Friday, October 31, 2014


         Proclaim your love in the morning and your
                           Faithfulness at night
                                    Psalm 92:2

        The psalmist encourage us to proclaim the
        Lord's love in the morning.
        This proclaimation of love is not a matter of our
        Echoing Elizabeth barret Browning in saying to
        the Lord, "How do i I love thee? Let me count 
        The ways "Our love is not a recitation of the 
        Reason why God is worhty of our love. Nor is it 
        a declaration of our love for him. Rather, our 
        Proclamation of love is to be a statement of how 
        the Lord love us!
        How does He loves us?

        As you mediate on the Lord's love for you, certain
        Words  come to mind. Certainly the Lord loves you 
        Uncondittionally . . Gently . . Individually . . intimately 
        Eternally . . Closely . . Warmly . . Tenderly . . Kindly.
        You are His child. He always has your good in mind.
        The apostle paul said of God's Love:

           " who shall separate us from the love of christ?
              For I am persuaded that neither death nor life,
              Nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor 
              Things present nor things to come, nor height
              Nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall
              Be able to separate us from the love of God 
              which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"
                           Roman 8:35-39 NKJV

       Proclaiming the Lord's love for you in the morning
       Will giveyou strenght. Because you have a loving 
       Father with you always, you can make it through 
       Anyday, regardlessof the surprises god and bad 
       That comes your way.

       After begining and walking through your day in 
       God's love, at the day's end you can easily recount
      His faithfulness. He is faithful to provide what you
      Need, deliver you from evil, and lead you into His 
      Blessing all of which are expressions of his love. In 
      Recognizing God's love first and foremost, and 
      Living in that love all day long, you quickly recognize
      The power of God's love to sustain you, energize
      You, protect you and give love to others.

      This morning accept and expect the Lord to be 
      Loving toward you. . . And by tonight you will surely
      Know He been faithful

Monday, October 27, 2014


           Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing 
                                   Fulfilled is a tree of life
                                          Proverb 13:12

           We all understand, pershaps too well, the meaning of the 
Words "winter doldrums" we make it through December just fine, 
no matter what the weather may be because we are excitedly 
Preparing for the christmas and New Year's holidays.

          But then come January and February with snow, ice, subzero 
temperatures, and the post-holiday blues. Cabin fever sets in, the 
christmas bills flood the mailbox, tempers tend to fray, and each day 
seems like a carbon copy of the before. In those areas of the world 
where the sunshines warmly all year, the winter doldrums may take 
on a little different twist too many tourist causing crowded stores, 
crowded streets, and crowded restuarants.

         Jenet Leighton was suffering from this seasonal malady when, 
one day, she decided to break out of her doldrums. Bundling up 
against the cold, she took a walk in search of sign of hope and she 
Found them.

         Red berries purple briars, and golden grasses would seem 
Insignificant in the spring, but in February they are the promise of 
more brilliant colors to come. They were enough of sought out 
well-loved verses and renewed her commitment to God.

        The message of renewal seemed to snowball. She realized a 
friend for whom she had been praying was being healed gradually 
but surely. While paying bills, she saw other ways the Lord had 
blessed her family and her spirit was lifted.

        Before the doldrums get you down, regardless of the season, 
take to look for the splashes of color and sign of renewal God......
Continually send into your life. They're there ..You just have to look 
for them.


Sunday, October 26, 2014

"Sleeping in safety"

               I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;    
          for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety
                                                                  Psalm 4:8

          Someone had said, " the rest of your life depends on 
          the rest of your nights." Many people, though, feel like 
          the little boy who was having trouble falling asleep. He 
          told his mother, "My body is lying down, but my mind 
          keeps sitting up!"

               If anxious thoughts keep you awake, ask the Lord
          to quiet your heart and give you the faith to be able to 
          relax and let Him solve the problem that disturb you. 
          That's what David did when he was in trouble, for he 
           wrote, "I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for 
           You alone, O Lord, make dwell in safety" (Psalm4:8).
           When you realize that  your heavenly Father is watching 
           over you, you can find sweet rest.

                 During World War II, an elderly woman in England 
           had endured the nerve -shattering bombings with amazing
           serenity. When asked to give the secret of her calmness
           amid the terror and danger, she replied, "well, every night I 
           say my prayers. And then I remember that God  is always
           watching, so I go peacefully to sleep. After all, there is no
           need for both of us to stay awake!"
            Yes, you may not only sleep, but you can do so peacefully 
           If you recognize that youy heavenly Father is tenderly 
           watching over you ---- Henry Bosch
            " Before you sleep, just gently lay 
             Every troubled thought away:
             Drop your burden and your care 
             In the quiet arms of prayer -- anon

          " Because God never sleeps,
           We can sleep in peace"

Thursday, October 23, 2014


        Do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; 
        turn away from it and pass on.              Proverbs 4:14-15

        Imagine the obstacle a person would have to overcome to 
        walk from New York city to San Francisco. A man who had 
        accomplished this feat asked about his biggest hurdle. He 
        said that the toughest part of his trip wasn't walking up the 
        mountain or crossing hot dry, barren stretches of desert.
        " the thing that came the closest to defeating me," he 
        admitted, "was the sand in my shoes." This reminds me of 
        how we can be spiritually defeated by what begin as a 
        irritant. We let an unkind word, a small setback, or 
        misunderstanding get us down, or we allow people around 
        us to influence us a little but wrong ways. Instead of being 
        determined to avoid evil big or small (Proverb 4:14-27), we 
        compromise. We neglect to go to the Lord for forgiveness 
        and help.

        Sir Francis Drake, the 16th-century English explorer who 
        had sailed around the world, was crossing the Thames 
        River when a violent storm threatened to capsize his boat. 
        He cried, "Shall I who have endured the storm of oceans be 
        drowned in a ditch?"

        We would be wise to ask ourselves, "Shall I, who have come 
        so far by faith, be defeated by sand in my shoes'?''
        We must answer with a resolute no!  -------- Richard De Haan
               Lord, grant us strenght to overcome 
               Life's greatest trials that we may meet;
                      And grant it also when we face 
               Those little trials that would defeat.  ------- D De Haan
               "We stumble over pebbles, not mountains."

Saturday, October 4, 2014

"God's Provision bring Glory"

  But there's a key word for this all verse what the Lord has speaking Read Psalm 50:15 If you are in distress you can't remember all but the Psalm 50:15  you can and say call upon me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me"
Did you know that you bring glory to God by calling upon him you are in disressed? God promised He would deliver if you turned to Him. You deny the Lord honor that is rightfully His. Everytime yourself in difficulty and you fail to call Upon Him for help?
There are many times when God allow you to reach a point of need So that you can call upon Him and thus let Him demonstrate to a Watching world the difference He makes in the lives of his children.
   If God never allowed you to experience needs people around you Might never have the oppurtunity to witness God's Provision in the Life of believer. If you never faced a shortfall you might be tempted To feel self sufficient and without any need of God in your daily life
Pride will tempt you to think that you do not need to seek God's 
assistance self-regard will seek to convince you that you can handle
Your dilema through your own wisdom resources and hard work.
   Pride will also rob the Glory from God and seek to give it to you 
Don't allow pride to take what rightfully belong to the Lord.
Self-sufficiency can greatly hinder your ability to experience God And bring Him honor.
And old story tells of an angel who was sent by God to inform satan that all his method to defeat christians would be taken from him. The devil pleaded to keep just one. "Let me retain depre-
ssion." He begged. The angel, thinking this a small request, agreed.
"Good!" Satan exclaimed. He laughed and said, "In that one gift, I 
have secured all."
    In a now out-of-print book about depression, author Roger Barrett describes it as a "wretched experience that leaves you exhausted. Uninvolved, and in deep, hopeless despair.. You feel doomed's awful!"
    In every age, God's people have struggled with cripping emotion. Elijah's cry "It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life!" Is the cry of a despondent man (1kings 19:4). Other like Job and David knew similar. Agony of soul, but they emerged from it with stronger faith.
That's encouraging! 
    Depression can be rooted in spiritual, mental, or physical causes, and we should not be afraid to seek godly counsel and medical help. Whatever the initial cause, satan would love to defeat us by keeping us in our hope-starved condition. That's why we need to see that our ultimate help is in God--for He loves us and longs to 
shine His light through the clouds that surround us. He is the God of Hope. No one is hopeless who knows the God of hope.
Read 1 kings 19:1-7