Sunday, March 25, 2018


Matthew 5: 13
You are the salt of the earth.

It's common, cheap, and used around the world. It has stirred up wars, led to the establishment of trade routes, and paid the salaries of soldiers. Today it serves chiefly as a preservative and a flavoring. What is it? it's that crystalline substance we call salt.
   Jesus, who was a master of using ordinary things to illustrate spiritual realities, talked about salt when He was teaching His disciples how they were to serve as agents of His Kingdom. He said, "You are the salt of the earth" (Matthew5:13)
    If we think of salt as a preservative, we can assume Jesus wants us to prevent moral decay in our society. And if we think of salt ability to enhance flavor. We can be sure He wants us to help people discover the joy of knowing and living for Him. There are two type of salt in our society. Name it you know it.
   Salt stores away on shelf is not fulfilling its function. In a similar way, unless we are actively at work sharing God's life-enhancing truth, we are not serving as spiritual salt. After all, the place for salt is in the "stew" of human activities. Instead of just criticizing the corruption of our culture as well as the flatness of the live so many people endure, let's get into the stew--for we are the salt if the earth.

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