Monday, December 2, 2019


The cares of the universe had been resting more heavily than usual on God's shoulder, and He frankly confessed the need for a rest. "Why dont you take a short vacation, Boss?" suggested the arch angel Gabriel. "Yes, but where? "How about that place, Earth? You haven't been there for a good while." God shuddered. "No, no. It's a world of busybodies. I was there two thousand years ago and that's enough, thank you. And they're still talking about down there." Look among the nation and watch Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, thought it were told you. (Hak1:5) Christian habitually seek voice through His Word of prayer, or through His Activity, even though He is working all around us. Unbeliever see God's activity without understanding what they see. God encourages His people to watch for His activity so they will know how they should response and adjust their lives. The disciple discovered much about God power by witnessing Jesus calming a raging storm with a command. Seeing Jesus dine with the notorious sinner. Zacchaeus, taught them a poignant message about God love for sinner, watching Jesus hang upon the cross communicating a compelling message of what God was willing to do to free people from sin. Discovering the empty tomb revealed an astounding truth of God's victory over death. To those with spiritual discernment, God's activity ia significant revelation about His heart and His will. If you are senitive to what God is doing around you, He will clearly speak to you through His activity. You will know that God is at work, because what you see will astound to you, and human power and wisdom will not explain it. If things happen that are direct answer to your prayers, God is speaking to you. When you experience events that surpass your understanding and ability, it may be that God is communicating a critical message to you. If you want to hear God's voice, look around you to see what He is doing. When you are watching for God at work, what you see will reveal His character, and you will have a fresh understanding of how to respond to Him. 

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