referring? The phrase Paul quoted is found in the 4th and 3th century BC works of aratus of cilicia and cleanthes of mysia-both are in what is turkey today. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

He Answer Your Prayer

Often when we ask a question, we anticipate the answer. We already have in mind what the response to our question should be. But it happens very often, too, that the answer we receive isn't at all what we were looking for. Obviously, when we ask for something, we expect to receive what we are asking for. That's the reason we make the request, isn't it? So when we address our prayer. We want him to answer our prayer. We want him to removed the trouble that afflicts us. That's the answer we are looking for. Isn't that what it means to pray confidently, trusting in God's almighty power and in the assurance of His loving concern for our well-being? It certainly is. But remember, God answer our prayer according to His divine wisdom and not necessarily according to our wishes, no matter how frequently and fervently we plead with him to grant the answer we are looking for.
We can never say, then, that God isnt listening or that he doesn't care. His plans for us may just be different from what we think they should be. It is not for us to prescribe the time when he should help nor the manner in which he does. Sometimes we may be so determined that our way is the only way that we don't recognize God's answer when he give it!
We certainly can learn from Paul's example. God did not give the answer Paul's prayer according to his own purpose and plan. "My grace is sufficient for you," he told Paul. He was reminding Paul that we are he has chosen dependent on God's grace. By God's grace Paul was an apostle, and the effectiveness of his work as a chosen messenger of the gospel was not going to be diminished by his continuing to bear the thorn in his flesh. Paul preaching of the Word would succeed because it is God who gives it success, and not because Paul was physically strong and healthy. God's power is all the more evident when he accomplishes his purpose in the weakness of the human instrument he has chosen to carry out his work.
Never forget that we are the subject of God's grace, just Paul was. It is by grace that we are his children and have the privilege of addressing him as our dear Father and put to remembrance and placing our petitions before Him. He will answer according to His grace and purpose. But he said to me " My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2Corinthians 12:9).

unstable man

Face each day with the certainty that the Spirit living in you will guide your steps. Don't live with analysis paralysis. Act in faith that your life is being animated by Elohim and that, because of that you cannot fail. Apostle James revealed an amazing promise the God who created the universe will gave wisdom to all who asked Him for it. He does not give it based on our worthiness, but base only on our request. Why? As apostle James made it clear in (verses 2-4). God want His children to trust Him.one such evidence is asking Him for wisdom when we don't know what to do. But there is a condition attached to His promise we must believe and not doubt, in other words God wants us to come to Him  convinced both that He is the one the true source of wisdom. And that the wisdom He gives is trustworthy, He wants us to be ready to act on it. The person who doubts God's wisdom or willingness to give it ls likely to accept what God give him. He she will consult other sources, looking for a second opinion spiritually speaking in James days those sources may have included false idols. Our modern day has its own source of worthless sources for wisdom false Teacher, culture, celebrity and so forth. The person who doubts God's wisdom, apostles James write is like a wave in a wind storm who blown up knows where He will end up?
Begin with a challenging command for Christian believer we are to classify hard thing in our lives as "joyful" because those ordeal he help us develop a deeper trust in God. Christian (believers) who trust God also seek wisdom from Him. And not from the godly source. we Continue to trust Him through difficult experiences, in parts to recieve the Crown of life. Promise to those who don't stop. We don't blame Him for our desire to sin, but we do credit Him for every good thing in our live. 
Apostle James moves to another of his principal themes- prayer that gains result. He say that a man who petitions God for wisdom must ask in faith, but as apostle James expands upon the necessity of faith, he clearly does not mean to limit his advice to one kind of prayer, the for wisdom. He expect us to understand that faith is the condition for any successful prayer, whatever it may seek faith is the to unlock the storehouse containing all of God's benefit. The Epistle of James is rich in uncommon words and unsual figures of speech, we find several examples here in the  openning discussion of faith. He contrast faith with "wavering" (v.6). The word refers to a struggle within the mind arising when a man's thoughts take both sides in an internal debate. A debate over what? There are two possibility since James does not tell us which kind of wavering he means, he likely means either one is wavering or if a person is not sure whether God will hear and answer his prayer. Likewise, it is wavering. Despite God's promises to be our guide in all thing including prayer he is not sure what to pray for either kind of wavering compromises faith and reduces to doubting. Therefore, good alternative translation for "wavering" and "wavereth" are doubting or doubteth. Apostle James compare the doubting man to a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed sea. (v6). The greek expression does not picture single wave, but a whole sea of waves sweeping first one way and then another as constantly shifting winds play upon the water. Apostle James declare as that such a man will not receive anything from the Lord (v7). His prayer; petition will hit the ceiling and come right back. Other words it will bubble then blown away by the wind and pop up. Because it didnt conceived 
The window of heaven will shut up his voice. Such a man suffers from a grievous flaw in his character. In seeking to describe his flaw. Apostle found himself at a loss to convey the idea with any familiar word, so he coined a new one or at least he used a word that occurs nowhere else in ancient literature. He says that a doubting man is "double minded" literally "with two souls" (v8) pershap he was fashioning a greek equivalent for an expression employed twice in the pld Testament (1chron.12:33; Ps. 12:2) double heart in english and "a heart and a heart" in hebrew. The hebrew expression suggesting a divided heart, speck of a man who is insincere, whose statement cannot be depended on either because use he use of the comparable greek term, the book of James give it a different sense referring to a man who pray with a divided between faith and doubts. The tragic outcome is that he is "unstable in all his ways (v.8). The word "unstable" suggested something that is not planted firmly on the ground-something that is unsteady and likely to topple over. James means that wherever a double minded man walks, he will have a hard time staying on his feet. He will stagger along rather like someone who is intoxicated, and as a result he will always be slipping and falling. In other words he will be constantly getting into trouble.
  Faith as a prerequiste
In his emphasis on faith, James again shows the mind of his older brother Jesus. One of Jesus' core teaching was that with faith, nothing is impossible although the first three Gospels, called the Synoptics differ sharply in their coverage and style frol the Gospels of John, they all agree wuth John that Jesus viexed prayer as an instrument with unlimited power (Matthew 7:7-11); John 16:23). Jesus taught clearly throughout His Ministry that the condition for successful prayer is faith (Mark 9:23). The immediate inspiration for James remarks on faith setting it in contrast to doubt, seems to be the following saying of Jesus, Jesus answered and said unto them, verily i say unto you. If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done. And all things. Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive (Matthew 21:21-22).
The promise that all things are possible through the prayer of faith is stunning in its magnitude. It is absolute. There are no hedges on all things. Can we begin to concrive what "all things might include." to urge us to greater imagination of the possibility. 
Jesus affirms that by faith we could move mountains. How much faith do we need to accomplish great thing? Not much an amount comparable in dimensions to a tiny mustard seed will do(Matthew 17:20). Even with little faith nothing is impossible. But although Jesus promise that by faith we could moved mountain we feel mightily pleased with ourselves it by faith we manage to moves a fews spadefuls. 
We find a comparable promise elsewhere in the teaching of Jesus. "And the Lord said, if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamore tree be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea, and it should obey you" (Luke 17:6). Why do we not see christian moving a tree and mountains so far as i know, there is no Recorded instance of a believer casting a mountain into the sea or uprooting a tree and transplanting it elsewhere just by the power of prayer why not? Sometimes ago  i planted a tree as (mohon) marker a boundary of a lot as i was doing the work, naturally could not help but notice the many eye-catching specilents of flowering trees and shade tree in the yard, of other people around town. Why did i never command one of theirs trees to move to my property, and if i had done so, why would God never have granted my desire thought i prayed with perfect faith? Because i would have been stealing somebody else trees. On my own property, i have many trees and shrubs growing wild out behind my house. Many are strong, attractive and flourishing. Many would be more useful if they are relocated to barren ground. What if i commanded one of these trees pluck itself up and replant itself in my front yard? Now i own the tree making it moved would not be stealing, and it would serve me better in its nex place. So if i prayed to God to move it; i would be seeking a good thing. Or would i? Basically, i would be seeking to escape from work. God never perform a miracle just to suit our laziness in His view, answering my prayer for Relocation of the tree would not yield good fruit, but an evil result. Look down a few verse, "God cannot be tempted with evil (James1:13). God cannot be persuades to do evil even by the prayer of His children. That is why many prayer are never answered they are seeking evil not good. 
Now we understand why Christian do not go around removing mountains and trees. It is hard to imagine any circumstances when casting a mountain into the sea or transplanting a tree would be necessary to accomplished any good thing can you think any? 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

"Before" Just DO IT

The quest for life at its best means we run with the horses, we do His will, which is always the safest and most rewarding place to live even though it is full of changing and risking and releasing. Because there no pernament here on earth only God is pernament.and It's a command so Let us DO IT!
Let's return to biblical character we met earlier in this book. Jeremiah was a prophet used by God during some of the most difficult times in Israel's history the last days of the kingdom of Judah. 
Read (Jeremiah1:1-4). "Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, " Jeremiah has pick up his pen and begun writing the Scripture. I don't think he had any idea that fifty-two of the chapters in the Bible would be entrusted to him. Jeremiah was fit to guide 
' writing so that it became an inspired part of the canon of Scripture. So he records "The word of the Lord came to me saying..." (Jeremiah 1:5). God tells Jeremiah that He had set him apart as a prophet before he was even born. God knew him a before he was born. God consecrated him a prophet to the nations. God's predetermined plan is fixed. Before we were even conceived in our mothers' wombs, God's plans for us had been put into place. In his book Run with the Horses, Eugene Peterson has some marvelous insights regarding this ancient scene. In the chapter titled "Before," he points out several splendid observation: Before Jeremiah knew God, God knew Jeremiah: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." This turns everything we ever thought about God around...
We enter a world we didn't create. We grow into life already provided for us... If we are going to live appropriate, we must be aware that we are living in the middle of a story that was begun and will be concluded by another. And this other is God...
Jeremiah's life didn't start with Jeremiah, Jeremiah's salvation didn't start with Jeremiah. Jeremiah truth didn't start Jeremiah. He entered the world in which essential parts of his existence were already ancient history. So do we. "I knew you."..
The second item of background information provided on Jeremiah is this: "Before you born, I consecrated you." Consecrated means "set apart for God's side." It means that the human is not cogwheel, that person is not the keyboard of a piano on which circumstances play hit-parade tunes. It means we are chosen out of the feckless stream of circumstantiality for something important that God is doing. What is God doing? He is saving He is rescuing; He is blessing; He is providing He is judging; He healing; He enlightening. And there is a spiritual war in process, an all-out moral battle. There is evil and cruelty, unhappiness and illness. Thete is superstition and ignorance, brutality and pain. But God is in continuous and energetic battle against all of it. God is for life and against death. God is for love and against hate. God is for hope and against despair. God is for heaven and against hell. Tvere is no neutral ground in tve universe. Every square foot of space us contested. Jeremiah, before he was born, was enlisted on God's side in this war. God did a third thing to Jeremiah before Jeremiah did anything on his own: "I appointed you a prophet to the nation." The word "appointed" is, literally, "gave" I "gave" you as a prophet to the natiins, God gives. He's generous. He is lavishly generous. Before Jeremiah ever got it together he was given away. That is God's way. He did it with his own Son, Jesus. God so loved the world yhat He gave..."
Some things we have a choice in, some we don't. In this we don't. It's the kind of world into which we were born. God created it. God sustain it. Giving is the style of the universe. Giving is woven into the fabric of existence... 
Jeremiah could have hung on to the dead-end street where he was born in Anathoth. He could have huddle in the security of his father's priesthood. He could have conformed to the dull habits of his culture. He didn't. He participted in the giving, throwing himself into his appointment. 
That is what I want for you! Wherever God's will kead you, and whatever He may call you to do, whenever He requires you to live, whatever must be given up, and whatever must be taken on, Do IT! 

Monday, March 2, 2020

"We too got to Sit in"

The good fight of a Christian is the one battle to get rid of all evil, especially in our lives we choose our weapon either a bullet-sized verse or bulletproof prayer. We may grieve over lost territory because of disobedience, but we can rally to reclaim lost ground. Sometimes we have to tighten a tourniquet on wound pride, or step back for reconnaisance into God's Word. Everyday you and I go to war against an ensnaring world, a corrupt flesh, and a busy devil. The frontlines are a risky and ruggedly demanding place to be, But the battle prize is for all of us who reckon the fight to be...good.
Even today, much of what the Bible say and mean remains mysterous and unreachable to those who are not seeking after God's will (His purpose) the spirit works to illuminate Scripture comes only to those who have faith in Jesus! Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus still in His helping business the earnest follower, the dedicated disciple to know his will. As he explained the parables to his disciple, we too got sit in on his explanation and because he has ascended into heaven and poured out his Spirit on those who have been born again in him (Titus 3:3-7), we have the spirit help in understanding and living truth. (Matthew 13:16). "But blessed Are eyes for they see and your ears for they hear."
Verse 16. Blessed Are your eyes- the words are spoken  to the small company of disciples in the boat. They were not as the multitude. They might see but dimly, and be slow of heart to understand, but, at least, they had eyes that looked for light, and ears that were open to the divine voice. 
Matthew 13:16-17 sayest, Blessed are your eye- for you both see and hear, and understand. You not only greater opportunities of instruction than others, but you both know how to prize, and are concerned to improve them. For verily i say unto you, that many prophets-who prophesied of the coming of the Messiah, and righteous men-To who God Familiarly showed himself, and made known his will, as he did to Abraham and the patriachs, and many kings, (Luke10:24). From those seed the Messiah was to spring, and whose kingdoms and persons were types of Him and his kingdom. Have desired to see-before their eyes, those thing which ye thus see and have not seem them, they only seeing them afar off in the promises made to them concerning these days see (Hebrew 11:13 and 1Peter 1:11-12). 
When you became Christian, God gave you spiritual sight and hearing so you going to begin experiencing His presence and activity all around you. The Holy Spirit helps you to develop these spiritual senses as you walk with Him. Spiritual sensibility to God is a gift that must be accepted and exercise. Scripture indicates that those who are spiritually dead cannot see or understand spiritual things. (Matthew13:14-15). Without spiritual eyes, you can be right in the midst of a mighty act of God and not recognize it. "EyesThat See, Ears That Hear" 
 "But Blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear."