Monday, December 27, 2021


SCRIPTURE: Luke 24: 13-15
VERSE FOR TODAY: As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked with them; but they were kept from recognizing him (Luke 24:15, New International Version).
HYMN FOR TODAY: "In the Garden"

Some of my best and clearest thinking often takes place while I walk. It doesn't matter whether I am on a beautiful country road or just trekking around the block in my neighborhood, there is something about walking that helps to clear my head and free my thoughts. Sometimes a walk with a close friend can be be all I need to help me sort out the answer to one of life's many dilemmas. However, often it is those solitary walks which renew me.change my attitude, and open my understanding.
Perhaps it is no coincidence that Jesus spent much of his time walking and talking. He walked with His disciple from town to town, discussing their concern and their questions. The two men headed toward Emmaus weren't looking for Jesus; in fact, in their minds He was dead, Jesus came to them, in their confusion and their hurt. He walked beside them, listened to their fears, and showed them how to face them. Isn't it wonderful to know that He still does that today? He is right here, waiting. Are you ready to go for a walk with Him?

PRAYER THOUGHT: Lord Jesus, it is easy to be caught up in the busyness of this world. Thank You for always being there, even in our doubt and confusion. Teach us what it means to truly walk with You. Amen.

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