Monday, April 13, 2020


There are 30 answers in this account just i keep 3 of them for a reason. Robert Gibbs, 45 year researching the bible updated oct17, has 2.7k answer 979k answer viewer.
Jesus was warning against every sort of covetousness, (some translations say greediness). He meant that we should guard against longing for things we do not have or developing an insatiable desire for more.
Luke 12:15  "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, because even when a person has an abundance his life does not result from the things he possesses."
Having a proper desire for things we need in life is normal and it's motivates us to work to provide for ourselves. But, the difference between normal desire and greed is like the difference between a campfire ans a blazing forest fire. One can be useful and controlled the other is destructive and out of control.
(Proverb 16:16NW). The soul of the hard worker has worked hard for him... But greed is dangerous and distructive. Its desire out of control. Many people people foolishly believe that what matters in life is how much one has it may be money, status, power, or anything that can be acquired. The mistaken idea is that having that things we want or having more of it will makes us content. But according to the Bible God can-and will-satisfy our reals needs, Jesus promised his followers. (Luke12:22-31).  In this. There are 81.8k views;× view 262 upvoters view shares.
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David Rossiter, a preacher for several decade, a lover of the bible, but more a lover of God.
Answer Mar.17, 2018 author has 1.1k answer; and 1M answer viewer
Luke 12:15 and he said to them, take heed and beware of covrtousness, for ones life does not consist in the abundance of the thing he possesses."
The meaning of this is quite plain and easy to be understood the meaning of your life is not measured by wealth. Beware of chasing for the sake of getting meaning through riches. There are many unfulfilled rich people. Equally there are many unfulfilled poor people. There are fulfilled rich people. And there are fulfilled poor people. There are those who take aim at people with money and there are those who believe and preach it's ok  to have money, the funny thing is, it is always those without money who are pointing the finger and claiming a superior spirituality to those with money.
The teaching in Luke finds a great expression in the story of the rich young ruler and Jesus. I am going to quotes the whole story because it is important to see the context.
Jesus counsel the rich young ruler
(Verse 18). Now a certain ruler asked him saying, "Good Teacher," What shall i do to inherit eternal life?
(verse19). So Jesus said to him, why do you call me good? No one is good but one, that is God.
(Verse 20). You know the commandments.  "Do not commit adultery; Do not murder; Do not steal; Do not bear false witness; Honor your Father and Mother." (verse 21). And  he said, "All this things i have kept from my youth." (verse 22). So when Jesus heard of these things, He said to him "You still lack one thing, sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come follow me. (verse 23). But when he heard this he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich. The Question raised by the rich ruler was how to get eternal life. If money was the problem Jesus could have gone straight to the heart of the issue and told him to sell everything and give all tve money away instead Jesus quizzed him on keeping the law, which he passed with flying color. He then pointed out there was only one thing missing. Something missing, not something to be rid of. The problem was that the he was too attached to the riches even though he loved God and kept the law. Jesus didn't want him or need him to be poor to qualify for heaven. The young man needed to be less covetous or attached to his money.
The disciple had a dramatic discussion about the same issue with Jesus after the event. Jesus told them it was easier for a camel to get tbrought the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven the reaction? (Matthew 19:25).
When His disciple heard it they were greatly astonished. Saying" who then can be be saved? "
Why were they astonished? Why weren't they happy? It's because tvey were rich and used to meeting with rich people. If the rich were not able to be saved, who was going to be? They never considered being poor as being the standard for heaven. Jesus never said that and never implied that, yet the church and unchurched both somehow have embrace the idea of poverty equals spirituality
The main hindrance then is not riches, but covetousness. The meaningof life is not found in riches but in God. There is no objection from God to having riches and blessing!
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Jud Ruhl, B. S Literature (1972).
Answer Jun, 24, 2018 author has 879 answer and 116.2K
This answer is if question is from Luke 12:15 interpreter's Bible point out that the person in the crowd who ask Jesus arbitrate an inheritance between him and his brother seems reasonable on the surface. Jesus's reply moves the discussion to a higher level. To ask that of him whether those there knew it or not, would be like going to the supreme court to fix a trafficked ticked.
The expression "to covet" comes from the last of the commandments in KJV order. There is a list of things one should not covet wish to have something or someone whatever it takes to get it. Jesus is using the sale word in reference. Why it is the man concern aboutbthe inheritance? It is disinterested concern for justice? As Jesus, sees, it, it is because he is covetous.
Jesus is saying the effect we have ethical problems at a superficial level because we have not truly solved deeper problems this is from the one who said that if we have a problem with a brother, we need to go and fix that before we can bother to worship and that, if someone ass for our coat, let him have your jackets too. He would also say, that  "he win not be concerned about what his brother does with the inheritance, or rather be glad if his brother keep it
The problem is not that Jesus expect as a lot of people think, that thr only ways to be spiritual is to be poor, but rather that the need to gather materials riches in order to be happy, safe, and comfortable leaves God out of the picture. If we understand that God supplies our needs, as Jesus did, we can be certain that God will direct us to what we need to do next. To assume otherwise is to make ourself as god to think we know better than God what we need and how to get it.
The rich young man from the next verses goes away disappointed because he missed the point that he doesn't have to sell everything's but rather he was to see that all of those good doesn't make him secure, and he can lose them at any time in number of circumstances. 

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