Sunday, May 1, 2016


"Go therefore and make disciple of all
 the nation Baptising them in the of
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit"
                                   Matthew 28:18

Jesus instructed those who wanted to be His Disciple to leave their homes and their comfort and follow Him. He made clear that to follow Him  mean He set the direction and they were to follow. And when Jesus called the Apostles, He walked by them and simply said, "Follow Me." Inspite  of success they are Peter  just pulled in his greatest catch of fish of his entire  career, when Jesus invited him to leave everything (Luke 5:1-11). In verse 5 say, and Simon answer said unto Him, master we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing; nevertheless. At thy word I will let down the net. Means there is always  an invitation for us to do His work in the Ministry; even Philip was enjoying astounding success  as an evangelist when the Holy Spirit  instructed Him to go to the desert (Act8:25-40). Success where we are can be our greatest hindrance to going where Jesus want us to be. He may lead you across the street to share the Gospel with your neighbor or to the other side of the world. Whenever He leads be prepare to go. As the Holy Spirit for instruction.
1. Following Him is day-by-day, one-step-at-a-time experience. When you stay close to Him, He will give you just enough light to see where  you must place your next step.
2. Following Him is rather scary until you understand He is more powerful than anything that will ever confront you. You are going to face the storm in life whether or not you follow Christ. The only thing that will make a difference is whether or not He is in the boat with you. Matthew 8 tells us that Jesus rebuked the storm and peace came to the troubled waters-and troubled apostles.
3. Following Him  is challenging. He told the apostle that they must deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). Anyone who carries his cross has no agenda apart from that of the One he follows. If that isn't challenging, nothing is.
4. Following Him is rewarding. "I will make you fishers of men," He promised to those who had walked away from their nets. When you fish for men, you receive a trophy of grace, a testimony to the fact that Jesus Christ still changes the lives if those who will follow Him.

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