Sunday, August 30, 2020


For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.
THERE ARE MANY MOTIVATION IN THE CHRISTIAN'S LIFE. One is our awareness  that one day we will give an account of our lives to Christ, as He sits in judgement  upon humanity. It is much more comforting to believe that Christ will be ushered into heaven with no question asked about our faithfulness upon earth, but that is no what Scripture says will happen.
Paul cautioned that in the final day of judgement, every Christian will give an account for his or her actions. This expectation terrified Paul and motivate him to strive to God  in everything he did (2Cor.5:9-11). Paul knew that although he might ignore the Spirit's quiet voice during His life on earth, a time of accounting  would come when he would to explain why he had rejected God's instructions. Paul never carelessly assumed that, because of all he had done for God's kingdom, God would overlook his sin. Instead, he understood that to whom much is given, much is required (Luke12:48).
God does not force His will upon us. He will ask us to answer for the way we responded to Him. Christians have been pardoned by the sacrifice of Jesus. We are not condemned. But because God  is absolutely just, we will be called on to give an account of our actions. The Christian life gives a tremendous freedom, but it also brings a pervasive sense of our accountantabiliy to God and to others. We can learn from Paul that accountantabiliy is healthy; it gives us a powerful motivation  to please God.

Friday, August 28, 2020


[Jesus said,] He who believe in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 
(John 14:12)
Do you want a power? Don't take it the wrong way. Don't take it as power because you speak in tongues. If God has given you revelations along certain lines, don't take that for the power. Even if you have laid hands on the sick and they been healed, don't take that for the power. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me" (Luke 14:18): that alone is the power.
Many Christians are seeking spiritual power today. Praise God for that, for Jesus said, "Seek, and you will find" (Matthew 7:7). We so desperately need to see God's power fully operating in this day and age to come. Read our devotional verse. (John14:12).
Thus we know that "he who believes" is meant to move in the same power and do even greater works than Jesus did, but not many are doing so. Why not? The man of God supplies a key to the answer.
So many men and women are looking in the wrong places. We focus on the latest plan or popular teaching and hope that it will give us power. However, we can't work for it, buy it, or learn it from a book. We fail to realize that it is not the doing that brings power, but the yielding.
We can receive power only as a gift, through yielding and obeying. We may speaking tongues, have great revelations, and even see some healings, but this is far below pattern we are meant to work in. God's standard is for us to be fully yielded and controlled, fully possessed, and thus "clothed with" (2 Cor.5:2) His Spirit and power wherever we go, and in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me" 
(Luke 4:18) is the prize that the church is looking for and What God wants to giver her. It is the beauty of yielding, the depth of possession, the joy of obedience, and the wonders of His power. If You have it lived with it "Clothed with" the Spirit, and he continued to talk again and again about it. If you are finding repetition here, it is so that you might be continually confronted with this model, so that you would adopt this standard as your own, and so that you will not settle for anything less. May you fight and pray, study and yield, until you have it.
This standard is what God wanted to bring the church at the beginning of the twentieth century. However only a few people really seized it for themselves.
In the great last-days harvest that is coming upon the earth, God will establish His standard in the heart and lives of His people. Many not just a few, but an army will walk fully "Clothed with"  (2 Cor. 5:2) the Holy Spirit. The time is now for the whole body of Christ to be Clothed with"  the Spirit of Christ. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me." This is the true power; this is possession. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


"The people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits"
(Daniel 11:32)
To possess the Spirit of God is one thing but it is quite another to be possessed by the Spirit of God.
Millions around the world have received the baptism on the Holy Spirit since the great outpouring at the beginning of the twentieth  century. This is part of the preparation of the church, the bride, for the return of King of Kings.
However, the beauty and power of his life came from the fact that he went on from there to the position that he is talking about here. A further place in Spirit exists, a place of being controlled and possessed by Him. God really starts to use men and women when they become totally consumed by Him, to the fact, to the extent that their thinking, their ways of acting, their praying, their  worshipping, their all become Spirit controlled. Their lives are no longer their own but His.
Nothing less will please the Lord, only a constant, full burnt offering for God where He is in absolute and utter authority over my whole being until I am living thinking, acting  on the power of the Holy Spirit. 
We know that many people are affected by evil Spirits in our day. Now many people are "demonized," or affected by them in certain restricted areas of their lives yet they still carry on relatively normal activities, being bound just in those areas. For example they may be "demonized" by a spirit of alcoholism, spirits of anger and rage or spirit of lust, yet the evil spirit don't dominate or control their whole existence.
However, a very few people actually are possessed by a demon. Those possessed  are in an asylum strapped to a table or in a straightjacket, because they have no personal control because the demon spirit is controlling them. God is looking for those who will come to the place of absolute surrender.
In the same way, many Christian's are "Holy Spiritized," still living according to their own plans most of the time, affected by God"s Spirit in some aspects of their lives. But a few are actually possessed by the Holy Spirit. Those possessed are the ones who have given over total control to Him. "The people who know their God  shall be strong, and carry out great exploit" (Daniel 11:32).
This is the second step of the baptism in the Holy Spirit that the church needs to take hold of. The last days church, with opposition that it is up against  and the work it still has to do, must take hold of this further step of being Spirit-filled. God is looking for those who will come to the place of absolute surrender.  They will be the labourers used in the end-times harvest the last great world wide revival. They will he  God's end times army not those with great ability or gifts who have the Holy Spirit but those  who have God's  ability because the Holy Spirit  has them. If your desire is to be a member of this special "armed forces unit," it requires your absolute dedication. You need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and received the gift of tongues  as a starting point. If you have not experienced this yet, seek the Lord for it. Then find someone who has, so that they might lay hands on you and pray for you.  Do not stop until you received it. Finally,  consecrate yourself to the surrendered life to become part of God's end times army and "a flame of fire" (Hebrew 1:7).

Monday, August 24, 2020


If any one choose to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from or whether I speak on my own.
John 7:17
THERE WAS SOMETHING about the stranger who walked with those two men on a dusty road that led from Jerusalem to Emmaus almost 2,000 years ago. The two men were talking about all of the events that caused them to believe Jesus was the savior.
As the three walked, the two men told how two women had gone to the grave and it was empty; but this they could not believe. Luke (who records the event) says, "As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him" (Luke 24: 15-16). Then the stranger began to explain what had happened in terms they could understand. They invited Him to dinner and suddenly the mystery was over
Luke says, "When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyed were opened and they recognized him" (Luke 24:30-31). It was the resurrected Christ who had walked with them, and they had known Him not.
It is still true today, sometimes it is the impact of 21st century materialism that blinds our eyes and keeps us from recognizing the resurrected Savior. The aura of "intellectualism" keeps us in the dark. Sometimes we are so consumed with ourselves, our plan, and our agenda that we never discover that the resurrected Christ has been with us all along.
How strange that these two men were so preoccupied that they failed to recognize Him, but then does not the same thing happen even today? Ask Christ to open your eyes spiritually and reveal Himself to you, and invite Him to walk with you day by day. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020


For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased  men, I would not be a bondservant  of Christ.
Galatians 1:10
AT TIME YOU WILL HAVE TO MAKE a choice between pleasing God and pleasing those around you, for God's way are not man's ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). As important as it is to strive for good relations with other it is even more important to maintain a steadfast and obedient relationship with Christ. Disobeying God to keep peace with other people is never wise. Peace with God is always paramount. 
Jesus warned that obeying Him might cause division in your relationship (Matt.10:35-36). If Paul's primary goal had been to please others, he would never have become an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul went completely against the wishes of his colleagues in order to obey Christ. At times, obedience to God sets family  members at odds with each other ( Matt.10:35-36). When you follow Jesus' lordship, your family may misunderstand, or even oppose you, yet your to God reflects your identity as His child. Jesus said that those who obey His will are His brothers and sisters (Luke 8:31). God does not intend to divide the home, but He places obedience before domestic harmony. 
It is important to get alone in quietness with God so that you understand what pleases Him. The world's thinking will mislead you more easily when you are not clear about what God desires. It broke  Peter's heart to know that the opinion of a servant girl had mattered more to him than the approval of his Lord! If the desire to appease others tempts you to compromise what you know God wants you to do, learn from Peter's mistakes. Determined that you will please your Lord regardless of the opinions of others. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Never live in a lesser place than where God has called you to, and He has called you up on high to live with Him...Through Christ, He has given you power "over all the power of the enemy" (Luke 10:19).)
God wants His people to live in the place of authority! Absolute dominion in the spirit realm. He has called us to "reign with Him"
(2 Timothy 2:12), to reign with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! He said, "All authority ["power," KJV] has been given to Me in heaven and on earth" (Matthew 28:18). This is power that is ours as we become one with Him. Certainly, the Enemy has power. But we have "all power"! All power over Enemy and our own flesh. Paul lived in it and so can we. God wants us to live in the place where we wield this power. We have power over the power of the Enemy, but all too many  believers live under the power of the Enemy- under sickness, under poverty, under bondage to sin. "Brethen, these things ought not to be so" (James 3:10). What the man of God saying was, never settle for anything less than complete victory. It is one thing to be going through a trial fighting, quite another to be stuck having resigned oneself to it. Too many have grown to accept their difficulties. Why? The "spirit of slumber" (Roman's 11:8KJV) that they have allowed to overtake them does not permit them to see or hear anything differently. 
Do you again see the man of secret in the above excerpt from his sermon? He didn't  accept anything less than God's best. The secret of the "flames of fire" (Hebrew 1:7) is the secret of being filled with God!
The hunger brings the desperation, brings the breakthrough, brings the awakened spirit, brings the revelation, brings the authority, brings power, brings the victory, brings everything God has for us and everything that we'll ever need, until we are totally filled with God.
You can live "on high" (Hebrew 1:3) with Him and "reign with Him" 2 (Timothy 2:12) as you are filled with God.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing. 
When shall we know He is there? When we are "found in Him" (Philippian 3:9), not having our own work or our own plans, but resting in the omnipotent plan of God. 
To abide in Christ, to be "found in Him," what an incredible reality! This is our goal, our purpose, and God's ultimate purpose for us. Abiding in Him is the other side of being possessed by the Spirit of God, the fruit of brokenness, another beauty of the Christlife. When He truly reigns as King in us in all things, then we will always be "found in Him." 
Paul talked about being "found in Him" in Philippian 3:9, and he went on to say in verse 12, "Not that i have already attained,...but I press on." The Scripture tells us that we are already in Christ, but Paul was going a step further by talking about the full appropriation  of this reality in his life. He "pressed on" with all his heart, and so must we. 
One of your constant themes is the hidden  life, a life "hidden with Christ."  For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Colossian 3:3). It is a life in "the secret place of the Most High" (Psalm91:1), so that we might say with the psalmist,  "You are my hiding place" (Psalm 32:7).
When we live fully in His plan and not our plans His ideas and not our ideas, His thoughts and not our thoughts
( see Isaiah 55:8-9), His work and not our own, then our lives are hidden in Christ because we have reached the point of brokenness. You must find this place if you really want to be used of God. When you do, you will really know that He is there.
Every day must be a step toward living in this  place, being "found in Him," where your mind stops and His mind begins to take over, where your thoughts cease and He fills you with His thoughts. Your devotional time is not just an opportunity to give God your list of request, but rather a time of change and transformation, a time of surrender and becoming one with God. Each day, set yourself a specific times of total surrender,  of seeking God to take over your thoughts, plans dreams, visions feelings in short,  everything. This is yielding; this is possession. You must know, thought, that God will not take over your will and force you into this place. You never lose your will. Possession is when your will is daily given to Him so that you may enter "the secret place" and be "found in Him."

Thursday, August 13, 2020


In this way he has given us the very great and precious gifts he promised, so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust that is in the world, and may come to share the divine nature.
2 Peter 1:4
 We begin to live with an awakening spirit that lays hold of all the "exceedingly great and precious promises" (2 Peter1:4) of God. This in turn, brings us into the realization of the power and authority that we actually have in Him. We begin to live on high! You may have the word, but you need an awakened spirit. The Word is not alive until it is moved upon by the Spirit of God.
Like the sailors in the mouth of the Amazon, many of us are dying of spiritual lack in the midst of the abundant riches of God. In this present time, more of the  preaching the Word than in any previous era. The wonderful truths and promises of God are being declared in churches around the world by men of God with sincere hearts.
However, great teaching becomes just "knowledge [that] puffed up" (1Cor.8:1). In the minds of those whose spirit have fallen into slumber. An awakened spirit is one that is free of the doping effects of the flesh and the canal mind.
Who you are and what is yours now Christ is nothing short of phenomenal! But the carnal mind (the sinful, fleshly mind that you lived with prior to conversion) cannot even begin to see this let alone appreciate it. Neither can you grasp it if you are still controlled by your emotions and feelings. The reason is that, when your emotions rule, your spirit slumbers. When you feel happy, think you believe; but when you are sad, down, or depressed  the faith you thought you had seems to disappear. You are riding an emotional roller coaster up, then down; belief then doubts; trust, then worry and so on. Who and what you are in Christ is nothing short of phenomenal. 
The solution is to live by your born-again spirit, an awakened spirit ruled by Holy Spirit, and not by your mind emotions. But how do you do this. God is looking for those who will do the same. Lord, let of us ever live with an awakened spirit. Take us out of our slumber, so that we might be all that You desire totally filled with all that You have for us.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light."
LUKE 8:17
ONE OF SATAN SUBTLE DECEPTION is that you can do things in secret that will  never be revealed. This is simply not so. The Bible stresses that everything  done in darkness  will one day be brought to light. So before you commit yourself to do anything  questionable, seriously ask yourself, "Am I willing for those around me to know what I am about to do? Am I willing for God to watch me participate in this activity?"
The knowledge that God sees what we do, the certainty that we are accountable  for every word and actions, ought to dissuade us from sin (2Cor.5:10). But we can become so alienated from God that even this knowledge does not deter us. God promises that He will publicly expose our sin so that we must give an account to others for our actions. Ultimately, everything we do will be exposed on judgement day.
Still, some people believe they can sin against God, their families their employers, or their friends and never be discovered. 
God has provided a safeguard against sin: the certainty of disclosure, Scripture  commands us to expose the deeds of darkness as we become aware of them (Eph.5:11). As Christians we are to be the light that dispels the darkness in our world. We live in. Sin cannot continue in the Christian's experience, for light cannot dwell with darkness. The only insurance against  having your sins exposed is living a blameless life in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Monday, August 10, 2020


It is in vain for you to rise up early the psalmist does not here say that it is improper to rise up early; or their could be no advantage of it; or that people would be more likely to be successful in their undertaking if they didn't rise early. But, that, altbough this was done, they would be still, aithough together dependend to God. Mere early rising, without his blessing, would not secure what they hope to accomplish, for everything is in the hand of God. Health, strength, clearness of mind, and success, are all under his control. And though early rising may tend to produce all of these- as it does in fact- yet still people are not the less dependent on God for success. To sit up late - that you may labor or study. Then he said to Him, "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here."  It is possible to experience success and yet be void of God's Presence. If success is what is important to you, you may be tempted to choose accomplishments over your relationship with God. God offered to send an angel with the Israelites as they entered the promised land to ensure their success in every venture. No army could withstand them. No city wall could stop it. The wealth of the land lay before them. Everything they had ever dreamed of appeared to be theirs for the taking. The only thing missing would be the presence of God. God said they were an obstinate people, and He would not go with them when their hearts were far from Him. Let us read is account of (Matthew 3:1-6). The Israelites came to Jordan in faith having been told that they should pass it in the way of duty, Let us proceed as far as we can, and depend on the Lord. Joshua led them particular. Notice is taken of his early rising as afterward, upon others occasion
Which show little he sought his own ease, those who would bring great thing to pass. Must rise early, love not sleep lest Thou come in poverty. Let me explain in my side. I rise up early to pray,  i go to my work to avoid traffic, i always go ahead of time at work that i can finished accomplished more work not being overloaded of my work schedule i found that there is joy. And it became a life style for me. This type of circumstances i called it The Battle of within us. In his letter to Christians in Galatia, Paul tried to get them to understand the inner conflict that all who belong to Christ will experience between "the flesh" (our sinful human nature), and the Holy Spirit who lived within us. (Galatians 5:17)
Because our self-centered nature wants it own way, it fights the Law of the kingdom within us. So we often end up doing our will rather the kingdom we suppose to be doing. He said "Walk in the Spirit" 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


And the Lord said to Joshua, "Do not fear them, for I have delivered them into your hand; not a man of them shall stand before you." 
NO GREATER CONFIDENCE WILL EVER COME TO YOU or to any other Christian than the confidence of knowing you are doing God's will. God will not commission you to do anything without ensuring your success. God  assured Joshua that there was no reason to fear as he prepared to battle the Canaanites. God would allow the Israelites to fight the battle, but the outcome was settled before they ever picked up their weapons. What confidence this gave them as they fought! Even though their enemies fought relentlessly, Joshua's army was certain of Eventual victory. 
God does not promise you victory in every task you devise, but He does promise that you will be successful whenever you follow His will (Deut.28.7,25).
Does it appear that people are keeping you from obeying God's will? Rest assured that God will not allow anyone or anything to prevent His children from accomplishing His purposes.
Be careful to evaluates success in the way that God does. Perhaps He is working to produce His peace in your heart as you face troubling times. perhaps He is working to develop a forgiving spirit in you when others mistreat you. Perhaps He is working to eliminate a particular sin in your life. If you accept the world's understanding of victory,  you may feel defeated. If you look to see what God is accomplishing your through your situation, you will find that He is succeeding. When you face opposition but know you are doing what God has asked, have confidence that He will accomplish everything that He desires. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Because who you are

"I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me. He sends from heaven and saves me, revoking those who hotly pursue me; God sends his love and his faithfulness." 
Psalm 57:2-3
PERHAPS LONG AGO When you first believed in Christ you may have heard those familiar  words, "God loves you and has a wonderful  plan for your life." That brand-new thought warmed your heart, didn't it? You excitedly embarked on your spiritual journey, pleased  and comforted to know that God has a unique and special plan just for you. 
But perhaps those days when you first believed are long ago and far away. You've gotten sidetracked,  your attention diverted. If so, let me ask you: Do you still believe God has a wonderful plan for your life? If not, let Psalm 57 jar your memory. Find assurance  in the first few verses.
God will fulfills His purpose plan through you. He fulfill His plan through you as you touch others with His love and faithfulness.
Nothing ever thwarted the purpose of God. Nothing can ruin His plan. If you are trusting  Him, then God's plan for you is progressing  right on schedule full speed ahead.
Because God is love, His plans can only be loving. Because God is good, His intentions  for you are of the highest good. Because He is Lord of Hope,  His purpose is to always give you hope. He can never be (or do!) less than He is. God will only permit in your life those trials that, with His grace, you are able to handle. That includes everything from emotional pain to physical paralysis. And this is why you have the assurance that His plans only mean spiritual prosperity for you and a hopeful future.