Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"Running with the Wolves"

"Demolish arguments and every pretensions that
sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and
take captive every thought to make it obedient to
                                                     2 Cor.10:5 NIV

A few years ago, professor Martin Marty, always
a shrewd observer of the Anerican church, said in
a magazine interview that, in his judgment,
evangelicals eould be "the most worldly people
in America" by the of the century. Marty's
observation are not always right, in my opinion,
but in this case he is on target. Evangelicals have
embraced worldliness in same ways that it was
embrace by the liberal churches. Like those
liberals of past years
Evangelical today:
 Embrace the world's theology. Like the liberals
before us, evangelical use the Bible's words but
give them new meanings, Sin become
"dysfunctional behavior. "Salvation becomes
"Self-esteem" or "wholeness." Faith becomes
"Possibility thinking" Jesus becomes more of
an Example for right living than our Savior from
sin. People are told how to succeed in business, 
have happy marriages, and raise nice children,? 
but not how to get right with offended God. How?
Brave, new audience- driven preaching" of our
day. "The preacher, instead of looking out upon
the world, looks out upon public opinion, trying
to find out what the public would like to hear.
Then he tries his best to duplicate that and brings
his finish product into a marketplace in which
others are trying to do the same. The public
turning from our culture to find out about the
world, discovers nothing but its own reflection.
Then I examined World, meanwhile, drifts blindly
into the future,"
If the Bible is neglected, liberalism will come 
In, because liberalism is merely men and 
women thinking as men and women always 
think apart revelation.
Error will never be defeated by mere rhetoric or
even by burning heretics at the stakes. It is only
by the sword of the spirit that we are able to
"demolish argument and every pretension that
 sets itself up against the knowledge of God,
and. . .take captive every thought to make it
obedient to Christ.'
How is liberalism In the church to be defeated?
only by the true Christian Gospel. And that can
be recovered only through the sword of the spirit
Which is the Word of God. Apart from receiving
the voice of God in Scripture, we always minimize
Our sin, exalt our natural abilities, and invent
endless plans for our own moral and political
salvation. The Bible expose our sin for what it is,
 reveals our utter incapacity for self-help, and
Throws us on the mercy of God who has revealed
the sole way of salvation through faith in Jesus


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