Tuesday, October 27, 2020


In a vision on 2019, I saw two women talking together, Iike friends do.
Then one of the women said, "Oh please, don't tell anyone I said that. That person would be so upset to know I shared something she asked me not to share, and if you don't tell her, then she'll never know her secret was shared."
And the two agreed not to share it beyond themselves. The one who shared the secret, by accident, trusted the other not to share, just as the original person, who shared it with, not to share.
But then the woman who had found out the secret by "accident" shared it with someone else by "accident."
End of Vision
I asked The Lord, "What do You want to tell about the vision?"
He said, "Do you remember playing telephone or telegraph when you were little and everyone at in a big circle?
The first person would share a secret with the second person and it would be whispered from ear to ear around the circle, with giggles in between, until it came to the last person in the circle and they would share the secret aloud.
Of course, what the last person said and what the original person, usually weren't even close to each other, because along the way around the circle, someone didn't hear clearly, or someone misunderstood, so they made up their own secret to share.
Then there were some who would maliciously change the secret on purpose, so someone might get I trouble or it would embarrassed someone.
This is an example of what really happened with gossip.
The first one who accidentally shared a secret that someone has shared with them doesn't usually look on it as gossip.
It is because it isn't their news, but it is hearsay, s she/he (because it happens with males and females) is gossipping.
Gossipping gets a whole lot of people in trouble and is used by the enemy very deviously to bring misunderstandings, to damage relationships, trust, and to destroy people mentally, physically, spiritually, and even financially if you get sued for it.
Gossip carries on the enemy's plan of lies, deceit, and perversion of the truth, or whatever name you want to call it he uses it to his advantage.
Who would have thought that one little secret could do so much harm?
But what is most important for you to know, is the enemy's uses "secret" today's weapon the witchcraft practice this is happening today during lockdown to poison your breathe. To give a bad character as they want. A bad Information you people doing that, such as where they will be or who they will be, so that the enemy can destroy people and pull them away to good.
You say, "But the enemy's isn't like you Lord, he can't be everywhere at once." And you are still thinking that maybe telling a secret "accidentally" really isn't so bad.
But I tell you, whether you are the first one to share someone there secret accidentally, or the last one, it is still gossip.
Did you forget, it isn't your news to tells? You have betrayed a friend or someone else, and it is wrong.
Oh, You thought you were helping them, because they'd never find out and you just wanted to share it and take advantage for your purposes.
It is still wrong. The original person share it with you, because they thought they could trust you not to tell.
So now you are going to betrayed their trust, because your judgement is better than theirs?
Who made you the judge of their secret?
Remember they shared with you, because they trusted you not to tell to anyone.
So how wrong is telling someone else's secret?
The enemy's is very calculating in controling the demons who work for him, that are within, near and around us.
Because the enemy's is who he is, he obviously wants to find out the weaknesses or ways to get at everyone that are within, near, and around us.
Because the enemy is who he is, he obliviously wants to find out the weaknesses or ways to get at everyone that isn't on his side.
How does he do this? He sends out demons as spies in the camp. 
Those in witchcraft also specifically as sign demons to certain people certain areas, etc, so they can find out information. But they forget laws; what you sow you shall reap. So unless you are praying to stop the spies in the land, and their unholy friends, and the magnetic or electrical and other forces used to spy on and harm you. But get deliverance from this unholy spirit that causing you to lose your relationship with God.

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