Friday, January 6, 2017

Fully Clothed Naked

Nothing in all creation can hide from. Everything is named and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done.

YOU MAY HAVE SEEN the article in the papers with the headline, "Before Take-off, Scanner Take It All Off." The text underneath read, "New imaging machine peers through clothes to search for dangerous items. Critics say it's a virtual strip search."
     Here's the down: Sophisticated electronic technology known as Millimeter Wave Imaging takes pictures of a person. Though somewhat fuzzy, the pictures in white and gray are detailed enough to reveal not only a weapon but also bulges say, love handles or fat around the middle, and the outline of your body. The result is a 3-D-like image that shows how the person looks like without clothes. Some think it is fine; others day it is an invasion of their privacy Fully clothed but naked!
     Do you realize that Is how God sees us? The writer of Hebrews declared, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account" (Hebrew 4:13).
      This fact creates two immediate responses. Some are terrified "You mean God knows everything about me?" their hearts cry out in shame.
      On the other hand, realizing that nothing hidden from the Lord can be a great source of comfort and encouragement. Why? God sees your heart; others do not. Good understands your heartache; outsiders don't know what you are going through. As the old African-American spiritual put it, "Nobody knowns the troubles I've seen; nobody knows but Jesus, " He knows and understands.
     It's uncertain whether the new airport security imaging technology will be popular, but being clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ by being His child gives you all the protection you',all ever need in life

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