Monday, October 27, 2014


           Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing 
                                   Fulfilled is a tree of life
                                          Proverb 13:12

           We all understand, pershaps too well, the meaning of the 
Words "winter doldrums" we make it through December just fine, 
no matter what the weather may be because we are excitedly 
Preparing for the christmas and New Year's holidays.

          But then come January and February with snow, ice, subzero 
temperatures, and the post-holiday blues. Cabin fever sets in, the 
christmas bills flood the mailbox, tempers tend to fray, and each day 
seems like a carbon copy of the before. In those areas of the world 
where the sunshines warmly all year, the winter doldrums may take 
on a little different twist too many tourist causing crowded stores, 
crowded streets, and crowded restuarants.

         Jenet Leighton was suffering from this seasonal malady when, 
one day, she decided to break out of her doldrums. Bundling up 
against the cold, she took a walk in search of sign of hope and she 
Found them.

         Red berries purple briars, and golden grasses would seem 
Insignificant in the spring, but in February they are the promise of 
more brilliant colors to come. They were enough of sought out 
well-loved verses and renewed her commitment to God.

        The message of renewal seemed to snowball. She realized a 
friend for whom she had been praying was being healed gradually 
but surely. While paying bills, she saw other ways the Lord had 
blessed her family and her spirit was lifted.

        Before the doldrums get you down, regardless of the season, 
take to look for the splashes of color and sign of renewal God......
Continually send into your life. They're there ..You just have to look 
for them.


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