Monday, August 3, 2020

Because who you are

"I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills his purpose for me. He sends from heaven and saves me, revoking those who hotly pursue me; God sends his love and his faithfulness." 
Psalm 57:2-3
PERHAPS LONG AGO When you first believed in Christ you may have heard those familiar  words, "God loves you and has a wonderful  plan for your life." That brand-new thought warmed your heart, didn't it? You excitedly embarked on your spiritual journey, pleased  and comforted to know that God has a unique and special plan just for you. 
But perhaps those days when you first believed are long ago and far away. You've gotten sidetracked,  your attention diverted. If so, let me ask you: Do you still believe God has a wonderful plan for your life? If not, let Psalm 57 jar your memory. Find assurance  in the first few verses.
God will fulfills His purpose plan through you. He fulfill His plan through you as you touch others with His love and faithfulness.
Nothing ever thwarted the purpose of God. Nothing can ruin His plan. If you are trusting  Him, then God's plan for you is progressing  right on schedule full speed ahead.
Because God is love, His plans can only be loving. Because God is good, His intentions  for you are of the highest good. Because He is Lord of Hope,  His purpose is to always give you hope. He can never be (or do!) less than He is. God will only permit in your life those trials that, with His grace, you are able to handle. That includes everything from emotional pain to physical paralysis. And this is why you have the assurance that His plans only mean spiritual prosperity for you and a hopeful future.

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