let me miss the road sign you've posted."
Psalm 119:10
I have posted obvious signs along your path that lead to Me. Keep your eyes open there is no way that you've going to miss Me. I want you to find Me even more than you do. I've made the way clear and straight for those who are really looking. There are clues all around you in the outrageously beautiful world i made in the diversity of people i created in their millions of different fingerprints and individual faces, voices, and personalities. Best of all, planted clues inside of your own heart a soft voice that tells you with every beat that I am real, and I love you. Follow the clues.
Tommy was like many Christians. He had been taught that if he truly wanted God to guide his steps each day, he should spend time. With God first thing every morning. He found a copy of a through the Bible in one Year plan and got down to business; three chapters each morning and two each at night.
Somehow though, the inspiration he expected to discover escaped him. He discussed the problem with his friend Carl Frank said, "I wasn't sure how I would find the time to read the Bible every morning, but I manage to squeeze it in. Sometimes I have to rush through the chapters a little, but I always remember what I've read You could quiz me on it and I'd get in 'A.' So why do I feel as if haven't really read it?"
Carl answered, "It sound to me as if you're reading the Bible the way you would a textbook. If you want to get into the meaning behind the words, pray before read and ask God to reveal things to you. Instead of looking at the Bible as a reading assignmemt, think of it as a special meeting time with God time you set aside to sit down and hear what He has to say to you."
"I get it," Frank said. "I was doing the old 'what's in it for me?' and expecting God to reward me for putting in the time."
"Give yourself time to read and study," Carl suggested. "Even a few extra minutes can makes a big difference. Just remember: the more time you give to God, the more time. He gives back to you. Your day will go much better if you let Him set the pace and listen for what He has to say."
While it is important to read the Scriptures daily, it is far more important to read until you sense in your spirit that God has said something to You. Don't be concerned about a specific number of verse or chapters. The key is to read with a listening ear.
"Joshua1:8 for then thou shall make thy way prosperours, and then thou shall have good success.