Tuesday, January 31, 2017

For This I Am Thankful

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good for His mercy endure forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34

"GIVE THANKS IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, for this God's will for you in Christ Jesus," wrote a man who had known more than his fair share of difficulties, His name? We know him as Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ.
   No matter where you live, every day should be a day of Thanksgiving, For what should you be thankful? Don't limit your gratitude To my list, but may I mention some of the things for which I give thanks?
   First, I give thank for the assurance that I am God's child, that He has forgiven me and brought me into the kingdom of His dear Son not because of the Father's great love for me.
    I also thank God for the bumps on the road, challenges that brings me face to face with my weakness and cause me to cry out for God's help and provision that come in such s way that tells me He has provided as opposed to something "just happening." What He has withheld, I haven't, and what He has given me is a stewardship to be used widely for His work.
   I'm thankful that in a world of turmoil, our great God will allow nothing to happen that escapes His attention or ability to prevent. That's why Paul Wrote, "In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you" (1 Thessalonians 5:18KJV).
   And what of the future? It will arrive just one day at a time, and when tomorrow comes, God's Son will be there to take my hand and walk me through the valley one step at a time. Yes, be thankful, friend. Give thanks to the Lord. . . for His love truly endures forever.

Sunday, January 29, 2017


Everyone who has this hope in him purify himself, just as he is pure.
1 John 3:3

MATTHEW TELLS US that Jesus took Peter, James and John and went up a mountain where "he was transfigured before them. Hus face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light" (Matthew 17:2).
     The face of Jesus undoubtedly reflected the purity of s newborn infant, untainted by the corruption and guile that so often are stamped on our faces. He confronted His detractors, saying, "Which of you can prove me guilty of sin?"
     When He smiled, God smiled, and when He frowned (and, on occasion. He did just that). Fire flashesbin His eyes. But most of the time, day the Gospels, His eyes spoke the language of love.
     I have often tried to imagine what Jesus eyed looked like probably dark eyed that could vary their expression from an electric storm with lightening flashing to a peaceful, beautiful meadow full of flowers and laughing children.
     His gaze penetrated the veneer of external respectability that makes us comfortable and saw through the hearts of people. Hebrew 4:13 tells us that all of our actions are visible and naked unto the eyes of Him who ruled the universe.
     When I was a lad, the ultimate test of truthfulnedd that I had to pass was when my dad would say, "Son, look at me in the eye!" Peter had boasted that he would never deny Christ, yet three timed he attempted to distance himself from Jesus, even swearing. He never deny Christ, yet three times he attempted to distance himself from Jesus, even swearing he never knew Him. Then Luke recorded, "The Loird turned and looked straight st Peter" (Liked 22:61). Their eyes  connected. Was it a look of censure an I told you so" sort of look? I don't thinkdo, otherwise Peter liked Judas, would have totally despaired of life.
     Look full in His wonderful face. You'll see His love and purity

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Walking Worthy

Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ.
Paul never lost his wonder at having been called by God. He understood that the way he lived ought to be worthy of the king who had chosen him. He knew that the mystery of the gospel had been hidden for generation and only been revealed in the day through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Col. 1:26-27). Paul also understood that until people accept the gospel, they are spiritually dead and therefore without hope (Col.2:13). As a result of God's plan of salvation, those who trust in Jesus are not only made alive in Christ but are also adapted as the Father"s children (Rom. 8:16-17). Paul recognized that though the gospel sounds like foolishness to the world, it is the power of God that bring eternal life to those who accept it.
      Because Paul's life had been radically transformed by the gospel he was intent on living to honor the gospel that gave him life. It would have been tragic to receive the riches of the gospel and then to live as a spiritually pauper. It would have been disgraceful to be saved from death by the blood of Christ and then show no reverence for that sacrifice. It would have been foolish to accept such love from Christ and then to recent what He asked in return.
     The way you live your life ought to be a tribute to the matchless grace that your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has bestowed upon us.

Friday, January 27, 2017


If it is possible as far as it depends on you, live at peace.
Romans 12:18

MEN AND WOMEN handle anger differently Recent findings of researchers who studied 1,769men and 1,913 women show that hothead men are at risk of developing heart disease in ways that seemingly do not affect women. Men with fiery tempers have a10% greater risk of heart flutter, which leads to strokes, which can lead to the back door of the mortuary.
      Many believe that it is healthy to get anger out of your system by venting your emotions, A recent study demonstrated that this notion is totally inaccurate. Blowing off steam by telling people what you think damages our health more than you realize. Living with anger actually shorten the lives of people
      There is a big difference between getting anger out of your system by yelling and screaming and releasing anger in such a way that there is no steam to blow off.
       It is no wonder that the apostle Paul advised us to live at peace with everyone, if is possible. There is a disclaimer that you find in that conditional phrase, " if is possible."
Yes there are tines when peace is not a possibility However, you can still deal with issues in such a way your blood pressure doesn't go off the charts.
      Anger is a killer. If you want to enjoy life learn to walk away from anger and let God deal with the person who angers you. It"s the key to living longer and enjoying life more.
Living at peace with those who annoy you is a decision that turn your heart into a refuge regardless of what happens.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Through the year

I Remember the days of old Psalm. 143:

Sometimes our minds run back through the years and yearn for that better time and place the "good old days."
     But for some, the past harbors only bitter memories. Deep in the night they ponder their own failures, disillusionments, and fantasies, and think of the cruel hand life has dealt them.
     It's better to remember the past as David did, by  contemplating the good that God has done, to mediate on all [His] works:. . .  muse on the work of [His] hands" (Psalm 143:5). . As we call to mind the lovingkindness of the Lord, we can see His blessings through the years. These are the memories that foster the highest good. They evoke a deep longing for more of God and more of His render care. They transform the past into a place of familiarity and fellowship with Lord.
       I heard a story an elder women who wouldn't be in silence for hours in her rocking chair, hands folded in her lao, eyed gazed off into the far distance. One day her daughter asked: " Mother what do you think about when you sit there so quietly? " Her mother softly with a twinkle in her eye. "That's just between Jesus and me."
        I pray that our memories and meditations would draw us into His presence.
I have promised you My presence with you everywhere you go; i will never leaves you As you travel here below


Not with eyeservice, as man pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.
Ephesians 6:6

I love watching the skill of great athletes as they give their all on the field. It shows their love for the game. Conversely, when a long season is winding down and team is already eliminated from the opportunity for championship or playoff games, sometimes it seems that the players are merely "going through the motions." Their lack of passion can be disappointing to fans who have paid to watch a good game.
       Passion is a key aspect of our personal lives as well. Our heart attitude toward the Lord is revealed in how we serve Him. The apostle Paul said that our service includes the way we go about our daily work. In Ephesians 6:6-7 we read that we are to approach our work, not with eyeservice, as men pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ  doing the will of God from the heart with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord and not men."
      For me, the key in that verse is "from the heart."  I have a heavenly Father who loves me deeply and sacrificed His Son for me. How can I do anything less than give my very best for Him? The passion to love for God that comes from the heart"  Provides our best response to the One who has done so much for us.
Father every day offers opportunities for me to express my love for You. May the passion with which I live, work, serve, and relate to others be a fitting expression of my gratitude for Your love for me.
In Jesus name, amen.

Gabe the movie


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A kick in the pants

"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, to not hold back, lengthen your cords, strengthen  your stakes
Isaiah 54:2
The Old Testament kingdom of Judah needed a kick in the pants, a shot in the arm, a knock on the head. They had rebelled against God, for which God plainly and directly judged through the prophet Isaiah and through foreign nations.
      They deserved to be scolded or punish, but God was as wise then as He is now. He simply opened their eyes.
      "Your vision is too small because of pain," He said. "You've focused on your lack---,---lack of a nation, lack of power, lack of unity, lack of an army, Hang it all! Expanded your tent pegs out a fee notches and live as if you have it all. Because you do! You have my prophecy of a mighty nation. You have my undying love. My forgiveness. My power, you have me!
      There are days when I need such a vision, I tire easily at times. And when I tire I want to go in my "tent"  of pity and frustration and anger. My small tents are comfortable. Though it's dark and cramped, I feel a sense of comfort.
       But not for long God tells me in Isaiah 54:5 that my Maker is my husband, and He desire my company under a large tent. That I might expand His Kingdom with Him. And as I do so, I find the fresh breezes of new strength to deal with my pity, frustration, and anger I am renewed.
       Lord, expand my vision today. Let me see the light of day from Your perspective. Drive homes the tent pegs hope deep and far. Stretch my life to conform to the potential You see.

Monday, January 23, 2017


"Remember how the Lord hour God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your father's had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread along but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord."
Deuteronomy 8 :2-3

Humans get hungry, and not just for food but for a whole range of desires and dreams. Hunger to have hoped fulfilled and longings answers seems to be built into us.
      Sometimes our hunger gets us into trouble, and we wish we could curb our appetites. But in Deuteronomy 8:2, you'll be surprised to learn who gives us these longings. The Lord is the one who causes us to hunger. He is the one who has put within us our desires and yearning. AF first, this seems odd. Doesn't God know that the hungries" often get us into trouble?
      God has good reasons for giving us such large appetites. He has placed within us desires in order to test us and bumble us, to see what is in our heart, to see whether or not we would follow Him. He causes us to hunger so that we might learn to feed on the Bread of  Heaven, to live on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
      To hunger is to be human, but to hunger for God is to feed on Him, Hunger and thirst after His righteousness and feed on Him in your heart. Taste and see that the Lord is good; it is He who will film you to satisfaction.
I am prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. I'm prone to leave the God I love. Here's my heart, please take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Now in the morning,having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place: and there He prayed

It was common knowledge among disciple that they would find Jesus praying during the early morning hours. When they needed Him, they knew to go to the place of prayer. When Judas betrayed Jesus, he led his cohort to Jesus p!ace of prayer.
      Every time the Lord Jesus faced an important decision, He prayed. When He was being tempted to do things by the world's method instead of the Father's He prayed (Matt .4). When it was time to chose His disciple, He prayed the entire night (Luke 6:12). If the Son of God required a night of prayer in order to determine the Father's mind, how long might it take us in prayer to clearly determine our Father's will?
     Because Jesus was so often surrounded by crowds, He knew He must find a quiet place so He could hear His Father's voice. Jesus had many people seeking to influence the direction of His life. His disciple wanted Him to go where the crowds were (Mark 1:37). The crowds wanted to crown Him king (John 6 : 15) Satan tempted Him to make compromises in order to draw a following (Matt, 4:3,6,9,). Jesus knew that His mission was not attract a crowd, but to remain obedient to His Father. It was prayer that set the agenda for Jesus' ministry (Luke 6:12). Prayed preceded the miracled (John 11: 42-43) prayer brought Him encouragement at critical moments (Luke 9 :28-31); prayer enabled Him to go to the cross (Luke  22: 41-42); and prayer kept Him despite excruciating pain (Luke ,223:46(. Following the saviour's example, and let your time alone with God, in prayer, set the agenda for hour life.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


To be spiritually minded is life and peace.

It's a rather nondescript house that sits on a busy thoroughfare. With no distinctive characteristics. thus rather plain  home is easy to ignore. But as I passed other day. I noticed a "For Sale" sign in the  yard. Attached to the sign a smaller notice that happily announce: I'm gorgeous inside." While I'm not in the market for a new house, that sign intrigued me, what could make this otherwise forgettable house gorgeous inside?
      It also made me wonder could that sign apply to us as followers of Jesus? Think about it. No matter what we look like on the outside. Shouldn"t there be within us a a beauty that reveals God's love and work in our lives?
      What does the Bible say about inner beauty? We might Start with Roman 7:22, which says, "in my inner being I delight in God's law. A few verses later in Romans 8:6 Paul speaks of a spirit controlled mind that is characterized by " life and peace." And in Galatians,we see that letting the Spirit take charge of our inner being will build the Spirit take charge of our inner being will build in us the "fruit of the Spirit" (Gal.5:22), a beautiful array of qualities such as love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness. Delighting in Scripture and allowing the Spirit to work in our heart will make us look good on the inside and will pay off in a life that honors God.
Dear Lord, I pray that through the work of Your Spirit dwelling within me I will be transformed into a grand display of the fruit that will attract others to you and reflect glory back to You.


I am the bread if lifeJOHN 6 :48

In culture with an abundance of food choices, bread is no longer a necessary part of the diet so some choose to live without it for various reasons. In the first century, however, bread was viewed as an essential staple. A diet without bread was a foreign concept
      One day a crowd of people sought out Jesus because He had performed the miracle of multiplying loaves of bread (John 6 :11,26). They asked Him to perform a sign like the manna from heaven that God had provided for His people in the desert (6:30-31; Ex.16:4). When Jesus said He was "the true bread from heaven" (John 6:32), the people didn't understand. They wanted literal daily bread. But Jesus was saying that He had been sent to be their spiritual bread: He would supply their daily spiritual needs. If they by faith applied and took His words and life into very souls, they would experience everlasting satisfaction (v.35).
       Jesus doesn't want to be an optional commodity in our diets; He desires to be the essential staple in our lives, our "necessary " food. As first century Jews could never imagine life without physical bread, may we never attempt to live without Jesus, our spiritual bread!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Faithful Friend of God

But you, Israel, are My servant. . . the defendant of Abraham My friend.
Isaiah 41:8

When a president leaves office, work begins on his presidential library. It is where the legacy of his life is exhibited and studied. His accomplishments, great and small are on display so that scholar s and schoolchildren alike can research his life and learn.
      As great leader of Hus people, Abraham would've worthy of a museum and archive if he lived today. Instead, we have the words of Scripture that describe His greatness. We read that he was hospitable to strangers (Genesis 18:1-8), he was obedient to God's laws (Genesis 26.:5), and the Lord had blessed him in every way (Genesis 24:1). Can you imagine your name being used to describe God the Father? When Scripture refer to the  Lord as "the God of Abraham" ( Genesis 26:5),  and the LOrd had blessed him in every way (Genesis 24:1). Can you Imagine your name being used to describe God the Father? When the  Scripture refer to "the Lord as the God of Abraham"  (Genesis 26:24) they esteem him.
     Perhaps the greater honor the scripture ascribe to Abraham is that he was the "friend of God." In three separate places, these words describe  Abraham (2 Chronicle 20:7, Isaiah 41:8,James 2:23). Are you a friends of God? Do you respect Him, honor Him,  love Him and confide in Him! Abraham's example is for each of us today.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Not as I will, but as Thou. Wilt.
Matthew 26: 39 NASB

A Christian woman once confided to a friend that she found it nearly impossible to pray. "Thy will be done." She was afraid of what the Lord might call her to do. Very specifically, she feared being called to a snake-infested swamp to take the Gospel to headhunting natives. As the mother of a young child, she simply could not bear the thought that God might call her to leave her child and sacrifice her life on the mission field.
      Her friend said to her, "Suppose your little girl came to you tomorrow morning and said, Mommy, i have made up my mind to let you have your own way with me from now on. I'm always going to obey you and i trust you completely to do everything you think is best for me? How would you feel?"
      The woman replied, "Why, I'd feel wonderful. I'd shower her with hugs and kisses and do everything in my power to give her all the things that were good for her and which would help her talent s and use them to their fullest."
       The friend said, "Well, that's how the Lord feels as your Heaven!y Father His will is going to be far better than anything you have imagined, not far worse."
       God's will for Jesus did not end with the pain and suffering of the cross. The "end" of God's will for Jesus was His g!odious resurrection from the dead, His ascension to Heaven, His being seated at the right hand of the Father, and His exaltation as the King of kings and Lord of lords forever!
       As Hannah Whitall Smith wrote, "Better and sweeter than health, or friends, is money, or fame, or ease, or prosperity, is the adorable will of our God. It gilds the darkest hours with a divine Hall, and sheds brightest sunshine on the gloomiest paths. . . it only a glorious privilege."
       Make your prayer today, "Thy will be done for you to experience!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than at double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,joints and marrow,it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12

Have you ever read a verse scores of times and then suddenly,on the sixty-fifth reading----zap---- the verse nails you squarely between your soul and spirit? Verses such as "Follow me"  or "Flee youthful lusts" sharply rebuke you for that lustful fantasizing you've been wallowing in lately. Any other times you would have skimmed right over those verses. But now, it hurts.
      That's what happens when the Word of God slices through that thin line between your soul and spirit. Your soul, c!ouded by emotions and excuses, is not prone to conviction. Your spirit, however bears witness with the spirit of God as His truth, painfully revealing, hits home.
      Often you may reread the verse, double--checking to make certain you heard God right, but if you are honest, the verse still pierces and stings hour conscience. You have wounded by the word of God.
      Andrew Murray has put it this way: "Jesus has no tenderness toward anything that is ultimately going to ruin a man in service to Him. If God brings to your mind a verse which hurts you, you may be sure that there is something He want to hurt."
We must not view our disobedience as a vague generality, as when we say, "God, forgive me, a sinner." What sins? Specifically, how have you disobeyed? Try ask God to wound you with His Word.
You, Lord are the judge of my thoughts and my heart. Place the sword of your Word between my soul and spirit and reveal to me today things in my life that displace You.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Love--- When it is Needed the Most

This is love not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
1 JOHN 4:10

A PSYCHOLOGIST WAS TAKING to a young mother and asked, "Which of your three children do you love the most?" She immediately answered, "I love all my three children in the same way." Skeptical, the psychologist began to refute what she said. "Come off it now! He said, " it is impossible four anyone to regard any three human being exactly the same." Confronted so harshly, she broke down and began to cry
     Then finding her voice she said, "Alright, I do not love all three of my children in the same way When one of my three children children is sick. I love that child more. When one of them is in pain, or list. I love that child more. And when one is really bad I love that child more." Then she concluded, "Except for those exception I love all three children about the same."
     A mother love explains how God's love and compassion ate totally focused on you when you need His help. God doesn't divide His love, or love you best when you do good things He  loves you most deeply when you stray the farthest or when your needs are the greatest.
      Seemingly the farther people had strayed from the straight and narrow, the greater was the focus of Jesus' attentions their lives. Remember when Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me,?" Listen carefully, and you'll hear that voice asking the same question. He's listening for your answer if you love Him, follow Him.

Sunday, January 15, 2017


Jesus follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you Fishers of men."

AS THE MORNING LIGHT pierced the eastern sky over the village of Bethsaida, two brother, Peter and Andrew, arose, ate breakfast, and headed for their boats. Little did they know that the events of that day would change the direction of their lives.
      They had no sooner thrown their net into the water when a stranger dressed in a seamless Galilean robe walked by. He saw them and said, "Follow Me!" It was both an invitation and a command.
      When Jesus called them, there was an immediate connection, and they walked away from their nets to follow Him. Later that morning Jesus recruited James and John, another set of brother the same village.
     But what was it that was so compelling about His invitation? Was it the tone of His voice or the look in His eyes? Was it Has personality? Or was there something, perhaps feel in their hearts, that made them ponder the possibility by had this was the Messiah who would throw off the tyranny of Rome?
     In the months that followed, Jesus recruited another eight men to be part of that executive committee, the inner circle of ordinary men following an extraordinary person. We call these men apostles.
     The invitation of Jesus to the apostles continues to echo through the corridors of time. He still summons men to fo!!ow Him today. Why follow Him today. Why follow Him? Simple! When you follow Him, you get to know Him, and when you know Him, and when you know Him, you will love Him, you obey Him. As a result, you will be prompted to lead your family and Love your wife as He moved the church. As you grow in your love for God, ask¡ Him to enable you to love others as He did.

A Significant Impact

we do not  wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the ruler of the darkness of this age.
Ephesians 6:12

John Wesley  was convince that  the prayers of God people rather than his preaching accounted for the thousands who came to Christ through his ministry. That's why he said, "God will do nothing except in answer to prayer." An overstatement? Yes. But the fact is that our praying is a powerful weapon in the war between God and Satan.
      In today's Scripture reading. Daniel  was so disturbed by a revelation about Israel's future that he could do nothing except fast and pray. Three weeks later a heavenly messenger appeared, saying that God had sent him when Daniel prayed, but that the prince of Persia had detained him (10:13). This "prince" was an evil spirit who sought to influence the rulers of Persia to oppose God's plan. He had detained God's messenger, until the archangel Michael came to his aid.
      A cosmic conflict between Good and evil is continually being fought in the invisible spirit world. Paul reminded us that it involves christian (believer). He listed the spiritual armor and weaponry we need for these battled (Ephesuans 6: 13-17), and then he added "praying always" (v. 18).
       Our prayer can have a significant impact on the outcome of those spiritual battles. May we, therefore faithfully prayed as we fight good fight (1 Timothy 1:18).

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Strength of the Helpless Heart

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exist and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him

"I HAVE BEEN DRIVEN to my knees many times," said the American President Abraham Lincoln, "by the realization that there was nowhere else to go." It is amazing how high you can reach by bowing your knees before God.
     Consider this story: A helicopter was flak from the enemy, and the tail gunner, fearful the chopper might be shotdown, used his radio to call for help. "What your position?" asked the radio operator. Immediately then pilot responded, "Kneeling"
      It is with this kind of submission and surrender that you can discover what so many have found. There is a place of quiet rest near the heart of God. Sometimes what you day isn't nearly as important as the attitude of your heart .for instance, a little child's tears do far more to more the heart of a father than his persuasive words of argument.
      When you walk in darkness, having sustained a blow of one kind or another, you might feel as if God doesn't notice or care. He does. You are simply numbed by your pain and can't take your eyes from your wound.
      Try kneeling before the king and telling Him why you are hurting. Your Father who sees your distress and cares for you will take note, and will honor the promised of His Word. Faith tells us there is One hears your cry in the dark, who sees your tears,who knows your distress. Search your heart before Him ask Him for a new heart, a conscience washed by His Blood, and light for the next step.

His Glory!

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints nor weary
Isaiah 40:28 NKJV
Peter the Great ruled from a palace filled with some of the most exquisite works of art produced in the world up to that time. Yet, when he pondered a sunrise, he wondered how men could be so foolish not to rise every morning to behold one the most glorious sights in the universe.
     "They delight," he said, "in gazing on a picture, the trifling work of a moral, and at the same time neglect one painted by the hand of the Deity Himself. For my part, I am for making my life as long as I can, and therefore sleep as little as possible."
      Peter the Great's observation tells us something about his general outlook on life. Not only did he knoiw true beauty when he beheld it, but he believed that rising early every day to drink in the beauty of God's marvelous work of art would actually add days to his life
      That concept is not so fetched if we consider what psychologists have told us about relieving stress. You can alleviate stress by getting up earlier and spending some quite time enjoyed a Sunrise!
      Chicago produce dealer, John Cooper Smith, felt watching the sun rise was such an important gift to his life, he actually made mention of it in his will. He left his widow an estate of fifty thousand dollars and then he made this bequest to his other relatives:
     "To my remaining relatives I give the sunshine, the birds and the bees, wherever the above mentioned sunshine, birds and bees may be found. The greatest art exhibit you will ever see opens daily at dawn. And equally wonderful, this exhibit is always free to those who view it."
      How long has it been since you have awakened early to see the rise? This grand display of God's creativity can ignite creative gifts He placed in you and inspire you to use them during the day!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Is Your Mind in Tune with God?

So not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.
HEBREW 10:35-36

When Paul Wrote to the Romans, he stressed the fact that your mind has to be renewed on a daily basis. You eat and bathe every day right? So what do you do on a daily basis to ensure that your mind is in tune with God's purpose and plan for your life?
      For centuries men and women have faced that issue. How do you survive in a world that seeks to force you into conformity with its thinking? Simply put, "How do you connect with God on a regular basis?" David when he was fleeing from Saul, cried out, "O God, You are my God, Early will I seek You. . . " (Psalm 63:1).
     What did David do to seek the Lord? First, he took time to mediate and wait upon the Lord. Then David regke TEF upon His promises. He ofte quoted Scripture back to God. He knew much of the Law given by Moses, and he knew how God spoke through the prophets and revealed His will regarding the decision of life and their consequences.
     In the same way take time on a daily basis to refresh your mind and spirit by opening your heart to what God wants. Keep a notebook right next to your Bible and record what you pray about, then as God responds, jot down a few thoughts about the way He answered.
     Paul told Christians at Rome that God's will is good. You can't separate the will of the Father from His nature and character. Paul also said, the more we understand God's will as our mind are renewed, the more we recognize that it is acceptable. Finally he says God's will is complete or whole something that we can only appreciate in retrospect.

Monday, January 9, 2017


Now I urge you brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in prayers to God for me.
ROMAN 15:30

In light of the boldness with which Paul describe his travei plans, we might think that he eagerly anticipated every aspect of his trip. But this was not the case.
Although Paul felt genuinely excited about his eventual visit to Rome (ROM.15:23), the Jerusalem trip weighed heavily on his heart. He had many enemies in that city. The Jewish leaders despised him for leading the Jews away from the Law of Moses. They considered him a turncoat and a heretic worthy of stoning. Despite the dangers, though, Paul prepared to set out for Jerusalem. During his last visit with friends at Philip the evangelist's house (Acts 21:8), an ominous visitor arrived. Biblical biographer Charles Ball recount the events of that night.
  Coming to the house where Paul was a guest, Agabus [a prophet] recognized the apostle; and, with a knowledge of the feeling that existed against Paul in Jerusalem, he warned him not to go. Like one of the prophets of the Old Testament, he made his warning vivid. He loosened the long, linen girdle from Paul's waist, and stooping down, he bound his own feet and hands. While the believers gazed at him in silence, he said, "The Holy Spirit says, 'In this way the Jews of Jerusalem will bind the owner of this belt and will hand him over to the Gentiles"' (Acts 21:11).
    Immediately the whole group, including Timonthly and Luke, beseeched him to give up his plan to go to Jerusalem. With tears in their eyes they pleaded, but their words were like waves beating upon a rock. Paul was determined.
     So knowing the danger ahead, Paul gathered his belonging and set his heart face like flint to go up to Jerusalem.
      What a poignant scene. It's hard to imagine the determination in Paul's heart. It's hard to fathom the love he held for Jerusalem. Despite the dangers, Paul set out for the City filled with enemies.
      But he didn't go without help. Prior to this, Paul had finished his letter to the Romans. He had asked them to pray for him as he tried to minister in Jerusalem. At a time like this, what could be more important than prayer? From his prayer request in Roman 15:30-33, we can draw principle for this we, too, ought to pray.


I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.

The plane began its decent, the flight attendant read the long list of arrival information as if she were reading it for the thousandth time that day no emotion or interest as she droned on about our impending arrival. Then, with the same tired, disinterested voice, she finished by saying. "Have a wonderful day." The dryness of her tone contrasted with her words. She said "wonderful" but in a manner completely absent of any sense of wonder.
     Sometimes I fear that we approach our relationship with God in the same way: Routine, Bored  Apathetic Disinterested. Through Christ, we have the privilege of being adopted into the family of the living God, yet often there seems to be little of the sense of wonder that should accompany that remarkable reality. Job questioned God about his suffering, but when challenged by Him
      Job was humbled the wonder of his Creator and His creation. Job replied, "You asked, 'who is this who hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore I have uttered what i did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which i did not know," (Job 42:3).
     I long for the wonder of God to take hold of my heart. Adopted by God what a wonderful reality!

How marvelous! How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
How marvellous! How wonderful
Is my Savior's love for me!

Sunday, January 8, 2017


But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it.
1 Corinthians 12:24

The story has been told about a conductor who was rehearsing. The organ was giving a beautiful melody, the drums were thundering, the trumpets were blaring and the violins were singing beautifully. But the conductor noticed something missing the piccolo. The piccolo player had gotten distracted and hoped his instrument wouldn't be missed. The conductor reminded him: Each one of us is necessary."
      This was essentially the same message Paul communicated to the Corinthians believers in his first letter to them (12:4-7). Every Christian plays an important role in the body of Christ. Paul gave a list of gifts of the functioning if the various parts of the human body for the good of the whole (vv.8-10).
      The Corinthians believers may have had different cultural backgrounds, gifts and personalities, but they were filled with the same spirit and belonged to the same body of Christ. Paul made special mention if the parts if the body that were weak and obscure, and taught that all believers play a necessary and significant role. No one part was more necessary than other.
     Remember, Jesus has given you a significant t part to play and will use you to build up his people.

The church a living body, containing all the parts it lives, it moves, it function, and touches the Many hearts. When each part committed to do the Savior's will,
His members are united, His purpose they fulfill.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Magnificent Vision

One of my favorite songs begins with these words: Magnify the Lord with me, Let us exakt his name together. . .

It's the third verse of the Thirty-fourth Psalm. When I read the story of the Epiphany, it is as if David wrote the words as an invitation to the three Wise men. The three king came to Christ and did exactly what David commanded. They fell at the Lord's feet. They worship Him and gave Him gifts
     How could they do that to an infant in poor surrounding? Because Christ the King was magnificent and, as king, demanded devotion. Too often we approach God differently. We approach Him as ifby our actions or words we could make Him more magnificent or note kingly, as if God needed a boost in self-esteem.
      Such thinking never entered David's mind or the minds of the wise men. When you magnify an object under a microscope, you don't make the object any bigger. What you magnify in your vision.
      Likewise, when you exalt a king, you do not not pronounce him as king. He already is. Magnifying and exalting God are function of our vision and humility, not of His revelation or His promotion. He already is who is.
      The wise men did not bring gifts to enhance Christ's power on earth. Nor did they come as heralds of heaven's court to place a crown on Jesus' head. His coronation had been held before time began. The wise men came with one thought in mind: To see the King. To accept his rule. And that my friend, is worship worthy of our God.

Magnify the Lord with me. . .

Lord enlarge my vision of You. Clarify my hazy notions of Your power. Sharpen my focus on your holiness,Empower me with a picture of your Majesty. And when I see You, may II accept You as King of my life.


Their duty was. . . to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord.
1 Chronicles 23:28,30NKJV
The Levite's were never given the option to skip morning devotions. They were commanded to keep the morning sacrifice every day, without exception. As part of the morning ritual in the Temple, the high priest had these three duties:
1. To trim the lamps, making sure each oil cup of the menorah had sufficient oil and that the wicks were properly positioned,
2. To burn sweet incense on the incense altar,
3. And to burn the fat of the "peace" offerings.
Once a week, as part of the morning ritual, the priest rep!aced the "shewbread" that was on constant display before the Lord.
     The priest performed these function in silent worship, wearing a highly symbolic vestment. As he worked, the only sound was the light tinkling of the bells on the hem if his garment. This ancient ritual may seem strange and if little meaning to us today, but one great lesson we can draw from it is this; the morning sacrifice involved all of the senses and the mind. The priest stood before the Lord with his identity clearly displayed; he stood before the Lord for examination.
      His sacrifice touched upon all aspects of his humanity: the lamps symbolized his need for light the ability to see with spiritual eyes. The incense was a picture of his need to dwell in an atmosphere infused with God's holy presence. The peace offering were a sign of his need for peace with God and his fellow man. And the "shewbread" demonstrates his need for daily provision, which only the Lord could provide.
       This was a ceremony that, in its silence, spoke clearly: "We need You. Without You, we have no life, no wholeness, no meaning."
      We may not have a ritual to follow in our morning devotional times, but we must come before the Lord with the same spirit of dependency and obedience. The day ahead of us is not ours. Our lives belong to God.
(See 1 Corinthians 6:20).
      Everything we need, He will supply. The day is His, even as we are His.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Fully Clothed Naked

Nothing in all creation can hide from. Everything is named and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done.

YOU MAY HAVE SEEN the article in the papers with the headline, "Before Take-off, Scanner Take It All Off." The text underneath read, "New imaging machine peers through clothes to search for dangerous items. Critics say it's a virtual strip search."
     Here's the down: Sophisticated electronic technology known as Millimeter Wave Imaging takes pictures of a person. Though somewhat fuzzy, the pictures in white and gray are detailed enough to reveal not only a weapon but also bulges say, love handles or fat around the middle, and the outline of your body. The result is a 3-D-like image that shows how the person looks like without clothes. Some think it is fine; others day it is an invasion of their privacy Fully clothed but naked!
     Do you realize that Is how God sees us? The writer of Hebrews declared, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account" (Hebrew 4:13).
      This fact creates two immediate responses. Some are terrified "You mean God knows everything about me?" their hearts cry out in shame.
      On the other hand, realizing that nothing hidden from the Lord can be a great source of comfort and encouragement. Why? God sees your heart; others do not. Good understands your heartache; outsiders don't know what you are going through. As the old African-American spiritual put it, "Nobody knowns the troubles I've seen; nobody knows but Jesus, " He knows and understands.
     It's uncertain whether the new airport security imaging technology will be popular, but being clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ by being His child gives you all the protection you',all ever need in life

Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Everlasting Arms

The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.

WHEN THE FOES MARTIN LUTHER prepared to destroy Wittenberg Cathedral, incensed that he had posted his 95 Theses on its doors, he wrote the words of a great hymn, "S mighty fortress is our God. A bulwark never failing. Our helped He amid the flood, Of mortal ills prevailing. . . "
     Martin Luther based his words on psalms 46, which promises,
"The Lord Almighty is with us the God of Jacob is our fortress (psalm46:7).
     But why Jacob? Wasn't he the one who cheated his brother out of his birthright, who fled for his life and displayed a lack of integrity? Yet it was Jacob who wrestled with God at one of the lowest points of his life. " I will not let you go until you bless me!" Jacob cried out. God met Jacob in his despair, and he bore the mark of God's hand for the rest of his life.
     One of the good things that come from times of desperation is that we quickly strip ourselves of hypocrisy and earnestly cry out to God. I've met many people who can look back and say, ",Unless zi had faced the difficulty, I would never have proven that God is enough."
     How much better to face the dark night of your soul and to learn that His grace is sufficient: that God is big enough, powerful enough, and caring enough to meet you at the point of your greatest need, than to never face difficulty
      Job, after he faced his trial, said, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you" (Job 42:5). That's the vantage of one who has run for refuge and found the shelter of the everlasting arms of God.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


The kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared.
Titus 3:4

Ephesians 4:25-32

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963). One of the world leading intellects, was visiting with Houston Smith, a well known professor of philosophy and religion. As they were driving to an engagement, Huxley said, "You know, Houston, it's rather embarrassing to have spent one's entire  lifetime pondering the human condition and. . .  find that I really don't have anything more profound to pass on by way of advice than. " Try to be a little kinder.'"
     The apostle Paul saw kindness in a different light. In Ephesians 4:32, he kinked being kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving with the way God has treated us. In Titus 3:4, he said that it was "the kindness and the love of God" that provided eternal Salvation.
    In a world where callous thoughlessness and selfish indifference are all too common, kindness can make our lives fruitful when motivated by Christlike love. When our walk Harmonizes with our words of witness, it will make a compelling impact on others by pointing them to the kind of loves God has four them in Jesus Christ. If Huxley had learned what Paul had learned he would have seen that trying to be a little kinder is one of the moist profound truths of all. What motivates us to try? There's no better reason than the love of God as shown to us by Jesus

            He saw me ruined by the fall,
         Yet loved me notwithstanding all;
          He saved me from my lost estate,
         His livingkindness, oh, his great!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I have learned the secret of being content
Philippians 4:12-13

A woman name Frances once knew a Young person at church named Debbie. Debbie always seemed effervescent and happy, although Frances knew she had faced struggles in her life. Her longawaited marriage had quickly ended in divorce. She had struggled to get a grip on her single life. She hadn't chosen it, but she declared she would live it with utmost enjoyment and satisfaction. Debbie was active in Sunday School, in the choir, as a leader of the junior high girls' group, and in the church renewal. Movement.
     Frances enjoyed knowing Debbie. Debbie's whole face seemed to smile and she always greeted Frances with a hug. One day she asked Debbie, "How is it that you are always so happy you have so much energy, and you never seem to get down?
     With her eyes smiling, Debbie said, "I know the secret!"
     "What secret is that? What are you talking about?" Frances asked. Debbie replied, "I'll tell you all about it, but you have to promise to share the 'secret' with others." Frances agreed, "Okay, now what is it,?"
     The secret is this: U have learned there is little I can do in my life that will make me truly happy. I must depend on God bti make he happy and meet my needs. When a need arises in my life, I have to trust God to supply according to his riches. I have learned mist if the time I don't need half of what I think I do. He has never let me down. Since I learned that secret. I am happy."
     Frances first thought was. That's too simple! But upon reflecting over her own life she recalled his she thought a bigger house would make her Happy but it didn't! She thought a better paying job would make her happy but it hadn't. When did she tea!ice her greatest happiness? Sitting on the floor with her grandchildren, eating pizza and watching a movie a simple gift from God.
     Debbie knew the secret, Frances learned the secret, and now you know it too!

Monday, January 2, 2017


Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. . . But as for me and NY house, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15

I was recently saw a commercial for an online game based on Greek mythological gods, heroes, and quesis. What got my attention was the description if how to get the game started. You go online to register choose your god, then build your empire.
    Wow! " choose your god." Those words, though presented casually in the ad, struck me as being characteristic of one if the most dangerous things about our world. In a game, it may be insignificant what "god" you choose; but in the real world that choice has eternal consequences.
     To a generation of Israelites surrounded by the God's of their day, Joshua declared that they must choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other of the River, or the gods of the Amorites. In whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).
     Today as TBS days if Joshua, there are many options. But there us only one wise choice the true God. Joshua made the right choice. "We will serve the Lord."

Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Body guard

The remnant  of Israel . . . will eat and tie down and no one will make them afraid.
Zephaniah 3:13

In Heaven, nobody's afraid. No one will shoot at you there. Because your body will be spiritual, not physical. No one will put you down, because in Heaven, we don't do that. No one will harm you in any way
     On earth, you sometimes need to be on your guard. There are some people you can't trust. But in Heaven, you could take snap right out in the middle of the street, and no one would even bother you. The reason is, I control what goes on in Heaven, and I keep evil Out.
I want to do the same thing here on earth. I want to protect you and guard you. Let Me take the control of your life now. Trust Me to keep you safe. The Body guard