Thursday, July 2, 2020


For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish Psalm 1:6
TODAY WE ARE IN THE MIDST of a culture war and the deception of pragmatism. What is pragmatism mean? noun,
1. A pragmatic attitude or policy
"Ideology has been tempered with pragmatism!
2. Philosophy
An approach that evaluates theories or belief
In terms of success of the practical application. In 19th century from the Greek pragma, pragmatism, "deed"
We are confronted with far more than software piracy 5G application, lies, the wicked in the air, witchcraft practice, or bending of the truth when it suits us. Many people say; "If it works, do it; they mean it business. If you can get away with it, why not? This kind of reasoning has engulfed our generation like fog that gradually drifting in, obscuring our vision and lightning our lives. Pragmatism has blurred what is right and wrong made gray what is black and white.
Our culture today is one based on pragmatism, a philosophy founded by psychology William James who, in the year 1907, posed this situation: "Granting an idea or belief to be true, what concrete difference will it it's being true naked in anyone's actual life? What experiences will be different from those which would obtain If the belief were false? what, in short, is the truth's cash-value in experiential terms? Pragmatism means truth is not absolute but is subject to changing situations and circumstances. somehow, it depends on how you feel about the issue.
But you can be easily swept away by the tide of pragmatism when you have on anchor for your soul. You end up in bondage of the worst kind virus they say it covid 19 and you become a victim engulfed in a darkness that traps you. Open your eyes there are here. Scattered to devour Read (John10:10). And read 1 Peter5: 8-9 the same kind of sufferings! 
You're got to decide whether you will allow  yourself to be influenced by the moral relativism of need to choose between bad or good. Right standing with your God. Anything that you can get away with, or walking the narrow path God has paved yet only a few take, understand it. Choose carefully. The only way you can confirm is the truth.. His word my sword! I(saiah 41:10).

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