Tuesday, June 19, 2018

A drink from me

The woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that you, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman!"

We can learn a lot about effective witnessing by examining our Lord's encounter with woman at the well (John4:5-26). He broke all social protocol by talking to this Samaritan woman. And asking her for a drink of water was a compliment of sorts. Later He had a perfect opportunity to condemn her sinful lifestyle but He didn't
Author Paul Little points out that unlike Jesus we are quick to condemn. He writes, "Often we have mistaken idea that if we don't condemn a certain attitude or deed, we will be condoning it." He adds, "Not only must we avoid condemning people, we need to learn the art of legitimate compliment."
HE then related an encounter that writer Charles Trumbull once had on a train. A profanity - spewing, drunken man boarded and lurched into the seat next to him. When the man offered him a drink from his flask. Trumbull didn't condemn his condition. Instead he replied, "No thank you, but I can see you are generous man." The man's eyes lit up. As they talked, he heard about the One who offers the satisfying water of life. Later he gave his life to Christ.
When you share your faith, remember the effectiveness of giving a compliment instead of condemning.

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