Thursday, October 23, 2014


        Do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; 
        turn away from it and pass on.              Proverbs 4:14-15

        Imagine the obstacle a person would have to overcome to 
        walk from New York city to San Francisco. A man who had 
        accomplished this feat asked about his biggest hurdle. He 
        said that the toughest part of his trip wasn't walking up the 
        mountain or crossing hot dry, barren stretches of desert.
        " the thing that came the closest to defeating me," he 
        admitted, "was the sand in my shoes." This reminds me of 
        how we can be spiritually defeated by what begin as a 
        irritant. We let an unkind word, a small setback, or 
        misunderstanding get us down, or we allow people around 
        us to influence us a little but wrong ways. Instead of being 
        determined to avoid evil big or small (Proverb 4:14-27), we 
        compromise. We neglect to go to the Lord for forgiveness 
        and help.

        Sir Francis Drake, the 16th-century English explorer who 
        had sailed around the world, was crossing the Thames 
        River when a violent storm threatened to capsize his boat. 
        He cried, "Shall I who have endured the storm of oceans be 
        drowned in a ditch?"

        We would be wise to ask ourselves, "Shall I, who have come 
        so far by faith, be defeated by sand in my shoes'?''
        We must answer with a resolute no!  -------- Richard De Haan
               Lord, grant us strenght to overcome 
               Life's greatest trials that we may meet;
                      And grant it also when we face 
               Those little trials that would defeat.  ------- D De Haan
               "We stumble over pebbles, not mountains."

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