Sunday, June 12, 2016

"where Does The Time Go?"

"While it is daytime, I must continue doing the
work of the One  who sent me. Night is coming,
when no one can work.
                                                  JOHN 9:4 NCV

Most of us can look around and find reminders of
good intentions. We readily see areas where we
never followed through to reach a goal. The
seldom used exercise equipment  needs dusting.
A piano, intended to fulfill our dreams of happy
family sing-a-longs, sits silent.
The books piled on the nightstand remain to be
read. And the laptop computer we intended to take
 on vacation to write a novel is still in its original
More importantly, there are the children in our
family who wait for our attention.  Every child has
gifts and abilities  waiting to be developed but that
takes times
To tap into potential takes intentional, concerted
effort. It doesn't just happen. Time for meaningful
Interaction and activity doesn't always "appear"
to us as we juggle a full day of appointments and
other commitments.
The time God gives to us is ours to spend--- we
determine how to use it. We can fill it with life-
building activities, or we can let it sift through our
fingers hour by hour, dat by day, week by week,
until before we know it, an entire year is gone and
very little accomplished.
 As long as you are alive, your time----24 hours,
1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds a day will be
spend. It is up to you to decide how you are going
to spend it. Accept the challenge to make every
moment count!
When you take your child to the dentist, make
it an Adventure, a time to listen, learn, and share
 God's wisdom. Is there a free hour when you can
sit Quietly and read a chapter or two in one of
those books?
Look at what you have planned for today and
set your priorities according to the goals you
have set for your life. Do the same thing
tomorrow and the next day. It won't be long
before your life will begin to be more productive
and more fulfilling.

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