Sunday, December 25, 2022

Redefine Happines

SCRIPTURE: Roman 5:2-4
VERSE FOR TODAY: "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice  in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produce perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." 

Moments of peace are precious. When we find them. We hold on tight and pray that they last. But there's a peace that goes beyond our understanding- beyond the pain and fear we face today. If you've been Missing Peace, then ask your shall I offer at this moment as the Lord leads..
SOME PEOPLE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE HAPPY. I'm  not being cynical, because the very folks about whom I'm  speaking would agree. They would be the first to say that they are in a dead-end relationship, that they see no end to be constant irritation of their at there work, that they will never lose those ugly routine watching, go and sleep your best life. to them, seems to be never-ending, take joy as your peace.
Are you this way? Does happines, like s butterfly, almost flutter within reach
 You must define joy and happined. But just when you think you have grapsed it
.. it's gone? But the joy... Sayed it the joy of our Lord is my strrenght or perhaps you feel marriage is okey, and your job is acceptable. Yet you feel as thought something's  missing. Perhap you think this is real happiness.
Well, life is hard. For some, it is downright hard. Unhappiness seems to be here to stay. But it doesn't Havel to be this way because the answer is not to get rid of unhappiness but to find a new definitions for it. We redefine happiness as duty and honor, sacrifice and faithfulness, commitment and service. Happiness is fleeting and elusive, but the joy is an overflow of the perseverance and hope that comes from demonstrating faithful sacrifice and committed service read (Roman 12:1)." 
Lord of joy, will You help me redefine happiness in my life? You promises joy in the midst of our suffering, so please let me know You're Joy today as I persevere in faithful service and as I demonstrate true commitment in your tasks. Give me Your smile, let me feel Your peace dancing in my heart. That for me , will be true joy.

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