Sunday, October 26, 2014

"Sleeping in safety"

               I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;    
          for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety
                                                                  Psalm 4:8

          Someone had said, " the rest of your life depends on 
          the rest of your nights." Many people, though, feel like 
          the little boy who was having trouble falling asleep. He 
          told his mother, "My body is lying down, but my mind 
          keeps sitting up!"

               If anxious thoughts keep you awake, ask the Lord
          to quiet your heart and give you the faith to be able to 
          relax and let Him solve the problem that disturb you. 
          That's what David did when he was in trouble, for he 
           wrote, "I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for 
           You alone, O Lord, make dwell in safety" (Psalm4:8).
           When you realize that  your heavenly Father is watching 
           over you, you can find sweet rest.

                 During World War II, an elderly woman in England 
           had endured the nerve -shattering bombings with amazing
           serenity. When asked to give the secret of her calmness
           amid the terror and danger, she replied, "well, every night I 
           say my prayers. And then I remember that God  is always
           watching, so I go peacefully to sleep. After all, there is no
           need for both of us to stay awake!"
            Yes, you may not only sleep, but you can do so peacefully 
           If you recognize that youy heavenly Father is tenderly 
           watching over you ---- Henry Bosch
            " Before you sleep, just gently lay 
             Every troubled thought away:
             Drop your burden and your care 
             In the quiet arms of prayer -- anon

          " Because God never sleeps,
           We can sleep in peace"

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