Wednesday, March 2, 2022


SCRIPTURE: Mark 16:14-20
VERSE FOR TODAY: He said to them, "Go into the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15, New International Version).
HYMN FOR TODAY: " We've a Story to Tell to the Nation"

The leader laid out the task at hand, it was the most serious responsibility these men had undertaken in their lives, and the world depended on them. To make matters worse, their leader was going away, and they had no date as to when he would return. Were they up to it?
The optimist possibly nodded their heads having no real concept of the difficulties. The pessimists probably thought, "There's no way! Who's going to believe us? The alarmists may have cried out, "Wait, You can't leave us like this!"
The leader, however, was fully aware of the nature of the mission as well as the abilities of his men. Could they do it by themselves? Absolutely not. But He was not leaving them alone not really. And His confidence was sure.
So He blessed them and gave them special sign to accompany their message and confirm it truth. And. . .they did it!
They went out boldly and introduced the world to Jesus.
Because of them, we too can know this same Jesus who loves, heals, forgives, cleanses, and empowers. The message the disciples heard reaches across to me to. Christian's in 1998 and compels us. We have a job to do. Are we up to the task? We are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with us.

PRAYER THOUGHTS: Our Father are honored and at times overwhelmed that You would trust us with the mission of Your gospel. Please forgive us, for we have not always been faithful. We ask for Your divine help to reach a world that is dying to know You. On Jesus' name, Amen.

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