Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Line of Thinking

Believers sometimes hear how someone else used their authority, and they think, I'll try that because I heard him say it. It work for him, so it will work for me. Santan knows they are not convinced of their authority, and when they try to act on God's Word without really having the Word built into their spirits, and without having the solid foundation of it built into their lives, the devil will defeat them... And defeat them soundly. And Abraham drew near and said with Thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Preadventure there be fifty righteous witnin the city; wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty richteous that are therein? That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee; shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? (Genesis18:23-25). God refused to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah until  He had talked it over with Abraham, His blood Covenant friend. Abraham had received right and privilege, and has a legal standing with God. He speak plainly as he intercedes for sodom Gomorrah. Now authority has been restored to us through Jesus Christ...and when we ask God, then He can and will move. That is why it seems He can do nothing unless someone ask Him to do. Now let read this verse. The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, And His sovereignity rules over all (Psalm 103:19). The line of thinking is nothing less than religious humanism. The event of your life aren't unfolding by random chance. A soveriegn God rules over what happens in this small space-time box called  Earth. The world is not hanging in balance, with the outcome yet to be determined. Some people seem believe that the throngs of heaven are on one side of the stadium and the demons of hell are on the other, each hoping their side wins. Within the context of this twisted theology, it be came the tradition of men. It becomes man's decision that determine who wins and meanwhile, God is keeping His fingers crossed. With that perspective, it's no wonder that so few find spiritual rest! The line of thinking has No relationship with God. It is an insult to Gods sovereignity. It puts man's driver seat and makes God nothing more tha a nervous  passenger who doing all He can do to make sure everything turns out all right. God is portrayed as sometimes encouraging us, sometimes threatening us, but always hoping that we will respond in the right way. All of heaven isn't holding its breath waiting to see how things turn out in the end. Your God superintends this world and your life. Affirm His sovereignty and experience peace as the result. 

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