Tuesday, December 14, 2021


SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 11:1-10
VERSE FOR TODAY: They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah11:9)
HYMN FOR TODAY: "Silent Night Holy Night"

Most of the time, France, my cat, maps peacefully on her rug in the carport. But let a dog, squirrel, or even a harmless little kitten invade her territory and Frances gets quite upset. The fur on her back stands straight up, making her a fierce-looking creature. She then arches her back, hisses, spits, yee-ow's at the top of her lungs and prepares to defend her space.
People and nations often act the same way. At the time of this writing, the Protestants and Catholics battle in Ireland. Likewise, the Tutsis and Hutus if Rwanda continually wage war. The Middle East remains a perpetual power keg. Lines between countries are carefully guarded, daring another to cross and risk being fired upon. The animal world and humankind are basically selfish. It's not our nature to share or give up anything. Even with a friend or neighbor, what's our first instinct--- to insist on our right or turn the other cheek?
God has promised there'll be a time when the wolf,lamb,calf, and lion play together with a little a little child guiding them.
One day Jesus will return and set up His peaceable Kingdom. Until then, He has p promised a reign of His peace in our hearts.

PRAYER THOUGHT: Our heavenly Father, forgive us when we act in ways that are unloving and selfish. Help us in living today to be more like Jesus example. Thank You for the peace He brings to our hearts and the promise that He'll return to establish His peaceable Kingdom. We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus, our Savior Amen.

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