Thursday, June 18, 2020


But because of them we made our prayer to our God and set a watch against them day and night
Nehemiah 4:9
Who can know the depth and intensity of the heart of God? No one could measure His sorrow over an unrepentant sinner' or His joy a spiritual rebel who relinquishes everything to Him. We can begin to undestand what is on the heart of God only when He shares His heart with us (Amos 3:7).
God's people breathe cleaner air. And they're healthier because of it. That's what Nehemiah learned while he and a handful of Israelites rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem in fifty-two days. Your enemies were relentless in their hostility. They tried numerous means to destroy the work you have. On one occasion your enemies plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it (v. 8). It would have been a simple task but their conspiracy was their undoing. To conspire means literally to "breathe together" And these enemies of God breathed each other's anger. It happen to me the same pattern of this world not for heavenly kingdom. If you've ever been in a stuffy meeting room, you know how thick the air can get. That's what happened in the spirits of the enemies. They breathed fool air and couldn't think straight.
But that's not why they failed. Notice The prophet Nehemiah comment in contrast with the enemy's activity: "But we prayed" (v. 9).
Praying allowed you, God's people to have fresh insight, on the morning the enemies leave because the right word confusion. At their camp. To make a wise decision, and let Nehemiah lead effectively. There was plenty of fresh air from above in their vertical conspiracy." The result was to "Post a guard" as a response and thus thwart the plans of the enemy. They came like a flood. But, the  Lord rise up a standard read 1 Peter 5:8-9 the same kind of sufferings. So be Be alert, be on watch! Our daily breathed dare not be amongst ourselves lest the air become stale with our own ideas and prejudices. It would only take one contemptous soul to foul our thinking.
We must ever be praying "breathed vetically if we are to have any wisdom from above.
Breathe on me, breathed on me, 
Holy Spirit, breathed on me
Take thou my heart, cleanse ev'ry part,
Holy Spirit, breathed on me. 

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