Friday, August 28, 2020


[Jesus said,] He who believe in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 
(John 14:12)
Do you want a power? Don't take it the wrong way. Don't take it as power because you speak in tongues. If God has given you revelations along certain lines, don't take that for the power. Even if you have laid hands on the sick and they been healed, don't take that for the power. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me" (Luke 14:18): that alone is the power.
Many Christians are seeking spiritual power today. Praise God for that, for Jesus said, "Seek, and you will find" (Matthew 7:7). We so desperately need to see God's power fully operating in this day and age to come. Read our devotional verse. (John14:12).
Thus we know that "he who believes" is meant to move in the same power and do even greater works than Jesus did, but not many are doing so. Why not? The man of God supplies a key to the answer.
So many men and women are looking in the wrong places. We focus on the latest plan or popular teaching and hope that it will give us power. However, we can't work for it, buy it, or learn it from a book. We fail to realize that it is not the doing that brings power, but the yielding.
We can receive power only as a gift, through yielding and obeying. We may speaking tongues, have great revelations, and even see some healings, but this is far below pattern we are meant to work in. God's standard is for us to be fully yielded and controlled, fully possessed, and thus "clothed with" (2 Cor.5:2) His Spirit and power wherever we go, and in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me" 
(Luke 4:18) is the prize that the church is looking for and What God wants to giver her. It is the beauty of yielding, the depth of possession, the joy of obedience, and the wonders of His power. If You have it lived with it "Clothed with" the Spirit, and he continued to talk again and again about it. If you are finding repetition here, it is so that you might be continually confronted with this model, so that you would adopt this standard as your own, and so that you will not settle for anything less. May you fight and pray, study and yield, until you have it.
This standard is what God wanted to bring the church at the beginning of the twentieth century. However only a few people really seized it for themselves.
In the great last-days harvest that is coming upon the earth, God will establish His standard in the heart and lives of His people. Many not just a few, but an army will walk fully "Clothed with"  (2 Cor. 5:2) the Holy Spirit. The time is now for the whole body of Christ to be Clothed with"  the Spirit of Christ. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me." This is the true power; this is possession. 

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