Saturday, March 28, 2020


As it is necessary for man to eat in order to sustain life and have strength and vigor, so is it essential for him to meditate upon the Word of God that he might have spiritual strength and be prosperous.
"But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" It is further expected believer that he be stable and steady, not pushed around with every new wind of calamity. Read (Isaiah 26:20). (Exodus 20: 5-6).There is only one sure way to protect man against error and sin. Again that comes through the Word of God as we daily meditate upon it. "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou had learn them; and that from child thou known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."
Instruction saying, "YOU'D BETTER GET OUT OF THIS MESS OR YOU ARE GONNA END UP IN BIG TROUBLE!" If we are having trouble with the same sin time and time again, its very possible that we are not being overtaken but following after. After all, to be overtaken implies that we were caught off guard. We were just going our business and got ambushed. But there are times the devil tries to set us up for a spiritual ambush. What is it now it happening! There must be cause. Just what is the world interested in anyway? We have not been taught enough about character in the body of Christ today. And it is certainly easy to understand why because, in some cases, we observe character trying to teach others how to have character. People in the world aren't interested in how many scriptures you can qoute or how much of the Bible you know, they are interested in how much you care and how much of the character of Christ is evident in your life. People are looking for somebody that is living what they are saying. We need character of God. Yes, we have the nature of Christian our heart as born-again believer. Many people have already found this biblical principle to be true, other are finding it to be true, but we all will ultimately experience this truth. Yes, God will give us all opportunity to clean our own wash. Unfortunately, many have gotten too arrogant, too boastful, too prideful, and/or too high on pedestal. Interesting enough, the word character is not found anywhere in the Word of God. Not one place in scripture, Old or New Testament, you see the word character written. However, the concept of character is found throughout the Word of God. Let me finished this, You may have the Word, but you need an awakening spirit. The Word is not alive until it is moved upon by the Spirit of God. Like today, i called it calamity the reason here is "greedy" that there mind is darkened and are dying of spiritual lack in the midst of the abundant riches of God. In the present time, more of the preaching of the Word of God provides more revelation of the Word than in any previous era. The wonderful truths and promises of God are being declared in churches around the world by men of God with sincere hearts. However, great teaching becomes just "knowledge [that] puffs up" (1Corinthians 8:1). In the minds of those whose spirit have fallen into slumber. An awakening spirit is one that is free of the doping effects of the flesh and the carnal mind. 
Who you are and what is you are now in Christ is nothing short of phenomenal! But the carnal mind (the sinful, fleshly mind that you lived with prior to conversion) cannot even begin to see this, let alone appreciate it
 Neither can you grasp it if you are still controlled by your emotions and feelings. The reason is that, when your emotions rule, your spirit slumbers. When you feel happy, you think you believe; but when you thought you had seems to disappear. You are riding an amotional roller coaster up, then down; belief, then doubt; trust, then worry, and so on. 
The solution is to live by your born-again Spirit, an awakened spirit ruled by Holy Spirit, and not by your mind and emotions. But how do you do this? 
As spiritual hunger grows, causing us to earnestly seek God in the Word and in prayer, our spirits break the shackles of the flesh and of the soul (the mind and emotions). We begin to live with an awakened spirit that lays hold of all the "exceedingly great and precious promises" (2 Peter 1:4) of God. Thus, in turn, brings us into the realization of the power and authority that we actually have in Him.} All the truth and keys of this truth lived with this awakened spirit. YHWH is looking for those who will do the same. Yahawah, let us ever live with an awakened spirit. Take us out of our slumber, so that we might be all that You desire totally filled all that You have for us. 

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