Wednesday, January 1, 2014

" Technology Connection"

jaiju was unrated chess player had a burning desire and he become a value runner, To be more effective in his skill he always play chess online beating all his opponent every game he played. As a step toward making his dreams come true, The Questions was asked, Do you want to spend the rest of your life setting sugared water, or do you want a chance to change your World, If you do nothing you will be in the same place, Nothing is going to change unless you happen. Again someone has said, The rest of your Life depend on the rest of your night it was inequalities and problem solving to Jaiju the only turning points Living escape came suddenly, there was an angelic sound coming somewhere singing the Lyrics sayest like this "The Rushing of mighty Wind Heaven and Earth in Lightning "your Glory" "your Glory" it was two times repeatedly singing, The mobile was flashing and vibrating and ringing, "Technology Connection" The Modern mobile. to support the content of my story read this. that was the challenge Steve Jobs issued in 1983 to John Sculley, then president of Pepsi-Cola. Mr Jobs was the creative genius behind apple Computer. He knew that the softdrink executive could help Apple make its mark on the computer World. Sculley accepted the Bold Challenge. you may say that was long time ago, here is another good strategy you can Blog the climate to change  or the mountain the Hill the valley the plateaued where there is no boundary speak forth, once you blog they will come out in their caves where they live or hide any character bad or good animal male and female, now we can see there's really a change, when the storm comes he will reshape the valley mountain our houses our road even our financial. the unforgettable remainder here is the storm Yolanda how much he did the lives of the filipino people i believe there must be a good change you and i need change, Technology need change, for me the only thing i should do is to tap and say "Technology Connect," another changes they moves excellent ideas created 5 hour ago in writing & translation "I will write 1500 words of SEO Optimized Content For $5 check its Hot's wonderful changes this year. Fiverr article Writing & Web Content services.
if one jumps into the air for a change his chances world," it is impossible to predict whether the person will ever come down again. That he come down the next time. Gravity and all the other naturals Laws change from hour to hour./ "what is sea level" is apart of the climate change. check www."or How High can We Build? it's awesome!! 
In the final analysis, The change World is a  frightening World. While most of the people enjoy a certain amount of spontaneity in their lives, they enjoy life more, when it is the lives against a backdrop of predictability, surety and trustworthiness. One days when we fall flat on our faces in failure or just feels lows, we need to remind ourselves that our mistakes are not the end of the world. our inadequacy is not our doom. our salvation doesn't depend on how well we manage to color inside the lines! Perfection may be our aim, but when we realized we haven't arrived there, we need to relax and turn to the senses, Lord, saying, Forgive me for what i have done, and for what i have left undone. i trust you to be my savior my Deliverer, my Hope, and my Perfection" He is and he always will be!
"Your Glory" compose by:
Edwin Eder

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