Sunday, January 28, 2018

your Joy my strength

"for the joy of the Lord is your Strength."
Nehemiah 8:10

If men would believe Me, long prayer are not necessary just speaking the Word will bring what you desire. My creative power is given to man the book, that power is alive still in My Word. Consider His gift of Holy Spirit inspired fruit of joy. His repeated command was "Rejoice!" The fullness of joy is to found in Him
Finally, for the joy that was set before Him. Jesus endured His cross. In other words, if you're looking for joy, it can only be found in one place or that is, one person.
Now place yourself back in time. The sun is warm on your shoulders, and through the golden glow of history in the making, watch this Lord of Joy. He laughs as He holds a neighbor's newborn baby. He smiles while bouncing a three year old on his knee. He tousles the hair of a rowdy little boy. Picture His Joy to watch a puppy at play, to hear a funny story, to taste a hot and savory stew. Feel His Joy when the disciples listened and obeyed. Think of the joy that seized Him at the sight of a glorious sunset and the joy to know that He Created it. And finally, Jesus' 'Joy at seeing His Father's dream fulfilled.
when you mediate on God's Love... Smile His joy will be yours,
it is not possible to always be happy. It is possible to always have the joy of the Lord. Some have described it as a calm centeredness that tickles at the edges. It's a solid assurance that laughs if given the chance. It is unwavering confidence that can't help but look on the bright side of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your joy my strength.

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