Monday, August 24, 2020


If any one choose to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from or whether I speak on my own.
John 7:17
THERE WAS SOMETHING about the stranger who walked with those two men on a dusty road that led from Jerusalem to Emmaus almost 2,000 years ago. The two men were talking about all of the events that caused them to believe Jesus was the savior.
As the three walked, the two men told how two women had gone to the grave and it was empty; but this they could not believe. Luke (who records the event) says, "As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him" (Luke 24: 15-16). Then the stranger began to explain what had happened in terms they could understand. They invited Him to dinner and suddenly the mystery was over
Luke says, "When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyed were opened and they recognized him" (Luke 24:30-31). It was the resurrected Christ who had walked with them, and they had known Him not.
It is still true today, sometimes it is the impact of 21st century materialism that blinds our eyes and keeps us from recognizing the resurrected Savior. The aura of "intellectualism" keeps us in the dark. Sometimes we are so consumed with ourselves, our plan, and our agenda that we never discover that the resurrected Christ has been with us all along.
How strange that these two men were so preoccupied that they failed to recognize Him, but then does not the same thing happen even today? Ask Christ to open your eyes spiritually and reveal Himself to you, and invite Him to walk with you day by day. 

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