Wednesday, July 13, 2016


"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
ROMANS 8 :14

I'm TOTALLY CONFUSED . . . How in the world
do I find the will of God my life?" I cannot
number how many times through the years I have heard that question. It's dilema that has caused people to devise some very strange methods to reach some even stranger conclusions. A year ago, I read about a man who was driving through Washington D.C.when his car stalked in front of the Philippine Embassy. He took that to mean that he should be a missionary to the Philippines. Then there was the woman who wasn't sure she ought to go on a trip to china. One night she was reading through the travel brochures and tour information and noticed that the flight was to
be 747. She woke up the next morning, saw 7:47 on her digital clock, and took that as a sign she should go to china.
 This sore of nonsense is what I call "voodoo
theology." It is nothing more than superstition.
We must guard ourselves from being lured into this kind of thinking. God has spelled out many of His directives very clearly in Scripture, but many of the things we grapple with are not specifically dealt with in his word. I'll give you sole example. You've got a son who excels in a particular sport and several fine universities have offered him Scholarships. Which school do you choose? well, that can be a tough choice, but you'll never find the specific answer in verse of Scripture. if you do, you're reading
something into it. You're single and dating, praying for God to lead you to the right mate for life. But there's nothing in the Bible that states, "Marry John" or "Don't marry Shirley" or "You should date frank." God gives general principle in His Word for example, "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" but we have to apply them. We sincerely want these specific decision in our lives to be in accordance with God's will. Deep within, we wish His specific directives would be spelled out in the Scriptures. We'd love to have Him lead us by the hand.. how reassuring that
would be!? One of our great old hymns puts it this way: "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand and let Him lead you where He wants you to go? We don!'t want to miss God's best for our Lives we want to be held on steady course by His guiding presence. So where do we find that guidance, that leading? Let's start by looking at some of the essential prerequisites that help us determine God's will. Thankfully, these are neither ambiguous nor mysterious. say it loudly Romans 8:14.

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