Tuesday, June 30, 2020

ISAIAH 40:31

"But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength they will fly high on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and 'ot faint.
Isaiah 40:31(NLT)
Whether the promises of God are for believer or given to the church. God words is true. His judgment are just, and His promises are "Yes" and "Amen." for those thqt believe His word, wait on Him, abide in Him and He in us. 
At the end of Isaiah chapter 40,we read some well-loved, verses that have encourage this new generation through many century of time. Youth may faint and grow weary, and young men stumble and fall But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength they will rise up high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." There are difficulties in life that today overwhelm the strongest of people, fears that gnaw at the stouted of human hearts and young men who grow faint and weary. They stumble and fall because they rely on their own inner strength and human resources. Which are not a sufficient shield in the storm of life. Six night without sleep i was wrestling with the devil. But the Name of Jesus is above all things i declared. Only the power from abovevis sufficient to sustain us. Only His protective hand ca' shelter us from the storms of lufe and not our own limited, human abilities. 
These words of comfort were given to you as a believer aftee Isaiah repeated warning of approaching punishment if they did not repent of their evil ways nevertheless... The Lord is good of comfort and grace. He never goes back on His loving kindness. He gives grace to the humble and renew the strength of those that wait upon Him in faith. 
Although tgese words were addresses to you they have an application in the lives of all God's people. They are call to us all to turn from wrong doing in our lives and live by faith and not by sight. To trust in the Lird with all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding. 
It is faith in His word that is needed to soar with wings as eagles. It is trusting God to bring to pass all He has promised even when our senses and logic seem to suggest the opposite or appear to contradict His promised. The truth is those who wait on the Lord are those who have the assurance and inner confidence that the promises He has made to His people, and the things for which we hope for, are a matter of fact and a present reality... 'that cannot be contracted by senses, emotions, reason or fear. The Lord our God is faithful and true to His word and He satisfies our year with good yhings so that our youth is renewed like that of an eagles. He is good to those who wait for Him, and He has promised that His grace is sufficient for us, and bring us good things, no matter how weary we may become, for His power is perfected in our weaknesses
God grace is sufficient for every circumstances of life it is sufficient for every difficulty we may face or any challenge life that throws at us there are evil people doing witchcraft in this pandemic world. I believe they are scattered to host this evil work i see it and this is my testimony. I speak the blood of Jesus in my house. (Act 16:31).
Those who confidently manage their christian walk by relying on their own personal talents, skill, capacities, and capabilities eventually discover thzt their strength is insufficient for their needs. In time they are brought to the very end of themselves until they can admit that the refreshments they desperately need has been drawn from the broken cistern of old. Adamic life and will eventually run dry. For the enemy-source that is powered through the fleshly self-like, will in time be drained of all it s self-induced efforts when a believer truly identifies with his savior and trust in Jesus Christ's capacities alone for hus journey through life, it is then that God's strength is made perfect in our weaknesses.
It is then that the wind of God will lift us up on eagles' wing and carry us through life's stresses and strain. 
It is when the man or woman of God is prepared to admit their weakness and capabilities, that they are enabled by Him to draw from the bottomless well of His everlasting supply, the store house and drink deeply from the living waters of God's suoer abundant provision. It is then that the spiritual battery is regenerated and renewed by Christ limitless power, enabling us to run the straight-race which is the righeousness of God and the joythat He has given us, His strength to run in such as to finished and win the prized, for tge upward call of God in our Lord. JESUS CHRIST. 

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