Thursday, November 28, 2019

Abba Father

God says that the devil has the power to wound, and this is what he always tries to do. This passage reveal a basic spiritual truth. He is constantly working to inflict wounds to our souls, causing us untold pain and sorrow. He knows that when we are wounded, we are incapable of doing the work of the Lord. A wounded person is too emotionally crippled to see his future objectively. When a person has been wounded in his soul, two things happen: first he stay bound to the person who wounded him, and second, he stays bound to the painful situation or experience. God want to use us in His kingdom, but to do so, He first has to heal us. So many people strive to do things well for the Lord, but they can't because they are still wounded. These people may be in ministry position in the church, but they cannot live up to their potential because of the unresolved hurt they carry. "when the Lord restored his exile to Jerusalem, it was like a dream!"  Psalm126:1 God wants to deliver us from the world's system and from the slavery of stress, bondages and every demonic practice. He wants us free! Only then can He entrust us with multitudes. We are the sum total of all the experience of our lives Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted (children of divorce parent, children who were not wanted, children of alcholics, etc). There are many people who want to serve in the work of the Lord but can't because they are so hurt scarred they are so hurt. they live in bondage, and because of their bondage, they hurt others. The Law is a system of religious rules found in the old Testament. You don't live under a law system any more. Not only are you free from the Laws of the Old Testament, but you are even free from contemporary religious rules. You have no relationship to that lifestyle whatsoever. You were crucufied with Jesus and have died to any and every rules-keeping system. You don't need rules! You have been joined in union with Jesus Christ so that His life, and your are one. As you recognize Him to be your Life-Source and as you trust Him moment by moment, you will bear fruit in your life that glorifies God in a wonderful ways. It won't be something you have to make happen. It will be the normal result of Christ expressing Himself through you. Renew your mind to the fact that you don't need rules. You have Jesus. His life is what controls your behavior. Look to Him and never look back on religious rules again but relationship to Him matter and call Him your Abba Father. 

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