Friday, December 30, 2022


SCRIPTURE: John 4:34
VERSE FOR TODAY: Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work."
HYMN FOR TODAY: "Here I am to worship"

THROUGHOUT JESUS' MINISTRY, We see a marked difference between his priorities and the concerns of His disciples. The disciple were often preoccupied with how to meet their physical needs (Matthew 14:15-17; John 4:8; Luke 18:38). Jesus repeatedly assured them that the Father knew their needs and would provide (Luke 11:11-13). Jesus stressed that their priority was to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" the necessities of daily life would be provided (Matt.6:33).
When spoke to the woman at well, His disciples had gone into a nearby town to get food. While His disciples were seeking earthly nourishment, Jesus was giving this woman "living water" that would satisfy her soul for eternity. When ther returned, the disciples urged Jesus to eat. . He replied that His "food" was to do the will of His Father. Since their attention was on earthly matters, His disciples misunderstood His reply. Jesus' very life came from obeying His Father. Because of Jesus' obedience that day, the woman received eternal life. In here excitement, she brought many others to Jesus to hear for themselves, and many believed that He was indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world (John4:39-42).1
The apostle Paul understood what Jesus had been teaching His disciples. When Paul wrote to the believer in Rome, he stressed that "the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit. For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men" (Roman 14:17-18).
When Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread, Jesus quoted the Scriptures, summarizing the focus of His life and ministry: "know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord" (Deut.8:3).

Thursday, December 29, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 28: 1-7 
VERSE FOR TODAY: He keeps the law is a discerning son, but a companion of gluttons disgraces his father (Proverb 28:7, New International Version).
HYMN FOR TODAY: " Trust and Obey"

A boy was asked, " Where did you learn to trust and obey God?  The boy said  he didn't know; but after a moment of reflection he added, "I guess believing in God just runs in my family."
There is a great truth in the boy's words. Trusting and obeying God usually in a believing home. A child learns to obey when parents become participants in matters of obedience, not just pointers. In parenting, it is much easier to say, "Let me tell you what to do" instead of "Let me show you what to do."
Are you a participant with people, or do you point and tell them what to do? God not only told us what to do,but also sent Jesus to participate with us and show us how to live. So Peter points out that we can participate with Him: " He has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature" (2 Peter 1:4, New International Version,).
Choose to participate with someone you love today. Share the good news about how you learned to trust and obey God  Show your children how to live by your Christian example.

PRAYER THOUGHTS: Father, it is too easy to point and tell people what to do. Today we ask for Your strength to be participants in Your divine plan. We pray for heavenly guidance to be good examples. Amen.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022


VERSE FOR TODAY: How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity (Psalm 133:1, New International Version).
HYMN FOR TODAY; "Hark the Herald"

If we read only our "verse today," we may get the impression that the primary benefit of our attempts to dwell together in unity is to receive blessings from God for ourselves. While it is true God blesses us when we live in harmony with others, we see only part of the picture here.
When we read on, we note that our primary purpose in life is to offer praise to our heavenly Father. If we, His people, are divided and misunderstanding, God receive very little praise. When we follow his leading and live together with hearts filled with love for each other, our praise to God is magnified. Our adoration will probably also be much more frequent and from sincere hearts. God is truly praised when all His people are together, united in the service and worship.
When we, His people, are united in our praise to God , He is pleased. And the Lord look down from heaven. Because we are in harmony with His spirit and much more aware of the but blessed us . He inhabited the praises of His own people. And miracle happen.. in His presence, in His holy presence the weary can find perfect rest the broken are restored..

PRAYER THOUGHTS: When we think of You, our Father, truly our minds are filled with praise for Your greatness and Your goodness, Your might and Your mercy. Help us today to copy those qualities we praise, so that we may not only please You, but also live in joyful harmony with those about us. We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Proverb 3:11-20
VERSE FOR TODAY: She [Wisdom] is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her (Proverb ,3;18).
HYMN FOR TODAY:"Wonderful Words of  Life"
In Shell Silverstein's popular children's  book, The Giving Tree, The Boy/man who loves his tree depends on that tree for food (apples), fun (a swing), travel (a boat), whether (a frame house), and retirement (a stump to rest his tired, old body). In  a sense, the tree is a tree of life to the Boy.
In reality, of course, no single tree can produce all these things. But even if there were such a fabulous tree, it could not keep the Boy from growing into an old man. The fictional tree gave and gave, but it could not ultimately give life. Both the Boy and his tree are facing extinction at the end of the popular children's story book.
Wisdom and understanding are Gid's tree of life. (See verse 18). Not only will such a tree sustain a happy children hood, a peaceful adolescence, and a secure adulthood; it also will give life beyond death. No stumpy remnant for bones at restt life--youthful, zestful life! Fly-about, sing-out-loud life! Everlasting life. For God is life. He is the Tree that will give and give and give. Happy is everyone who takes wisdom from Him, the Tree of Life

PRAYER THOUGHTS: We do lack wisdom, I God if wisdom. So we come to ask it of You. From Your Word and Your Spirit, let wisdom be our tree of life. . .now forever. In the name of Your Son, and our Savior and Lord, we pray. Amen.

Monday, December 26, 2022


VERSE FOR TODAY: "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
HYMN FOR TODAY: "Emmanuel"

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Redefine Happines

SCRIPTURE: Roman 5:2-4
VERSE FOR TODAY: "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice  in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produce perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." 

Moments of peace are precious. When we find them. We hold on tight and pray that they last. But there's a peace that goes beyond our understanding- beyond the pain and fear we face today. If you've been Missing Peace, then ask your shall I offer at this moment as the Lord leads..
SOME PEOPLE ARE NEVER GOING TO BE HAPPY. I'm  not being cynical, because the very folks about whom I'm  speaking would agree. They would be the first to say that they are in a dead-end relationship, that they see no end to be constant irritation of their at there work, that they will never lose those ugly routine watching, go and sleep your best life. to them, seems to be never-ending, take joy as your peace.
Are you this way? Does happines, like s butterfly, almost flutter within reach
 You must define joy and happined. But just when you think you have grapsed it
.. it's gone? But the joy... Sayed it the joy of our Lord is my strrenght or perhaps you feel marriage is okey, and your job is acceptable. Yet you feel as thought something's  missing. Perhap you think this is real happiness.
Well, life is hard. For some, it is downright hard. Unhappiness seems to be here to stay. But it doesn't Havel to be this way because the answer is not to get rid of unhappiness but to find a new definitions for it. We redefine happiness as duty and honor, sacrifice and faithfulness, commitment and service. Happiness is fleeting and elusive, but the joy is an overflow of the perseverance and hope that comes from demonstrating faithful sacrifice and committed service read (Roman 12:1)." 
Lord of joy, will You help me redefine happiness in my life? You promises joy in the midst of our suffering, so please let me know You're Joy today as I persevere in faithful service and as I demonstrate true commitment in your tasks. Give me Your smile, let me feel Your peace dancing in my heart. That for me , will be true joy.

Saturday, December 24, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Proverb 25:2
VERSE FOR TODAY: "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter."
Mysteries have a way of enticing us at the same time as they frustrate us. Take these paradoxes of Scripture. We have a free wil yet we're predestined. We're positionally perfect but experientially imperfect. We work out own salvation, yet it is God works His will within us. Even Jesus was a paradox-- one hundred percent God and one hundred percent man.
Sometime in us has to make enigmas understandable and puzzles comprehensible. True many things in Scripture we never be able to understand; we accept them by faith. But it is God's nature to hide things.He delights in concealing secret treasure so that we might be drawn to search and enjoy the discovery of finding those treasures. For ",The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them" (Psalm 25:14).
To those who draw closest to the Lord, to those who desire His intimate company, Jesus says, "The secret of the kingdom of lolo God has been given to you" (Mark4:11). If you sit at His feet full of awe and wonder, He will draw you into His confidence, unraveling His innermost thoughts and heartfelt hopes, voicing His desires for you and for the rest of those who search.
The Lord Jesus is the treasure you seek, the precious gem you must mine. And Jeremiah 29:13 assured, "You will seek me  and find me when you seek me with all your heart,," You have everything you need to equip you for the search. You have His World, the key to heaven's hieroglyphics. You have been initiated into the fellowship of things above. You have the mind if Christ. Now you must find His heart! This Christmas what offer you can do the King of king and the Lord of Lord.I want to love You, Jesus, with all my heart soul, mind, and strength, for us I do, wi believe You will reveal to Your heart!

Friday, December 23, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 30:15
VERSE FOR TODAY: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength."
IT WAS A CHILLY NIGHT BETHLEHEM. People escaped the cold, damp air and crowded into the little inn at end of the street go step outside. They had left their donkeys and camels in the back stable, had shut the door, and we're now laughing and chattering with distance relatives they had not seen in years.
Family ties were renewed over bowls of hot soup and goblets of wine. People broke bread together, swapping stories about their long journey. Pamdemic inflation bit the coin. Celebration this holiday season. A teenage boy strummed his Lyre, and several father's clapped their hands in time to the music. Enjoy a photo shot in your mobile, go step outside.
While balancing a tray of meat and breads, the innkeeper answers a knock at the door. A man calling himself Joseph stood outside with his cloak pulled tightly around his head. It was late, cold, and he and his young wife who was heavy with a child needed a room. The innkeeper could barely hear Joseph speak with so much background noise, but he managed to explain that there was no room-- only an empty stall or two in the back stable.
The innkeeper quickly apologized and slammed the door shut against Joseph. Outside, Joseph stood and listened to the laughter behind the door. He sighted deeply turned, and quietly led Mary to the stable. While a celebration of music and feasting continued behind the warm walls of the inn, yards away, the Son of God quietly entered History.
Sometimes the most special moments of Christmas happen not during a crowded party but in cool, quiet silence. In the midst of bustling activity, God seeks out the quiet heart. 
What a contrast between the serene stable and the busy in. If only someone had taken the time to peer out a back window, or leave the party to check on his donkey, just think what he would have discovered! We may ask ourself What do I offer to the King! Perhap he would have seen the angels, the shepherd, and yes even the Son of God. Go step outside trust is your strength. Come with receptive heart, and tell someone who didn't about Jesus.

Thursday, December 22, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Matthew 7:1-14
VERSE FOR TODAY: You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding. . . To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge (Proverb 8:5,9, New International Version).
HYMN FOR TODAY: "there's a Light"
You can have the Treasure! From the beginning of time there have been people who believe in God. People who trust His ultimate power, authority, goodness, mercy, wisdom, justice, and who trust Him in spite of the wickedness in the world.
Let's follow the guidelines found in Matthew 7 and live a godly and peaceful life.
First, conduct toward others: 
Relieve oneself of judgement of neighbors, Christian brothers, and family members. Let God do the moulding and judging. The goal of each Christian is to build faith in God and to develop the character  and Strength that comes from commitment to Him.
Second, relationship with God: 
Ask. . . Seek. . . Knock. An increasing urgency in the desire to know God and His ways brings peace and confidence to life. Seek Him with the desperation a starving man looks for food. He will open His heart and pour a blessing upon blessing on those who seek His face.
Third, the difficulty of the road: 
The Lord calls us to the straight way. We dare not take the broad way- it leads to destruction. The road is made easy because He lift us up. He is our Guide!
PRAYER THOUGHTS: Precious Guide, our heavenly Father, strengthen our desire to follow You today. Give us the wisdom to let You lead the way. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Ezekiel 37:1-14
VERSE FOR TODAY: This the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all (1John 1:5, New International Version).
No contrast between life and death could be more complete than in the object lesson God place before Ezekiel very dry bones lying in the sun-bleached sand- no sign of life anywhere- desolation-death.
Ezekiel obeyed  the voice of God and began to prophesy. Then, noise-rattling movement- life. A message from God to His people: "I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, . . You will know that I the Lord have spoken" (verse 14, New International Version).
We, like the Israelites, may feel that all hope is gone, men have failed us , and we are cut off from life. We may feel that we live in a world that is like a valley of dry bones- ugly in its 
Wickedness, helpless in its confusion, utterly unable to save itself. However, God does the seemingly impossible. He gives life and hope. We can be assured that He keeps His promises because Christ has come to give life to the souls of all men.
His gospel ia a message of life. It comes to us in our most degraded, desolate, and despairing conditions, and gives to us an opportunity to accept salvation and live in the light.
PRAYER THOUGHTS: O Sovereign Lord, thank You for the assurances of knowing that You keep Your promises. Teach me the wisdom of Hero of faith, wisdom of Ezekiel when he said, "You alone know." I trust my life to You, and know that You are nearer to me than I am sometimes aware. Amen.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Psalm 78:1-8
VERSR FOR TODAY: So the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children (Psalm78:6, New International Version).
HYMN FOR TODAY: "I Love To Tell the Story"
WHEN YOU WERE A CHILD You may have played a little game called "Pass it On." If you were standing in line you would hit the child next to you and say, "Pass it on." Then that child would hit the next child, and the next, right in to the end of the line. It was a silly game, but it well illustrates the text for today. Each generation must pass on to the next generation must share it's knowledge and faith with the next.
That needs to be done both formally and informally. Of course, churches, Sunday schools, and youth meetings perform this function. But there is also a need for believers, individually and personally, to share in informal conversation with the young, their own experience with God and their own faith in God. Then it is more than story taught or a lesson passed down. Faith puts on flesh and becomes real. See this Holiday season it was just pass it on because your faith moves God! If you have been blessed by someone in the past who shared their faith with you, thank God for them. Then ask God to open your eyes to your opportunity. It may be your own children or your grandchildren. It may be a child who lives next door or fown the street. All you have to do us tell them what God had done for you; what faith means to you
PRAYER THOUGHTS: Forgive our failures, God Give us new opportunities and the wisdom to use them well. Let's us use our lives wisely for You'. Let others see Jesus in us. We pray in our Savior's name. Amen.

Monday, December 19, 2022


SCRIPTURE: "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me, your love, O Lord, endures forever-- do not abandon the works of your hands." (Psalm 138:8).
HYMN FOR TODAY: "The Lord my Tower"
He never begins a project only to leave it half-done. He never writes a run-on sentence. He never walks away from a messy workbench. Unlike us, God never carries over items on His "To Do" list from one eternity to the next. He always completed what He begins. That include you.
He started working on you years ago, long before you became a Christian. Take heart today that the blueprint for your life is still spread before Him. He won't stop working on you until He reaches His goal. By the way, His goal is summed up in Roman 8:29 and His purpose is that you might "be conformed to the likeness of his Son." 
Read Psalm 138 to see how God accomplishes His work in your life. He fulfills His purpose in you with love and faithfulness (v2.). Part of goal is to make you fearless and stouthearted to make brave in heart! (v.3), humble (v.6), and confident in His ability to preserve and protect you (v.7)
For more evidence of God's "finishing what He starts," be encouraged by Philippians1:6. He will never abandon or forsake you. His goal is to make you more like like Jesus, and He won't  stop working on His goal for you until you are complete.
PRAYER THOUGHTS: I am grateful, Lord, that You promise You will fulfill Your purpose for me. Thank You for not abandoning Your work in my life when I am stubborn or disobedient. Today, I want to be willing to co-operate with You. I want to agree with Your purpose in my life. I want to desire the same goals You have for my life. I praise You tga You always finish what You start.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:8-20
VERSE FOR TODAY: The angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the  Lord (Luke 2:10,11).
HYMN FOR TODAY: " It Came Upon a Midnight Clear"
Think of it! The angels could have gone to the palace, or the synagogues, or the estates of the wealthy and powerful and told them the good news. But of all the people in Israel, it was those closest to the Lord that night who heard from the angelic host, and those alone who witnessed the manger where this miraculous Child lay. So there was that night a great company of heavenly hosts, praising God, bringing s message of peace and joy-- to shepherd's.
When the shepherds heard the good news, they hurried off to Mary and Joseph, and discovered for themselves things were "just as they had been told."
And our Lord grew up to fulfill the angelic promise. He is  our Savior, He is the good news who brings great joy to all those who love Him. He is our Wonderful Counselor, and He is the King of kings. He is the Truth and the Way. He is the Lord of all, and He is the Son of God. He is the Chief Cornerstone and He is the Light of the World.
All people who Him discover He is "just as they had been told." To each of us, He is our Good Shepherd, now and forever more.
PRAYER THOUGHTS: Dearest Lord! You are Savior, Shepherd, Lamb of God, Mighty God. You are all we need You to be, now and always. Help us always to follow our Shepherd, Jesus Christ! Amen.

Saturday, December 17, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Mark 6:46
VERSE FOR TODAY: "And when He had sent then away, He departed to the mountain to pray. (Mark 6:34-44, The New King James Version).

What do you do after a spiritual victory? Where do you go after reaching a high point in your Christian life? Jesus went to pray. Jesus had just fed a multitude with only gives loaves of bread and two fish  if there were ever a time to relax and bask in the glow of God's power, it should have been then. Instead, Jesus climbed a mountain to pray. When Jesus prayed Father clearly revealed His will and His ways to His Son. It eventually dawned on Jesus' disciple that Jesus prepared for every major decision and difficult challenge with a time of prayer (,Luke11:1).
As Jesus prayed on the mountain that day, the Father knew His Son was about to face a fierce storm (Mark ,6:48). The disciple raced headlong into the tempest unprepared, but Jesus entered the storm after communing with His Father in prayer. The Father had prepared Jesus for what was coming, and Jesus met the crisis with all the power of God.
It is tempting to relax after a spiritual victory, but a crisis could follow at any time. You must stand guard over your high points. It is at any time when you experience God mightily that you should immediately get alone to pray. Then you will not be caught unprepared when trial come. Have you experienced a spiritual victory? Follow your Lord's example and go immediately to a place of prayer so the Father can prepare you for what is coming.


THE CORRIDOR STREET LINE: POST BLIZZARD PROMISE: Scripture: "He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass fro...

Friday, December 16, 2022


Scripture: "He is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth."
Hymn: "Yes and Amen"
ROARING WINDS, the spray of sleet and snow, dangerous and slippery ice, Remember those storms when you were a child?  I sure do. I'd shiver under my quilt, listening to the creaking branches outside my bedroom window, Would the house survive?  Would I?
Moaning winds made me feel lonesome. I hoped sleep would let me escape the night, but every time I'd  nod off, rattling windows would shake me awake. I watched the twisted shadows of branches jerk madly across the bedroom wall. Would morning ever come? 
Yes, but with it, a different picture. I awoke to soft rays of sun warning my bed covers. The howling had ceased and only an occasional gust would swirl powdery snow off the still. Quiet called me out of bed and to the window where I gasped at the dazzling white landscape. It was...beautiful
There are days when  my soul feels windblown, raw and exposed--times when I'm  tossed in a blustery tempest with everything breaking loose. But the God who brings beauty out of blizzards promises to bring peace after the storm. And when the beauty drawns, I hardly remember the fright of that stormy trial.
If you sense storm warning, hold on to a couple of "winter watch" verse from Scripture. Recall how near and present the Lord really is. Cling to His promises of peace. Remember the joy comes in the morning. Let Him cover you your fear with His love, like a blanket of snow, soft and gentle.
PRAYER: You the Lord who calmed the storms and brought peace to  fearful hearts. Praise You for being the light of morning of sunrise. Thank You for being the brightness after rain.


SCRIPTURE: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel'--- which means, 'God with us."'
Matthew 1:23
I hated school when others kids created trouble. Do you remember the feeling?  You'd be false accused of calling someone a name. Or other kids wrote nasty notes about your hair or clothes. Or the bully towered over you, ready to punch your lights out. For those moments, the world might as well have ended. You couldn't imagine how life could go on.
I imagine that Joseph felt like that when he heard of Mary's  pregnancy. His engagement was not going according to classroom rules. People started talking. Whispering. Giggling Sneering. And who knows, perhaps Mary had an older brother who would have beaten the life out of Joseph.
But notice what the angel tells Joseph: "'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel'--- which means, "God with us'" (Matthew1:23).
God with us. What wonderedful words Joseph heard. It made all the difference.
Remember those tough days at school? What a relief even this holiday season doing online God is with us!  The song said. When God speak nothin remain the same whenever He revealed His plan all things happen it was so it was good the result is good! 
When the teacher showed up at just the right moment to make things right. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

What does Hebrews 12:15 mean?

SEE TO IT THAT NO ONE FAILS TO OBTAIN THE GRACE OF GOD; THAT NO "root of bitterness" springs up and caused trouble, and by it many become defiled. 
(HEBREW 12:15 ESV)

This verse continues to give practical steps Christians ought to take in response to persecution and hardship. Earlier, the writer encouraged believers to "hold fast" (Hebrew 3:6; 10:23) in the face of struggles. Most of the suffering we endures as Christian is not as heavy as it could be (Hebrew 12:4). And, God intends those experience for our good to train us into a more mature faith ( Hebrew 12:11).
While we grow individually, we also need to be careful of how we interact with other believers. The prior verse mentioned the need to live in peace, as well as the importance of pursuing holiness.
The reference to those who "[fail] to obtain the grace of God" could mean those who are false believers. That would harmonize with other New Testament warnings about those who claim to be godly, but are not (Matthew 7:15, Jude1:12). Upcoming verses tie into the example of Essay, who was careless towards his own birthright, also seen as a sign of one without real faith in God. While that's possible, the context seems mostly to focus on else: a command regarding those within the church who are defiant towards God and His holiness.
Prior verses mentioned the importance of holiness (Hebrew 12:14). And other New  Testament verses mention the importance of not tolerating brazen sin among those who claim the name of Christ (1Corinthians 5:11). Earlier, a warning in this same letter was given  to those who believe, but fail to obey and are judged accordingly (Hebrews 10:26-31). The "root of bitterness" mentioned here re-established a metaphor used in Deuteronomy 29:18-19. There, the people of Israel were warned about those who assumed they'd be blessed and protected by God, despite their willful rebellion.
It seems, then, that the writer's point is about those who are disobedient toward God. Old Testament Hebrew uses the word "bitter" as a reference to poison. Here, the"bitter roots" are said to cause trouble and defilement. Whether those person are outright false Christians, or merely rebellious believers, thei influence is the same. They cause controversy and lead others into sin . Such person cannot be allowed to remain in the body of believers (1Corinthians 5:13).

Tuesday, December 13, 2022


SCRIPTURE: 1 John 3:11-24
VERSE FOR TODAY: My little children, let us love  not in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth (1John 3:18).
HYMN FOR TODAY: "Make Me a blessing"
I was driving down the main street in our community with my six- year old granddaughter and we passed a lady pushing a grocery cart filled to overflowing. "What's that lady got in that cart?" Heather asked. Everything she owns," I explained. "She doesn't have anywhere to live." Heather was confused, "Where does she eat? Where does she go to the bathroom? What about when it gets cold?" "There are a lot of people like that here," I told her. "Some are families with children. They lose their jobs and houses and some live in their cars or under the bridge," Tears filled her eyes. "Grandma," her voice quivered. "Why don't the people who love Jesus do something to help them?" I had no answer.
Later I shared this story with a grotesquely misshapen young man at a writers' seminar. Though his mind was sharp and he expressed himself well, he told me how several churches had turned him away because of his appearance. 
When I told him what Heather had said about the people who love Jesus, he replied sadly, "Tell her that the people who love Jesus don't always love other people."
PRAYER THOUGHTS: Dear Father, let it be said of our family members, " Behold, how they love one another," as, through Your love, we reach out to those around us who need Your help the most. Show us what we can do to share the blessings You have given us. In the name of Jesus, we pray, Amen.

Monday, December 12, 2022

The Love of Christ Contrains Me

THEREFORE WE MAKE IT OUR AIM, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body. according to what he has done, whether good or bad 11 knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.12 for we do not  comment ourselves to you, but  give you opportunity to boast on our behalf, that you may have an answer for those who boast in appearance and not in heart.13 For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; or if we are of sound mind, it is for you.14 For the Love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; 15 And He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselve, but for Him who died for them and rose again. 2 Corinthian5:9-25 (NKJV).

Days has gone past In a nutshell that is the Christian walk. Not to experience of Salvation, but the fruit of it.That the direction of every true convert to Christianity, and is essential to maintain victory over the sin that once held as captive.
Ask yourself this question: Does this passage describe the effect that Jesus has had on you? 
A profession of faith is not enough to save us. It's not enough to be convinced that Jesus was a historical figure. Something must happen inside us so that we become a confession of Christ to a world that is already condemned.
How does that happen? How are we to live our lives as a confession of Christ? From our main text, I believe that there were two main factors that guided and motivate Paul along his race. One is found in verse 11: " knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord.." you will not find that kind of motivation preached about in the most churches. That word for "terror" is Greek word Phobos in a native tongue "pulbos." Its where we get this word. Phobia.
He'll is real. And it is meant for the sinner. The problem for mankind is that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." God's glory is perfection. His justice demand that He can only associate Himself with that which is holy. But praise God that mercy triumphs over judgment. Mercy doesn't dissolve judgment or take it away, in the sense of eradicating it entirely from the core of who God is. God is still just. Read (Gen. 19:27-29). But mercy is the way by which we can become holy, because it's through Christ's holiness that we are brought near to God. Jesus' sacrifice was a holy sacrifice. Ephesians2:13, "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ." Let us read again. Did you contrain Him prayer? How would you contrain the Lord. Read Luke 24: 13, 27, 25, 32. In verse 29 But they contrained him, saying, abide with us; for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent. But they didn't know Him the event happen in Jerusalem. 
There is a balance found in true Christianity that include both His justice and His mercy. But the grace message of today will you that the sacrifice of Jesus neutralised the justice side of God. So, the terror of the Lord was one key component to Paul's confessional Christianity.
The next thing he mentions is equally as important.  In verse 14 "For the Love of Christ constrain us" The core of this word is to hedge or hem in. To be overtaken by somehing that you have a choice but to move with it and its current. You are at its mercy. "Constraineth" is used only 12 times in the bible, but it is used in a variety of situations. It is often used when  talking about people being overcome with diverse diseases. Their bodies had no choice but to respond in certain ways to the infection controlling their body. They were constrain by disease.
A good illustration of this is toothpaste. As pressure is applied to the tube, it Contrains the toothpaste to exit the only way it can.their bodies had no choice for the toothpaste. It has to come out through that hole at the top. Did you contrain Him in prayer? Two or three you are in our midst. Believe what you speak He want to listen to us.
Paul tells us here in verse 14 what it was that gave him no Choice, what forced him to act the way he did in the Narrow Road. And notice how it is stated. It is the Love of Christ,  not his for Christ that has the constraining power over his life.
Osward Chambers wrote, ""(Paul) was overpowered, subdued, and held as in a vise by 'the love of Christ.' We tend so often to be controlled simply by our own experience. One thing that gripped and held Paul, to the exclusion of everything else, was the love of Christ."
This is what will combat the extremely dangerous false grace teaching tha is pervasive in our day. We need to be reminded that the grace of God is not a license to sin. If anything, the grace of God has given us license to perform righteous works for Him! It gives us license to say no to sin! But yes to Jesus. To live soberly and godly in this present age!  We are able now to be to righteousness instead of slaves to sin! Hallelujah
This is extremely important in our day and age. It's not enough to have a profession, as we already mentioned. And it's not enough to do thing in the name of Jesus. Jesus Himself said that there would be many in the last day who had done many mighty miracle in His name, and yet, He never knew them. There was no intimacy with Him. They had no love relationship with Him. They were claiming to do things in His name as if they were married to Him. But Jesus tells them that their actions weren't founded on love. 'There was no , "we love Him, because He first loved us." That element of their Christ walk was not there. The love of Christ did not constrain them. I was blessed when my Pastor preached this.. she said contrain Him in your prayer.



THE CORRIDOR STREET LINE: Gold and Silver: What does 1 Peter 1:18 mean? In verse 17, Peter had revealed that our loving Father God judges the actions of His save's children. This ...

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Gold and Silver

What does 1 Peter 1:18 mean?
In verse 17, Peter had revealed that our loving Father God judges the actions of His save's children. This is not to decide our eternal fate, but to weigh whether our choices are those of a holy, set-apart people. Peter writes that we should live out our lives on earth as foreigners and with "fear," meaning "reverence."
Why fear? In part, the idea is that we should carry solemn awareness of the great worth God has placed on our lives. We should appreciates the great expectation He has to make use of us, as His children, for His plans and for His glory (Philippians 2:12-13). That awareness should motivate us to be cautions about making worthless choices.
Peter demonstrates the value God has placed on us by showing the price He paid for us. He didn't pay mere cash: "silver or gold." He didn't pay temporary currency for an eternal transaction, verse 19 will reveal that He paid us with blood on His own Son, a currency of limitless value
 We cannot overestimate our worth in our Father's eyes.
And what did He redeem us from? Worthlessness. He didn't just save us from hell; he bought us out of the futility of human existence that we had inherited from our ancestors. He bought us out of an empty, meaningless waste of time all that the world can truly offer us. Peter's point in all of this may be that our choices now, after that transaction, truly matter. As people of great value to God holy people we should be terrified that we will squander our days continuing to invest ourselves in worthless things.