Monday, February 21, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Mark 1:12-20
VERSE FOR TODAY: "Come follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men"' (Mark 1:18, New International Version).
HYMN FOR TODAY: " Since Jesus came into My Heart"

"Follow me," said Jesus to a few Galilea fisherman ad they were busy with their net. Believing that the great teacher could unlock mysteries of the meaning of life, they readily compliedand became His disciples. He taught them, He led them. Into experiences they had never thought possible, and He opened their eyes to they realities of the presence of God. Their lives would never be rather same.
How interesting it is that they great invitation, "Follow me," Hass never lost it power to attract men and woman to follow. Jesus! Today on every continent on this earth, thousands have heard and responded to this great invitation. His followers number into millions
Even more remarkable: His power to change the way that. People lives has also gone unchanged, despite passing of centuries. God's kingdom may not yet be universal and God's will may not be done "on earth as it is in heaven,"' but multitudes of men and woman the world over acknowledge God's sovereignty and strive to do His will. Have you ever paused to tihink how how barren and empty life would be if we had not faith in God it sense of the divine presence? Our great teacher assuures us that all who are His disciples are part of a vast eternal kingdom.

PRAYER THOUGHTS: Heavenly, we thank You for coming into our lives through Jesus Christ,, whoo causes us to open ourp eye and realize that we can be part ,of Your kingdom, which in righteous and eternal. May this faith ever live in our hearts guide our footshep.

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