Sunday, August 9, 2015

"Depths and Richess of God Grace"

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
Roman 11:33(KJV) 

  Most of man's knowledge about the sea bottom has been gained over the years by the use of special instruments. For many years the depth of water was measured with a sounding lead. A  ball of lead was attached to wire rope. The lead was dropped into the ocean, and the rope was let out until the lead touched the bottom. The rope went over a wheel which measured the length of rope paid out. Sometimes it took several hours to make one sounding in deep water.
  In recent years a new method called sonic sounding has been developed. Some are reflected from the bottom, so that an accurate measurement of the depth becomes posible. In this way it has been learned, for example, that the pacific ocean off mindanao is over six and a half miles deep!
  How does one plumb the depths of God? Is there a wire long enough to measure the greatness of God? Can we somehow measure reflected sound wave to learn about God? How does one begin to fathom the knowledge of one who knows absolutely everything there is to know? How does one measure infinite wisdom? Can the creature plumb the depth of the creator? The fact is that if all the greatest minds in the history of the world were to use their combined intelligence and learning they still could not even begin to plumb the depths of God's wisdom.
  That does not mean that we are totally ignorant of God's wisdom and knowledge. The works of God all around us the universe, the earth, the creatures, our own bodies lead us to join the psalmist saying, "In wisdom you made them all" (psalm 104:24).
  Paul certainly was aware of the greatness of the wisdom revealed in the creation. But in our text Paul sings a song praising the greatness of God's wisdom re ealed to us in the gospel of Christ. From eternity God determined to send his Son into the world to die in the cross for the sins off of all mankind. No human being e er conceived such a wise plan. In fact, to the mind of sinful man it seems like nothing but foolishness. Only to the one in who the spirit has worked is it true wisdom. "Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!" Let us join Paul in falling on our knees in worshiping the God of our salvation,

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